Chapter 16

1133 Words
Amelia I feel the creeps behind me, smell their foul unwashed scent violate my nostrils, hear the racing of their blackened hearts as they anticipate felling their prey, the vile panting of their breath as they prepare to pounce on their victim. A thrill of delicious excitement runs through me, I haven’t been hunting for too long, restricted by Nico’s watchful eye. This is not about feeding I wouldn’t taint myself with a drop of their infested blood, this is a public service, this is vermin control. I think about all the poor women they have violated and hurt in the past and it galvanises me. There is nothing more satisfying than when these creeps realise they are not the apex predator, the delight I take when the reality of their situation flashes in their eyes and they fill with fear. A delightful shiver runs through me in anticipation as I reach the bottom of the dead end alley. I hear them jeer at each other as they believe they have me cornered, as they delight in the terrible things they are going to subject me to. Allowing a smile to spread over my face as I turn to face them. A moment of confusion flashes through their eyes as they take in my still confident stance, the hard glint in my eyes and the causal smile on my face. There is no sign of the whimpering scared woman they expect to find, no shaking and dropping to my knees to beg them for mercy in the dark grubby alley as they expected. No swaying and unsteadiness from the drug they slipped into my drink. I can’t help but let a little laugh escape me. They are off balance by my unexpected reaction to their presence, I see them shift on their feet and then look to each other. I relish the moment I see the unconscious decision pass between them, I am one woman, they are five men, I stand no chance against them. In that moment the five of them lunge forward as one to devour their prey. I’m beyond ready for them, my anticipation of snapping their vile necks filling me with adrenaline and purpose. I crouch slightly as they descend upon me, slipping easily out of the grip of the slimy hands that grab for me, crouching and spinning, coming behind the first attacker and snapping his neck in one easy swoop. The other four freeze for just a moment in shock at what they have just witnessed, confusion covering their features, a moment to decide, turn and run or double down and hurt me even worse for taking their friends life. I am delighted when they decide to double down. One of them moves behind me as another advances from the front. I allow the one from behind to grab me in what he thinks is a vice like grip I can not escape from. An evil smile spreads over the one before me, he begins to unzip his trousers as he reaches me. Biding my moment I let him pull his withered maggot from his pants then I push back with my vampire strength. It traps the creep behind me against the wall and I leverage his grip to kick off the ground and connect with the clown in front of me on the chin, I know I’ve got him at just the right angle when there is a loud snap of his neck and his head tips back at an unnatural angle, his body follows to the ground with a hard thud. I hear the worried cry of disbelief from behind me, watch as the other two now truly freeze baffled at what they have gotten themselves into. As my feet land on the ground I fold forward gripping the arms of the creep behind me flipping him forward and over my head, he lands hard on the ground before me, I pause and grin for effect looking at the two fuckers in front of me and without looking down crush his chest cavity annihilating his heart. Through their fear they try to make their bodies respond to them, to turn and run and as I begin to rise to go after them they both drop to the ground one after the other their necks snapped. Now I am the one in shock as I look up into Erik’s anger filled eyes as he stands over them. What in god’s name! What is he doing here? “What the f**k game are you playing Amelia?’ He snarls at me and I feel his rage encompass me completely. Even I want to shrink away from the intensity of it. But I won’t, not here not now, there is so much I feel guilty for that makes me want to defer to him but not this. I will never be made to feel wrong for bringing justice to these sleaze balls that hurt women. Standing I allow my own fire to fill my eyes and features. I stalk to him, standing toe to toe, challenging him, never breaking eye contact. “No Erik what the f**k are you doing following me?” We stand there for what feels like an eternity staring at each other, a loop of rage flowing between us. Both stubborn, both feeling we are right, neither willing to back down. Surrounded by bodies, in this creepy run down alley, it feels too small to contain the power passing between us. The only sound our hard raspy breathing fuelling our anger. Eventually he breaks first, his eyes leave mine and survey the c*****e around us, he reaches up roughly grabbing the top of my arm “We need to get out of here before someone finds us with the bodies” his voice is full of urgency and he turns without waiting for my answer dragging me with his purposeful steps towards the top of the alley. I try to pull free from his grip, I am not going with him, he is the last person in this world that I want to explain myself to right now. I’m sick of overbearing controlling men, I didn’t ask him to come and intervene, I could have handled this just fine my myself like I always do. Yet his grip is like iron, he doesn’t even look at me as I struggle and he is stronger than I am. His steps are purposeful and unwavering as he drags me with him to a waiting car. He is uninterested in my protests as he pulls me with him into the car and growls instructions to the driver to take us back to the apartment. Our journey is painfully silent as we both smoulder with rage at one another.
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