1348 Words
    We spent the day lounging around Nico's house. I wore one of his shirts and a pair of my panties, it was just so damn comfortable, watching movies curled up on the couch, I fell asleep at one point, I woke up to Nico doing paperwork at the coffee table, as I had taken over the couch.  "Sorry for dozing off" I said as I wiped my eyes, ridding myself of the sleep in them. My stomach growled loudly,  "Don't worry about it, I ordered food and it should be here soon. Hope you like Chinese" He looked so deep in thought at his papers I didn't want to interrupt him. I went to the kitchen and got two glasses of water, bringing them back to the living room. I placed one in front of him.  "Drink" I ordered, not knowing when the last time he hydrated was, if it was like me then he hasn't drank anything all day. He silently took the glass and chugged it in one go, placing the empty glass back on the table. I picked it up and went to refill it. The doorbell rang,  went to answer it, then realized what I was wearing, I ran back to the kitchen,  "Nico, I can't answer the door wearing this" I pointed to my attire, my n*****s were hard, making them stick out against the t-shirt,  "No, no you cannot. That is for me to see only" He walked past me smacking my ass making me giggle, as the doorbell rang again.      I heard him talking and then the door shut again, he came into the kitchen with a few bags.  "I'll dish it out and bring it into the living room, if you want to go back to your work" I offered, he smiled and gave me a quick peck before going back to the coffee table.     After dinner I was washing dishes, I was spacing out and all of a sudden the window in front of me shattered. I screamed as glass flew into my face. I took a few steps, stepping on the freshly broken glass. I looked down and there was a brick on the floor. I look back up and see a shadow standing there. I scream again, stumbling backwards more, as more glass embedded itself into my feet. I fall back, right into Nico's arms. He lifts me up off the glass and sets me onto the counter, before running outside to try and catch whoever threw the brick. He is gone for a few minutes before he comes back in from the back door. At least I thought it was him. I had blood in my eyes so I couldn't see properly. I had no reason to believe it wasn't Nico. "Nico, I think there's glass in my eyes, I can't see" I hear footsteps coming closer to me, it doesn't sound like Nico's step. I feel myself being grabbed, and thrown over a shoulder, I scream "Let me go!" I try to struggle against my kidnapper but they are too strong, they simply hold my arms down, but I still kick like my life depends on it, which right now I fear it does. "Ow, s**t woman. Stop f*****g kicking me!" He yells at me.  I feel the wind hit me and I know we are outside now, in the backyard.  I keep kicking, thrashing my body around, trying to make them let me go. "I will beat the living s**t out of you if you don't stop kicking me b:tch!" He snarls at me "We need her alive and unharmed. We only harm her if our demands aren't met!" A second voice warns.  "Well then you carry her! She's fighting too much, can't we just knock her out?" The first guy speaks again.     Suddenly the man carrying me buckles, his legs give out from under him, he drops me onto the ground, I land on my side. I try to crawl away when another pair of hands grab me, hosting me up onto my knees. Their arm is around my throat, holding me in place. I hear fighting, I try to look and see what's going on but all I can see is red and shadows. I hear grunting.  "Don't come any closer or she will pay" The new person holding me warns. There is silence for a few minutes and then I feel the person loosen their grip and then fall to the ground. I fall forward only to land into someone else's arms. I try to pull away not knowing who they are. "Let me go!" I cry out and start to punch at them. they grab my wrists gently,  "Shh, It's me. It's Nico. It's alright you're safe now. I got you. Come on" He tries to help me stand but I scream out in pain from the glass being pushed further into my feet. He scoops me up into his arms and walks us into the house. He places me on the bathroom counter and gets a rinse and starts to rinse my eyes out. After a few minutes I can see again and it doesn't feel like I have glass shards embedded into my eyes anymore. I am thankful to be able to see again, my eyes fall on Nico. He is covered in blood, some of it looks like his own.  "Stay here okay?" He orders "Don't leave me alone" I beg as I grip his shirt.  "I just have to make a phone call,  I'll be right in the other room" I nod and he walks out. I can hear the anger growing in his voice as he talks to someone on the phone.  "Get someone over here to clean it up now!" I hear a bang and a minute later he comes back in. His brow furrowed. He checks my eyes once more before moving onto my feet. He leans against the counter and lifts up one leg at a time, slowly picking out glass with a pair of tweezers.  "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I ask my voice barely a whisper. "Do you want the truth?" He turns to me with a serious look on his face. I think for a moment before nodding. "I work for your father, When I told you I was a personal trainer that trains security I wasn't lying, I just mainly work for your father. He asked me to keep an eye on you almost three months ago. As your old security was doing a terrible job, so I stepped in. I don't usually do the actual security, mostly just training. But your father knows I'm the best in the business so he asked me as a personal favor. I assume you're wondering why. Your father has been receiving death threats concerning you for months." He finishes and looks at me.      I pulled away from him " So all of this, was it just a big lie? I thought you liked me. I thought I was falling.... how could you do this to me?" I'm angry, angry with my father and angry with myself for letting myself get attached to Nico.  "No. It's not like that. From the moment I saw you, I think I fell in love with you. All I wanted to do was protect you. I know you probably don't believe me now but it's true. I love you Cordelia" He came closer to me. I put my hands up to stop him. "I need some time to think and process all of this, '' I told him. He nodded, his eyes looked so sad. He exited the bathroom. I sat there for a few minutes before I hopped over to the shower, I turned it on and stepped inside. I sat down on the floor and cried. I cried until I had no energy left in my body, until I thought I'd pass out from exhaustion. I got out and pulled a pair of pj's on and crawled into Nico's bed. 
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