Chapter 17

1119 Words
Erik I am so angry that I can’t even articulate it to her. She is like ice beside me in the back of the car, head firmly locked looking out of the window away from me. How she can be angry at me is beyond belief, she put herself in a ridiculously dangerous situation for a reason that escapes me. Mercifully I was there to help her, even if I hate her for what she has done to me I never want to see her hurt in that way. Yet I do want answers from her. As the car draws to a stop in front of the apartment building she doesn’t even glance in my direction as she harshly pushes open the car door. Ah hell no! I dive out of my side and catch her just as she stands upright. I know I grab her a little too roughly but she is not getting away from me without an explanation. Her eyes bore into me full of annoyance, well she better get used to it I’m not going away. She will give me what I want from her. The noise from the cocktail bar across the street draws my attention and I realise it’s a perfect neutral ground for this conversation. Perhaps we might be civilised and actually talk to each other. I see her eyes follow my gaze and feel her give a resigned sigh as she begins to move in that direction before I can even speak. Turning on my heel I follow her across the street and through the double glass doors into the chic bar. There’s an empty booth that looks quite private in the back corner, trying to be more gentle I take her elbow and guide her in that direction. Her gaze is hard and cold on mine as she slides into the seat and I follow her in, probably sitting too close but something in me can’t keep my distance. As the server approaches I don’t even have the opportunity to think about ordering, she requests a bottle of champagne and two glasses and once more we are left to our stony silence. The atmosphere between us is glacial, neither looking away, neither giving in once more. She was always so soft and open before, her thoughts and feelings written all over her beautiful face but this woman is a stranger, impossible to read. A soft thud of the champagne cooler being placed on the table finally breaks our staring contest and I reach for the bottle pouring us two glasses. She gives me a tight smile as she takes the offered glass. “Explain Amelia” I hear the tension in my voice, feel the tightness in my muscles as I wait for her response. I can see she is fighting with something in her own head before she speaks, feel the frustration in the sigh she lets out. “Not that it’s actually any of your business Erik but I had the situation under control, I didn’t need you jumping in and complicating things. Why were you there?” Her question is fierce, full of fire and I have to think. Why was I there? Why had I felt such a need to follow her? I couldn’t exactly admit that I had hoped she was going to the s*x club where I could have satiated the inferno of need for her that rages inside of me. Clearing my throat to give me a moment before my words come out tight and clipped reflecting my discomfort “Because I don’t trust you or this arrangement! You keep disappearing and honestly I don’t know why I am here when you won’t work with me or share anything you know!” A half truth, one that is palatable, just not the whole truth of the situation. I have mistrusted Damian’s intentions from the word go and I know that Amelia has research more advanced in that room of her’s that she is hiding from me. She sighs and closes her eyes for a moment, when they re-open some of the flame has gone from them. “Erik I’m not trying to be dishonest with you but if I keep things from you it’s for your own safety. Damian can’t be trusted. I can’t quite believe I’m saying this aloud to anyone let alone you but I know things that if he became aware of them, a lot of innocent people would be harmed. I know you have no reason to trust me and I know I don’t deserve your trust but I am not who you think I am. I only want to protect those who need protection.” I see the truth of her words written all over her face, she is being honest about this at least and yet it only serves to make me more curious. What secrets could crack that mask of ice finally? Nodding I show my acceptance of her explanation on this front but inside I vow to uncover every single one of her secrets. “And tonight? What was that about?” Another heavy sigh greets my question but I see her resignation in her eyes. Her tone defensive when she speaks. “I’m doing my public duty, cleaning up the vermin from the streets to make it safer for women who can’t fight back themselves” I lean back a little in shock, I don’t know what I was expecting her answer to be but I’m sure that wasn’t it. She’s protecting humans? Once more I’m questioning who she really is, this doesn’t align with everything people know of our Queen, that is something my Lia would have done. She was always fighting for those who needed protection. My anger instantly dissipates only concern left that she is so willing to put herself in such dangerous situations. Yes she’s a vampire and much stronger than any human but there were five of them! “Lia there were five of them anything could have happened if I wasn’t there” my name for her comes out of my lips before I can stop myself, I hear the worry in my voice, emotions I shouldn’t be feeling let alone showing her. I see the flash in her eyes at my use of her name. Unable to stop myself and encouraged by the softening in her eyes I reach forward pulling her hair out of that tight up do that looks so harsh, spreading her beautiful long hair around her shoulders. I push my luck lifting one of the cocktail napkins and gently wiping away the red lipstick. My very breath catches in my throat. My Lia.
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