Chapter 15

1084 Words
Erik Two weeks have passed. Two awkward, challenging, infuriating weeks. My blood boils every time I look at her, an anger like I have never felt gnaws at me as I watch her every move. My c**k also gets hard every time I look at her and I replay over and over again the delicious perfection of being buried inside of her. Guilt floods my every waking moment as I know I do not think of Harlow as much as I should or miss her in the way a husband is supposed to. It’s like Amelia is an obsession that has infested every cell of my body, I can think of nothing but her. She is elusive at home and in the lab, disappearing each night with Nico whom she is supposed to hate, where they go I do not know but yesterday he left, summoned back by my cousin. Now it is her and me, my desire and my hatred, alone at last. She has been extra cold and short with me since this morning in the lab and now I watch her through the glass into her office lab, the secret place that is off limits to all but her. I can’t help but wonder what she is hiding in there? What I wouldn’t give for an opportunity to explore it. Her face looks pinched and tense as she examines something under a microscope and I can’t help but admire her beauty. She looks cold and hard as she always does now, her dark hair scraped up from her face in a large bun atop her head, make up heavy, a black fitted designer trouser suit with a tight black top underneath. She looks every bit the corporate devil, none of the soft beauty that had captured my heart and yet she is still irresistible. Almost everyone else has left and the lights are low, I pretend to be preoccupied as I watch her discreetly lift her bag and attempt to subtly sneak out of the lab without drawing attention. You would think I had learned my lesson the last time but I can not help myself, I slip off my lab coat and grab my leather jacket moving swiftly to stay with her. A little knot of excitement gathers in my stomach at the thought she might be going to the club again. That I could use the moment to satiate my now almost unbearable need to be inside of her once more. Climbing into the car behind hers once more I order him to follow closely but quickly it becomes evident that we are not headed to the up market area where the club is located. The streets become increasingly run down as the minutes tick by and I am lost as to why she would be coming to an area like this. Her car finally pulls up to a stop at a run down looking bar. I indicate for my driver to pull up further down the street so as not to alert her to my presence. I watch through the rear window as she climbs out, looking entirely out of place here and saunters confidently into the bar. What the hell? Instructing my driver to wait here I make my own way to the bar, noting an entrance down the side street I opt to take that instead to hopefully avoid her spotting me the moment I enter. I want to know what she is up to now. Quietly I slip in and there is a booth at the back near the door that I slide unnoticed into, I spot her already settled into a prominent position on a bar stool, a gin and tonic being slid into her hand. She boldly waves a large wad of cash as she pays for her drink and I am confused by her actions. I can see the slimy vipers around her practically salivate at the sight of her and her cash. She shrugs out of her jacket, the tight top does nothing to hide her full breasts and little waist, the leaches around her are fixated on her now. It takes everything inside of me not to rush over there and wrap her tightly into her jacket. One of them speaks to her and instead of her cutting him off like I would expect she smiles at him and whatever she says he laughs and edges closer to her. She starts to giggle like she is drunk and her hands wave around knocking over her drink. The slimy guy indicates to the bar tender and another drink is poured for her, she doesn’t seem to spot it but he slips something into her drink before handing it to her. I feel the snarl begin in my throat and I almost snap the table with my grip. My only solace is that she is a vampire, whatever he has slipped in there will not affect her like a human would have been. Still I watch in horror as she lifts the glass and clinks it in a cheers off of his beer and takes a huge glug of it. She giggles at him like a naive cheerleader and then knocks back the rest of the drink in a few mouthfuls. She seems to be unsteady on her feet as she stands from her barstool and gives them an exaggerated wave and huge smile “Good night guys! I’m too drunken I need to walk home now!” They all smile and chorus goodbye as she stumbles towards the door. As soon as the door closes behind her five of the vipers are off their stools and stalking out the door behind her. Ah f**k no! I’m out of my seat hot on their heels, all care for being discovered forgotten. As I nearly pull the shabby old door off of its hinges I spot the five of them jeering each other as they turn a corner down a back alley across the street from the bar. I have no care for oncoming traffic as I speed across the road to follow them. Pausing for a moment to take in the scene, it is a dead end alley, Amelia has reached the bottom and is turning slowly realising she is blocked in by the five slime balls. As I take off running to save her I’m sure I catch a whisper of a smile take her face as they descend upon her.
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