Chapter 14

1048 Words
Amelia I do as he asks and I don’t turn around but I never needed to to know it was him. I felt his energy long before he was behind me, touching me, lighting my body on fire with his very presence. My head is spinning that he did this, my compulsion is strong even on vampires, his hatred for me should be filling his mind whenever he is near me. I can’t understand why he has done this, I also can’t understand why I allowed it to happen. Who am I kidding there is nothing in this world that I wanted more than to feel his touch, his lips on my skin, him filling me completely. Yet, I know this is a dangerous game and will lead to nothing but sorrow. I vow this can never happen again. Slightly dazed, running those moments with him over and over again in my mind, I wander down to the floors below looking for what I actually came here for, an attractive human to feed from. At the bar I ask for champagne and turn to survey the room, it is packed with attractive options, bodies writhing together everywhere, taking pleasure from one another. I spot a cute and nervous looking young woman with long red hair and beautiful green eyes. She is standing back slightly separate from the crowd with a satin negligee on, I think it is her first time and I know she is just what I need. Pushing away from the bar I make my way over to her and as she watches me approach she gives a nervous smile but avoids eye contact. “Is this your first time?” I ask as I stop before her and she still avoids looking directly at me but nods so at least I know she has heard me. “Are you nervous?” Finally she looks at me and she is lovely “Beyond nervous!” She rushes out and I can’t help but like her innocence and honesty. Giving her a warm smile to encourage her to relax I ask “What made you come?” A nervous giggle is my response “My roommate dragged me here, she comes all the time and said that I would love it but it’s so intimidating, everyone is so beautiful and confident and she disappeared as soon as we got a drink and now I don’t quite know what to do” I can’t help but like her “What’s your name?” Another nervous smile “Clara, what’s yours?” I give a little a little laugh, she really is new “It’s Amelia, what are you looking for Clara?” She sighs and a wistful look takes her face “I just want to feel like I belong in the city, I left a small town and I’m sick of feeling like a small town naive fool. I want to live life, to be exciting and beautiful and free” Well I can’t deny her that, I remember when I was first thrown into the vipers nest of the vampire court. I felt foolish, out of my depth, there was no one to help me or guide me. It almost broke me and I have never forgotten that feeling. There is something about Clara that I connect to, that calls to who I once was. “Do you want me to help you with that Clara?” Her eyes go wide “Can you?” I give her a wry smile “I most certainly can but I’ll only do it if you truly want me to” Her hand reaches out and grasps my free one, her grip is tight for a human, her whole energy comes to life “Yes please!” Squeezing her hand I look into her eyes “Clara, I want you to listen to me, forget all the worries you have, any self doubts, let go of those thoughts and worries that no longer serve you. Be bold, be brave, live your life the way you truly want without worry of others and their opinions. You are amazing and you deserve a life that fulfils your passions and dreams” I am rewarded with a dazzling smile and I see her brain accepting and processing my commands. I notice the tiny shift in her body language as she reprograms but even I am shocked when she reaches forward and presses her lips to mine, not a warm friendly kiss but a deep and passionate one. Unable to resist I respond to her fire and I feel not gratitude in her kiss but real passion, now I understand what she had been holding back, how afraid of her own desires she was. Indulging her desire and my own attraction to this beautiful young woman, I open my mouth to allow her tongue access as she runs it along the seam of my lips, enjoy the dance and tangle of her tongue and soft lips. Admittedly she has completely distracted me from my own drama, lost completely in this moment of exploration with her. Allowing the kiss to continue until she pulls back from me, her eyes shine with excitement and I see her pride in her own bravery in her eyes, she is truly beautiful. I love seeing this change in her energy. “Thank you” She whispers lips almost still touching mine, she tilts her head “Do you want to feed from me?” I reach up and cup her cheek “No thank you but I need nothing from you I am simply honoured to be of help” She looks confuse but happy “Go and find yourself the fun you need, there are lots of wonderful people just waiting to meet you tonight” She just beams at me and then turns to face the crowd of people, walking confidently into the fray and I watch her for a few moments feeling a little wistful. My night is done, a blood bag will serve me just fine when I get back to the apartment. I hope beyond hope that when I get in Erik will already be in his bed. I just can’t face him.
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