Chapter 12

1304 Words
I follow my personal butler down to the grand foyer where my bags are already waiting to be put into the car that will take us to the jet. Erik is there before me his face set in a grim line, he doesn’t even acknowledge me as I join him. 
 Harlow is no where to be found and my heart aches a little for her, no matter how hard this is going to be I know being stuck here with Damian will be so much worse for her. Mercifully Nico arrives at this very moment, his expression surly and sharp but at least it creates some momentum, a welcome distraction from the awkwardness of the situation. 
“Let’s go” He snaps and I put on my sunglasses to shield my eyes from their scrutiny, the car ride will not be a comfortable one. Nico doesn’t help by taking the front passenger side leaving me alone in the back with him. We sit at oppostite sides both hugging to the window, the few inches between us feel like an ocean. I fix my gaze out of the window and sit like a statue the entire journey. 
As we arrive on the tarmac of the private airfield Nico jumps out and deals with security, still I keep my focus out of the window, the most painful silence stretching between us. I am grateful when Nico opens the door and offers his hand to help me out of the car towards the plane. Painfully aware of Erik’s movements as he too exits and makes his way in our direction. 
Ignoring his presence I make my way up the stairs and to the back of the plane, pulling out my laptop I give the illusion of being busy. Breathing a sigh of relief as they both sit at the seats near the front of the plane. I shoot a grateful glance to the stewardess as she puts a gin and tonic in my hand. I give her a little keep them coming nod to help me get through the torture of the flight. 
In the end I absorb myself with catching up on the labs latest updates and barely even notice when we begin our descent into New York. Silently we disembark and get into the next waiting car, another silent and awkward journey ensues as we make our way into the city. 
As we draw up to the apartment building I let them both get out and stay seated. Before I can instruct the driver Nico pulls open my door “What are you doing?” His tone is harsh and I glare at him for real, he’s not my actual babysitter and I need some space from Erik. 
“I’m going to the lab to catch up properly with what’s going on!” I can hear the sharpness in my tone but could care less at the scowl he offers in response. “I’ve got some urgent business for Damian I can’t come” is his irritated push back. 
“I’m not asking you to come with me, I’ll be perfectly fine as I always am, I don’t need babysat!” As far as I’m concerned the conversation is over and I pull my door closed, not oblivious to the dark look that crosses his eyes as I do. What does surprise me is the door opening once more on the other side of the car and Erik climbing back in. 
“What are you doing?” I demand and I can hear how incredulous I am in my tone. He looks at me with calm unemotional eyes “I’m coming with you isn’t that obvious, it’s the whole reson I have to endure your presence, wouldn’t it be ridiculous for me to go in there and not with you” 
I mean good point, well made, even I have no argument against him as much as I would like to tell him I just need away from him to be able to breathe for a while. “The lab please driver” I instruct and I catch the look on Nico’s face out of the window as we pull back. Oh he’ll definitely punish me for this later. 
Another awkward silent car journey ensues and I have never been so pleased to see the imposing glass tower of our company HQ before. Security comes and opens the doors for us and I vouch for Erik requesting they get him his own security pass worked up today. At least then he won’t have to be my shadow everywhere. 
More uncomfortable silence follows us through the lobby, up the elevator and through the secuirty doors to the lab floor. As cool as he’s trying to be I see the look of excitement in his eyes as he takes in the set up and equipment we have here. The large team of scientists and researchers working away on each of our different projects, every one of them vampires. 
The only benefit of being chained to Damian is his multiple billions which he gives me full access to for my project. He says that he is ambivilent but I don’t believe him, he is cleaver and cunning, he knows the benefits if I can synthesise blood and naturally how helpful it would be to eradicate the hunters threat. 
 I try to hide my smile as he eagerly walks around the lab looking at everything. There is no need for me to make introductions he does that himself, keenly quizzing everyone he meets about who they are and what they spcifically are working on. I’m happy to follow behind him indulging his exhuberance. 
Finally we stop before a locked and empty smaller lab, my personal lab, the one that holds all of my secrets. “What’s in there?” He finally adresses me. I keep my tone light and nonchalant so as not to pique his interest “Oh that’s just my office and personal workspace” 
His hand reaches straight out to try and open the door which remains firmly locked, without thinking I place my hand over his to remove it from the handle. A jolt of energy passes between us making me look at him in surprise, what the heck was that? I can see he felt it too. 
I’m quick to shake it off and take a hard line with my expression “No one but me ever goes in there, it’s off limits. You have free rein on everything else but not in here” I can see his intial desire to argue his point but then it dies on his lips and he gives a shrug like he is ambivilent. 
Guiding him back to my chief tech I ask her to get him set up with anything he needs and let him shadow whomever he wants for the rest of the day. Then I escape into my sanctuary, too painfully aware of him out there in the main lab. My mind too distracted by the events of the last few days, never in a million years did I think my dash to save his life would bring us here of all places. 
The events of last night running wild through my mind making it impossible to focus on anything. The feelings, the images, the hot memory of being filled by them playing over and over in my mind like a movie. Eventually I can’t take it anymore I’m too hot and bothered and need a release to help clear my mind. He is fully focused on something a tech is showing him as I discreetly slip past him and towards the elevator. I need to get out of here and replace those memories of last night with something new and less deadly.
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