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POV CORDELIA      I woke up in the morning after crying myself to sleep. I have come to a decision. I want to see my father , face to face. I'll ask Nico to drive me since he said he works for him, if he refuses I'll call Conner. I'll hitch hike if I have to. I need answers. I get out of bed getting dressed and make my way downstairs. I see Nico in the kitchen, making breakfast. "I thought you'd be hungry..." He slides a plate across the counter towards me. "Thanks" I mumbled and started to eat. A few minutes of silence went by,  "Nico?"  "Yes?" He looked so worried "I want to see my Father." I said plainly. He nodded, we finished eating and he grabbed his keys, holding out his hand I hesitantly took it "Let's go" He said.     The drive was kind of awkward, I wanted to talk to him, I just didn't know what to say. I have great feelings for him, but I'm not sure if he actually feels the same or if it's all just an act.  Finally we reach the gates,  "We were not aware you were coming today Nico" The gatekeeper says before leaning in to see me "Oh! Miss Cordelia, forgive me. Please go ahead" He opens the gate and we drive in.      I go inside with Nico trailing slowly behind me. I cannot find my Father in any of the usual places, so I go towards his office, Jake is standing outside, "I'm sorry Miss Cordelia, but I cannot let you in" He says stepping in front of me. I go to move past him to go inside anyways and he puts his hand on my arm to stop me. Within seconds Nico has him in a choke hold. I push my way inside, see my father sitting at his desk with a woman sitting on it in front of him. They are doing something I don't want to know so I quickly cover my eyes. "Father, we need to talk!" I say "P-Princess? What are you doing here??" He stutters.      The lady rushes out of the room. Muttering an apology as she scurries away. She looked familiar but I don't have time to focus on that now.  "Care to explain why Nico here has been sent undercover to be my personal security?" I get straight to the point.  "Princess, I can explain"  "Father, I'm not eight years old anymore. Please enough with the Princess" I sigh "P-ri-- Cordelia, my dear. Please have a seat I will explain" He gestures to a chair in front of his desk. I sit down, Nico hovers behind me. "You are excused Nico" My father says "No, Nico, Stay" I glared towards my father. He was not in charge today. Nico doesn't move an inch. I smile smugly. "Explain Father"  "Oh where do I start..." He sighs in defeat as he sits down. "The beginning Marco. Tell her everything" Nico gently pushes from behind me. I feel comforted knowing he is here with me. "Yes well I suppose.. Cordelia you must understand, I did this for your own good. All of it. I never meant to hurt you. I am not a business owner. I am a Crime lord. Mafia Boss.. I do own quite a few large companies, but it is a side hobby of mine."  I felt myself gasp at his confession. Nico put his hand on my shoulder, to comfort me.  "I am the leader of the Dragon Gang. One of the most powerful gangs here. Anyways, with great power comes great enemies.. They have been trying to get to me for years now. Using anything they can against me. My only real weakness is you Cordelia. Long ago it was your mother. She sacrificed her life to save yours. I told you she died during childbirth... but that is not true. She took you to the park one day when you were three, you guys were attacked"  I felt myself starting to cry, my body trembling, Nico squeezed my shoulder.  " She died protecting you. I will spare you the details of her death. Then it was just you and I. I tried to protect you the best I knew how. You always ran away from any security I assigned to you. you were a stubborn child... The threats started a few months back, maybe six months. I didn't know what to do so I asked Nico for his help. I thought that the Vicious Dragon could protect you... I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused you my dear" My father finished his story and I couldn't control my sobs. She died to protect me. "There's something I want you to have, I saved this one thing. I couldn't bare to get rid of it" He hands me a large book, a photo album. I open it up and it is filled with photos of my mother and I. 
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