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Third Person POV Ana flew for hours through the cold night sky. Eva awoke peacefully staring up at her mother. Her beautiful blue eyes, replicas of Ana's, were not filled with fear as you would expect but instead held comfort as if she had done this many times before. Eva's tiny hand reached for her mother's face alerting her she was awake. With that soft touch Ana decided on their destination. It was a place she was no longer welcome but it was home. The mother daughter duo continued their flight until they reached a parting in the sky hidden between clouds. The sun was rising creating a beautiful scene as the light bounced off the tiny water droplets in the voluminous white entrance way. She needed answers and this was the only place she would find them. Holding Eva, Ana gently landed on the glistening pathway. They passed through an invisible opening revealing the beautiful home where the broken angel held so many fond memories. Without knocking Ana pushed open the large crystal door. Black and white photos lined the foyer, the marble floor shone while a golden chandelier hung above. Ana's frozen tears thawed revealing red rimmed eyes as she reminisced. A familiar boom alerted her to the presence of whom she came to see. The large winged body of her father appeared in the open entrance. His face filled with anger as Ana's discolored wings came into view. Witnessing her father's reaction Ana backed into the living room. Her father held an intimidating presence that not even his own daughter could ignore. Focused solely on his daughter's wings her father did not notice the small presence held in Ana's arms. "What are you doing here?" he bellowed. Ana immediately cried out, “Daddy! He is dead! He would never! I need help!” Her father's face grew from furious to confused then finally noticing the scared child in her arms he stepped towards his outcast daughter. “Who?” he asked, speaking only that single word. After she was cast down from Heaven Ana assumed her father had been watching over her but from his short emotionless response it was obvious he had not. Her anger boiled up as she came to this realization. Gently, Ana placed her nervous daughter down on a large velvet lounge. It was the same one she relaxed on as a young angel. Ana hoped it would provide Eva the same comfort as she prepared to release the years of pent up emotion. Using her heavenly powers she created a barrier between her daughter and the words which proceeded to explode from her mouth. “Who?!" she replied incredulously. "My husband, the father to your granddaughter whom you have never met. No, you did not even know of her existence it seems." Ana continued, "The man who saved me after you cast me down to a land where I had no connections or knowledge, no way to survive. I failed him!” The more fervor she released, the more upset she became. The day she arrived on Earth rushed to the forefront of her mind. Flashback It was a sparkling night when Ana crashed down from the Heavens, her face flushed after hours of agonizing emotion mauled her heart. Landing by a lake she noticed how the stars reflected off the calm waters providing her with a form of peace she desperately needed. Ana gently tucked her wings away before settling down on a bench near the shore. She was lost in every sense of the word. What she knew to be Earth was so different than where she originated. According to the teachings Heaven provided, the men and women who resided here held both dark and light in their hearts but which route was followed could vary drastically. “Hello Miss, are you alright?” a deep voice called out from the path behind her. Immediately on guard she jumped up from the bench ready to protect herself but instead was met with the most personable face she ever encountered. The unfamiliar man was over six feet tall complementing his toned body, olive skin, dark hair and kind gorgeous brown eyes. “Yes, I think I am.” Ana shyly replied. “I just have no idea where I am.” “I saw your grand entrance so you do not need to hide from me. You are real. I thought I was seeing things,” the stranger laughed while running his hands through his tousled hair. The fact the he had seen her true form terrified Ana. It was forbidden to show a human that she was anything but one of them unless they were fated, their one true love. “I am not sure what you are talking about.” Ana replied nervously. “Really? You are going to play that card. Okay, okay. I will leave it be for now." Noticing the Angel's fear he continued, "I have known your kind exist since I was a child if that provides any comfort. You remind me of an angel I once knew." Ana noticed the kind man spoke with a crestfallen tone. She slightly relaxed as she looked up into his honest deep brown eyes but refused to reply. Seeing she was still apprehensive he chose to change the subject. “Do you have a place to stay? Family? Anyone?” “I can figure out something,” Ana replied softly. “No, I am not letting someone as beautiful and unfamiliar to our world as you wander alone at night. I will tell you what, there are no hotels nearby but I have a couch you are welcome to. My place is a disaster but I promise you will be safe. I am David. It is nice to meet you, ehhh… What is your name?” For whatever reason this unfamiliar human brought a sense of peace to her warring heart. Seeing no other option, she hesitantly replied, “My name is Ana and thank you. I will repay your kindness.” From that night things moved forward quickly between Ana and David. He was everything she could ever hope for in a man, human or otherwise. She trusted him, revealing who and what she was. Learning her truth, David only fell more in love. Within 6 months he proposed. Soon after Ana learned she was pregnant. They married with a quiet ceremony, just the pair and the priest. His troubles arose after their daughter was born. End of flashback Ana stood in front of her father shaking with torment. Her father was not going to give her a break easily. “What do you want me to do?” he barked at the broken Ana. “I need to find who did this! Despite what he said he would never leave his daughter and I behind purposefully. He had his problems but he never would drive if he was not capable let alone use while driving.” Ana was speaking to herself more than her father as she attempted to put together the misconstrued information that was relayed by her mother in law. Finally, her father’s features became somber as he heeded his daughter's words. Eva had fallen asleep on the lounge. His steel blue eyes scanned over to her then back to his broken daughter. “I will come with you and find out what I can but I need you to tell me everything. You know you are not welcome here and despite the circumstances that has not changed. Your life is now on Earth but I will help you find the peace you need so you can make your way back to us when the time comes.” At that point Ana’s indignation towards her father slowly began to diminish. They had a long road but if he was willing to help her and Eva she had no choice but to put her resentment aside. Her father was there and wanted to support her small family.
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