New Beginnings

2243 Words
Present Day Third Person POV After Joe eliminated himself Ana hoped she would be able to find the peace her father mentioned but instead found herself battling a crippling depression and darkness growing within her heart. Joe's last words still haunted her. If it was not for her daughter who had become the epitome of courage, love and support Ana felt as if her darkness would overpower her light. “Eva, you look gorgeous.” Ana made her way from the bedroom to find Eva all ready in a beautiful pastel pink dress. Her blonde ringlets, like her mother's, shaped her adorable round face. It was picture day at Eva's elementary school so Ana had volunteered to help. Forcing herself to break through the chains of depression to be with her daughter was the only way she felt the spark of light still residing within her. Ana decided to dress nicely for the day to not embarrass her daughter with her typical unkempt appearance. She took a quick shower, dried then straightened her long golden blonde hair and applied natural makeup, just enough to emphasize her already stunning features. Lastly Ana went to her closet, choosing a simple white scoop neck shirt, comfortable light wash jeans and finished the look with her favorite white Nike sneakers. Ana joined her daughter in the kitchen and poured them each a bowl of cereal. After tucking a paper towel into the neckline of Eva's dress to ensure she did not soil her picture day outfit, Ana sat down across the table from her daughter. The energy surrounding them gave off a different aura than what the pair had become accustomed to over the past two years. The usual downcast atmosphere instead was uplifting and light. Embracing the change, the duo smiled and laughed until it was time to head to school. As they walked into the cafeteria where the photos were being taken Ana heard her name called from across the room. She made it a point not to associate with any humans since David's passing so hearing this immediately made her nervous. She quickly spun around to find the source. There, standing next to a cafeteria table was a very familiar face. While living in Heaven she had a best friend named Jessica. This was the same angel Ana's father insisted she end the friendship with but Ana refused leading to her life on Earth. After being introduced at daycare when they were a few months old the friends were inseparable. Ana and Jessica did everything together from learning to walk, talk and even fly. The last time Ana saw her companion was the day she had been ordered to leave Heaven and cast down to Earth. Jessica, with tears in her green eyes, held her best friend until it came time for Ana to descend. They had not seen eachother in over six years; that fateful day carved into both their memories. “Jessica!” Ana yelled both confused and excited. She never thought she would see her again. Intertwining her fingers with Eva's they rushed across the cafeteria to greet Ana's closest companion. “What happened? Why are you here?” Ana bombarded Jessica with questions ending with “...and who is this?” as she noticed a girl not much younger than Eva hugging her friend’s leg nervously. “It is good to see you too,” Jessica laughed while pulling her long natural red hair over her shoulder. “This is Gabby, my daughter and over here we have Landon, my fiance.” Being so caught up in the moment Ana had not noticed the man standing next to Jessica. He was handsome with dark hair and eyes. Ana embraced her friend. “I have so much to tell you. I am broken. I am not the same angel you knew before.” “Well, we just moved to the area so you can tell me all about it. As you can see I have some things to fill you in on as well, “ Jessica replied. “But right now we need to get to our stations and make sure these kids do not lose their smiles.” It turned out Eva and Gabby were in the same first grade class so the old friends were able to spend the entire day together, making faces and being silly like they used to, trying to get the biggest smile out of every child in front of the camera. As the school day wrapped up Jessica invited Ana to come over for dinner and drinks so their girls could play while they caught up. Ana immediately agreed and was ecstatic when she learned Jessica was living on the street adjacent to theirs. Once home, Ana changed into a grey knee length body hugging dress which showed off her hips and slim waist. She left her makeup natural, just adding mascara and applying lip gloss to her naturally full lips. Jess had seen her at her worst but it felt nice to put herself together for a change. Since her husband was killed she had no desire. At 6pm Eva and Ana arrived at her fellow fallen's home. Ana knocked on the door and was greeted by a man she could not describe with words. Her heart fluttered as if a new spark lit within her chest. Ana felt her cheeks heat up and knew with her porcelain skin she was likely red as a tomato. The man grinned down at her. He was over 6ft tall, dark hair and green eyes. “Hi, I'm Derek,” he said while looking her up and down. Usually this kind of behavior would make Ana uncomfortable but for some reason she was enjoying the flattery. “You must be Ana. I am Landon's cousin. Come on in.” “Derek! What are you doing?” yelled Jess as she witnessed the interaction between her future cousin in law and best friend. Watching the two, she had an inkling of what was occurring. She experienced that first meeting with her own fated love 6 years prior but from the little Ana told her about her late husband she could not be sure. The last thing she wanted was for Ana to be uncomfortable. Making her way to the door she grabbed her friend's hand. Pushing Derek out of the way, Jess pulled both Ana and Eva inside. “Hey Eva, why don't you go say hi to Gabby. She's in the living room and has been talking about you non stop since we left this afternoon,” Jess told Ana's daughter who ran off towards the living space to find her new friend. Jessica then became serious. “It seems like we need to talk. I have missed you so much! Let us go out back, have a drink and catch up. Whatever it is we will make it right. The guys can feed the kids.” After Ana filled Jessica in on the loss of her husband, her run in with darkness and the years of torment she suffered since, it was Jessica’s turn to share how she ended up on Earth as a fallen angel. “After you were outcast I acted out. Honestly, it was awful without you! You are my best friend soul mate! It was not intentional but they finally got sick of my behavior and sent me down to Earth. After falling I made some bad choices but if I had not been cast down I would never have met Landon.” Jess stopped suddenly realizing what she said may have hurt her friend. To her surprise Ana was smiling but not at her. She was looking over her shoulder. Jessica turned around to see Derek playing with their girls, dancing around the living room. “Girl, he is a great guy. I know you are far from healed but maybe give him a shot. I have noticed him staring at you from every angle all night long,” Jess said, giggling the last part. Three hours later the young girls were asleep in Gabby's room while Ana, Derek, Jessica and Landon were enjoying drinks out back around their fire pit. Ana and Derek spent a good part of the night talking with a comfort that felt as if they had known eachother for years. A favorite song of Jessica's came on the radio so she pulled Landon up to dance providing Ana and Derek with some privacy. Between the drinks and the natural bond they were already getting pretty close. He slowly wrapped his arm around her. Ana instinctively flinched as she felt unfamiliar tingles. He pulled back. “I am sorry. I was worried you were cold.” “No, do not apologize. I just never felt that before. Did you feel it?” “What, this?” Derek replied as he put his arm back around her with a grin on his face. Instead of being startled Ana snuggled into his embrace, enjoying the sparks she felt where his skin met hers. The alcohol soon took it's full effect and Eva fell asleep on his shoulder. Jessica saw this and smiled. She sauntered over to the snuggled pair noticing Derek's grin. “Hey Derek, Eva can stay here. Why don't you bring Ana back to her house. I don't want her driving and she lives right down the street.” Derek happily agreed, picking Ana up bridal style. Ana awoke as she was being lifted but felt so comfortable she did not debate what was happening. “He is just bringing you home sweetie. What you do from there is completely up to you,” Jessica shared with a wink. “Eva and Gabby fell asleep hours ago. Come by when you wake up and we can spend the day together. No more hiding at home. I am here now.” She proudly continued. Ana could not help but let out a giggle. “I love you Jess. Thank you! See you in the morning!” By this point Derek was already to the gate. Ana gazed up at him with blurry eyes. “What is the rush for handsome?” Derek laughed before he replied, “Remember, I do not want you to get cold and I have a feeling you would be allot warmer under your covers. Just point the way to your house. “ It was not the answer intoxicated Ana was looking for but she could pick up the hint. Drunkenly she waved her free arm in the direction of her home which thankfully was not difficult to find. She told Derek where her spare key was hidden since she left her bag at Jessica’s so he put her down to find it. After the door was opened Ana nearly toppled over trying to make her way through but Derek caught her without hesitation. He picked her back up and carried Ana to her bedroom. “Please stay?” Ana quietly asked before slipping out of her dress and throwing on an oversized t-shirt. “I have never slept here alone before, without Eva,” she added before getting under the covers on her bed. He did not even need the show. Derek was already smitten. “Are you sure?” he asked, praying her answer would be yes. “Please,” she softly replied then added “I am a little cold,” followed with a faint giggle. He pulled off his shirt and pants leaving him in only his boxer briefs. Derek softly joined the beautiful woman he just met in bed. Something inside him was stirring and not just his hormones. When he held her he felt a light tremor going over his skin. It seemed as if he had known Ana for years as the feelings occurring in his heart were far too strong for someone he met only 6 hours prior. Derek wrapped his arm around Ana's small waist. He could feel her round ass pressing against his manhood. Ana rolled over. Now sobering up, she looked up into his gorgeous green eyes, her body pressed against his toned core. Wrapping her arm around his neck she pulled herself closer and kissed him. They both felt it immediately. A bond formed by a simple kiss, a gentle touch. Ana was confused as she thought David was her one fated love but the way she felt with Derek was nothing she experienced before. The kiss became more passionate by the second. First Ana felt Derek’s soft tongue swipe gently across her lower lip looking for entrance which she immediately provided. Pushing her body flat on the bed he climbed on top of her, holding her hands above her head as their kiss became more intense. He was dominant and she loved it. Releasing Ana's hands, Derek began tracing his fingers up under her shirt till he reached her panty line. Brushing gently beneath the stretchy band he heard Ana moan beneath him. Ana was so caught up in the incredible feeling of Derek's touch, it hit her painfully when guilt crept through the passion. She pulled back, scooting herself out from under his large frame. “I need to rest but please stay,” she spoke shakily while rolling over. Derek understood. When Jessica noticed the instant connection her best friend and he shared she pulled him aside to let him know to be gentle without going into too much detail. Derek just kissed her cheek and once again held around her waist giving her room to move away if she needed but she did not. Instead Ana pushed closer against him as he rested his head atop of hers and fell asleep to the sounds of her soft snores.
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