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Joe After Ana took off with Eva I began contemplating my actions. Where did she go? It had been a day with no sign. I knew she was not welcome home as no fallen angel was but what if? The consequences could be dire although that was not necessarily a bad thing. Despite the worry, I had not come this far to give up, ever. While I paced back and forth across the living room a new layer to my plan was forming within the confines of my purely dark mind. I would conquer the light and bring down those who stood in my way. I refused to fail. I knew more about David than Ana did. He was not her fated love. He was close, meant for an angel but the angel was not her. His true love was Ana's older sister, Savanah, who her father mistakenly sent to Earth believing she was the light angel of the prophecy. David was unaware his childhood best friend, the dear angel Savanah, was his future as the full power of fated love does not take effect until the pair is 18. On her 16th birthday I removed her life force by stripping the angel of her bicolored feathers, gaining power from her death. I needed the future to play out in a certain way. The loss of his best friend sent David down my guided path ultimately leading to his demise. I knew the powerful angel of the prophecy would be joining me on Earth. At the time, unaware of her identity, it was frivolous to attempt to locate her true partner so I needed David. With her naivety of a fallen angel’s fate she would believe David was hers just as David would feel the heavenly pull. I needed her to be comfortable, trusting and in love so I could break the beautiful angel when the time was right. I did just that. Now I had to bring Ana fully into the darkness. Witnessing the black feathers forming at the edges of her once pure wings I knew I was succeeding. I just was not expecting her to disappear. Woosh! I was startled by the noise of not one pair of wings but two. As I looked nervously to the balcony my fears came to fruition. There stood Ana's father, one of the most powerful Angels to exist. Next to him was Ana, tucking away her two-toned wings with Eva in her arms. Her father came crashing through the door. This was it. Ana's father Unknown to my daughter I was filled with guilt for casting her out of our home. I knew the prophecy and what role she would hopefully play. There were two outcomes and after she made her appearance with darkened feathers I feared the worst. As we landed on the balcony of her quaint home my fear became a reality. I felt the dark energy immediately. Ana, seemingly oblivious opened the doors inviting me in. There I saw him. The same man who stripped my first daughter of her wings ultimately killing her after she was sent down in hopes of conquering the darkness. Now was my chance. Wings still out I launched forward tackling the power-hungry dark warlock, slamming him down onto the wooden living room floor. I heard Ana and Eva's screams from behind me but there was no time to explain. Quickly I subdued the monster, wrapping his wrists and ankles in a rope made to neutralize black magic. After seeing Ana's wings and knowing the details of my dear Savanah's death, I thought to bring the rope as a safety precaution. Ana was now beside me demanding to know the meaning of my actions. After using my powers of protection and the remaining rope to form a cage around the warlock I finally turned to Ana. It was time she knew the truth. Before I began, I asked where Eva was. Ana angrily told me she sent her upstairs in order to get some distance between the two warring men in her living room. Choosing this moment I told her of the prophecy. We come from a line of very powerful light Angels. I am the son of Archangel Michael, the angel of protection, and my late wife is the daughter of Archangel Chamuel, the angel of love. The prophecy states an angel will be born with the potential of great power used to defend love and compassion. Despite suffering extreme loss and heartbreak they are able to conquer the darkness and shield the world from utter despair. While doing so the angel will face many battles but also be united with their true fated love. Together their love will ignite the light for all eternity. If they fail evil threatens to smother every glimmer, leaving Earth a land of hatred and destruction easily susceptible to manipulation. Ana I stood in the living room facing my father as he told me of the prophecy and the fate of my older sister. By the time he was finished there was only one thing I could conclude. He was insane. There was no way I was this angel he referred to. I refused to be. I was unable to save my husband yet the Heavens expected me to protect the world?! Choosing to place the prophecy at the back of my mind I focused on the man in the shimmering cage, the man I just learned took my sister's life here on Earth and likely my husband's. Joe's normal hazel eyes were pitch black which lead me to believe what my father said was true but I had to hear it. I turned away from my father to face Joe, slowly approaching his enclosure. As he saw my bewildered expression his face softened hoping to make me forget all I just witnessed. As I neared the golden bars which held Joe captive I began to feel a terrifying energy. It was incredibly strong yet deceitful. How could I not have noticed before? At this point I was a mere 5 feet away with nothing between the man and I but the cage. My anger and frustration exploded. I flew forward putting my hands between the bars and around his neck. “What did you do? How could you?!” I screamed, not letting up on my grip. Father rushed to my side forcing me to release the atrocity. "What the Hell dad?" I screamed as I collapsed but never broke eye contact with Joe. "Ana, I promise you that you do not want to finish that action for multiple reasons. The most important of those being your light. If you take his life you will only darken your own," he replied. Unable to argue I turned my attention back towards Joe. His power over me was gone and as he realized a frightening smirk appeared on his face. "I will ask you again, why did you do this you morbid creature?" I questioned in a venomous tone. “You know why I did. I need to destroy your beliefs, your strength. You think you have stopped me but this has only just begun.” Joe spoke calmly yet the rage was still evident. Before I could question him further he suddenly gripped the bars. A dark smoke began to seep from his form. The warlock let out a screech so loud the windows surrounding us cracked before he disappeared leaving nothing but a pile of ash.
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