Chapter 13

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Erik She thinks that I don’t see her sneak past me out the main door. I feel a rage bubble inside of me every time I look at her. Her behaviour is a joke, she doesn’t get to run from me after what she’s done. The way she looks at me with that cold condescension makes me what to wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze. She betrayed me, she left me and let me think she was dead for a thousand years. I have mourned someone who never actually existed, all she had wanted was power obviously and when Damian showed up she found a better opportunity. How I hate her for everything she has done and now we are forced back together she keeps thinking she can run away from me, avoid facing the consequences of what she has wrought. Well she has another thing coming, I am going to make her feel every shred of pain I have. I take off after her and I’m grateful there are multiple cars waiting outside the building for the executives to take advantage of. I climb into one just as her car is pulling away “Follow her” I bark at the driver and he simply nods complying with my request. Progress through the city is excruciatingly slow but mercifully we stay on her car. We pull in, in front of a large sandstone up market building. There are two large surly vampire doormen at the entrance but other than that no indication of what this place is. I watch as she climbs out of the car gracefully and I feel a conflict between my body and my mind. As she approaches they nod in deference and wave her through without hesitation. I’m torn do I follow her or let it go. On instinct I jump out of the car and instruct the driver to wait for me. I notice they bristle as I approach the large stone entrance and they move to block my path. “This is a private members club and you are not a member please leave immediately or we will remove you” their tone is definitive, no room for negotiation but I notice the elegant hostess behind them till her head as she looks at me, like she is trying to place me. A realisation dons on me, this is a high end s*x club, vampires own them to mingle discreetly with humans, s*x and blood sharing happens here, humans feel a euphoria when we drink from them and this is one for only the most privileged of both species. There’s an anxiety I can’t quite place inside me driving me to find Amelia. I do something that goes against my very nature. Putting a deadly slant to my tone I stare the vampire who delivered his message right in the eyes, letting my age and power show there. “I am Erik Avalon, I would suggest you re-assess your stance immediately” a flash of confusion comes across his features but he doesn’t even have a chance to respond. The blonde haired hostess is shoving him out of my way, her head bent in deference. “Our apologies my Lord, we meant no offence, of course you are more than welcome here. Please allow me personally to show you around and welcome you to our establishment” She shoots a glare to the two vampires and takes my arm ushering me inside. She takes me into a tasteful changing area with lockers for peoples belongings. Indicating how to use them, that all bars are complimentary and my level of dress is to my own comfort patrons are encouraged to do as they feel happy. She shows me where the entrance is to the main establishment and explains each floor’s themes and facilities to me and then I am left alone. I sit for a moment on a plush lounger wondering how I have ended up here, perhaps I should just leave now, get the driver to take me back to the apartment and forget all about this? But no inside I know I can’t, I’m driven by something that defy’s logic and reason, a primal need to make her feel my pain. Undressing fully I place my clothes in the locker and take the black and gold ornate eye mask that is sitting inside placing it over my face. As I walk into the main club I am shocked at how many people are there for such an early point in the evening. I guess it’s New York I shouldn’t really be surprised. Lighting is dim, the furniture plush and elegant, naked and semi naked people mingle happily together. I walk over to the bar asking for a whisky, I have a feeling I’m going to need it. I pause at the bar surveying the crowd, it seems more social here than anything else. My eyes search for her but there is no sign in the throng of people. Finishing my drink I make my way up the grand sweeping stair case. Things become more intimate on this floor, smaller rooms surround the central staircase, different themes, different equipment, here there are bodies writhing together everywhere in pleasure, on beds, sofa’s, floors. Moans from every direction fill my ears. Still there is no sign of her. Making my way up to the top floor things become a little more quiet and I realise the rooms have closed doors but there are viewing windows into them. I pause at the first room. There are two people only in this one, the woman is strapped to a large cross, ropes binding her breasts making them swell as a masked man takes a cropper and periodically strikes them making her cry out with a pleasured pain. I see the slight trails of blood running from her neck. This floor is designed for kink. I search along the corridor and there she is, her back is to me but I know it’s her. She’s engrossed in whatever scene she is watching through the viewing window. Wearing a black lace almost see though corset with a suspender belt, the straps beautifully straining against the curve of her ass as they reach down to her stockings, legs elongated with her black stilettos. A tiny shred of lace deliciously parts her ass cheeks, inviting me to shred it and plunder her. I take a deep breath trying to get my desire to f**k her under control. I don’t know what I’m doing, I hate her but I want to be inside her, to feel her, to f**k her into submission more than anything in this world. I don’t even have to look down to know how hard I am for her. My last shred of restraint leaves me and I walk purposefully towards her. Behind her I snake an arm around her waist pulling her back against my body, the other wraps around her throat. I suck at the soft skin at the base of her neck and I’m rewarded with a perfect moan of pleasure making my c**k twitch. My hand moves from her waist down into that insignificant bit of lace, finding her clit circling it, feeling her push back into me as it affects her, slowly trailing through her folds finding her entrance and sliding two fingers inside of her. So warm and wet, so perfectly tight around my fingers, this time I moan, my desire to be inside of her too much, too urgent. I hear her little gasp of frustration as I suddenly abandon her p***y with my fingers but my c**k is there instantly, so full of need for her pushing inside, I try to take my time, to savour her but I need her too much, her wetness too inviting as I push all the way inside of her, making her take every inch I have to give. Pausing for just a moment to savour the feeling of being inside of her p***y the delicious perfection of it. I swear it feels like she was made for me, never in all of my years has anything felt so right as being inside of her. I squeeze my hand a little tighter around her neck as I work my way in and out of her, I pleases me that she has closed her eyes, her focus on the pleasure I am bringing her rather than watching others. Her hands splayed on the glass in front as I pound her with everything I have, enjoying how she tightens around me milking my c**k. Her breathing is becoming hard and I can feel the little tremors in her legs and p***y telling me she is close to climax and it pleases me that I can elicit such a quick response from her body. In honesty I don’t think I’ll last much longer she is too incredible around me. As I feel her tremble build I boldly lean forward pushing into her hard and deep and sink my fangs into her neck, enjoying the ecstasy of her blood as both of our orgasms begin to rip through our bodies, a crescendo of pure pleasure taking us both in a loud unadulterated cry. I stay there inside of her, panting, trying to recover, hand still around her neck a little looser now, pushing her body into the cool glass so she can not turn around and see me, fangs still buried inside her neck as my c**k is in her p***y. Her breathing is hard and her body trembles with after waves of pleasure against me. I can’t help the smile that spreads slowly over my lips on her skin feeling how I have affected her. Then my whole body freezes, I’m sure she breathes out a word, just one word but it makes my head spin “Erik” How could she know it was me! s**t, I panic “Don’t turn around” I order in a gruff breathless voice and then I reluctantly pull away from her and speed downstairs to make my exit. What have I done?
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