Chapter 6

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Tyler As soon as I left Aqua, I felt the slight tug on my heart, and I just wanted to be with her, but I really didn't want to freak her out but being too clingy or needy or anything. She had no idea what she was to me and what she meant to me. I recalled the moment when I first laid my eyes on her, I had on caught a glimpse of her face as she turned a corner and then walked with her back towards me, smelling her scent was enough to let me know there was something special about her. When I walked to biology class, I was pleasantly surprised that she was sat right there and she seemed to be looking directly at me, and as soon as our eyes met, I knew for certain. She was mine. Her ocean-blue eyes with the most beautiful glint of sapphire had my wolf howling. Never had I seen eyes so bright and magnetic, it was like she was beckoning me to come and hold her. Her raven locks were pulled up in a high ponytail and her hair was slightly wavy, she had a sharp nose and plump pink lips, she was the definition of beauty and the sight of perfection. When I got home a pungent smell spread in the air, it was rouges. "Dad!?" I shouted walking into the house headed towards his office, it was locked he wasn't there okay that way just unusual. 'Dad' I tried the pack link but he had blocked everyone out. "Shawn, Chris?!" I shouted walking towards the living room. That's when Chris appeared behind me, I turned to face him. "How was your day with Aqua?" He winked at me, why was he so unbothered about the rouge scent "She's something different you know, it was great getting to know her and finding out more about her," I smiled remembering how she had slept with her head leaning on my shoulder and how her heartbeat picked up when I placed a light kiss on her forehead whilst she was asleep. "Okay I get it," he laughed waving away my dreamy look and snapping me out of the bliss I was in "Where is everyone? Were there rouges here?" I asked going into alpha mode "Gone out you know, there were rogue sightings earlier," He replied not really elaborating "Okay, how long have they been gone? Have we found any and is it confirmed?" I pried not sure why Chris wasn't giving me all of the information. "They've been gone for an hour or so, I don't think so, they'll be back soon," he answered turning the TV on and flipped through channels. That reminded me of Aqua...and how she was flipping through the channels. Just 20 minutes later Dad got back as did the rest of the pack "Tyler son so nice of you to join us!" Dad said I saw Shawn walk in with Coco right by his side, he nodded at me and I nodded back. "What's going on? Did you find the rouges?" I asked worried about what's going on "I know Drake and Markus were here, I think the rouges were just following them you know," My dad replied rolling his eyes. "Would you like to tell me where you have been?" Dad questioned just as some other pack members walked into the room, great timing I thought to myself. I looked around at everyone who was talking between themselves and I sighed. "Can I talk to you in your office Dad?" I asked causing a surprised expression to cross his face "Erm...sure son," He said taken aback I usually just announced stuff and said it as it was, so he was surprised I wanted to talk in the office...just like the rest of the pack. The rest of the pack quietened down at my sudden statement, and suddenly murmurs started between the pack members present. I sighed following Dad into his office and I shut the door behind me. "What is it, son? Is everything okay?" he questioned his voice filled with so much concern "Yeah, I just wanted to let you know I found her...." I said not making eye contact. Dad looked shocked. But then a large smile spread on his face. "Brilliant...that's great news son but I didn't think there were any wolves around here..." he said suddenly thinking of another pack or wolf as a threat "Dad...That's the thing..." I started, not sure how to continue the sentence I was about to say "What?" he questioned, eager to know what was causing me distress "She's...Human," I said... catching him off guard and causing his outburst. "That's not possible!" he proclaimed...shaking his head, his smile vanished as he sighed to himself. "You haven't found her can't be her especially if she's human, for a normal wolf maybe but not an alpha," he stated, it made my blood boil, he was saying it as if being a human made her any less suited to me. "But dad I know it's her! The sparks the tingles the feelings, her scent nothing else makes sense!" I argued. "Son I assure you it is not her especially if she's human..." he said shaking his head I could tell he felt sorry for me. "What's her full name?" he questioned trying to grasp on straws that could give us any indication. "Aqua Bailey Jackson," I replied hoping he knew something, or someone related to the name that could give us some sort of indication. He was deep in thought for some time. "Never heard that surname for anyone other than humans...son I'm afraid she's not'll have to keep looking." He said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Dad. I know it is her. What if she's human, if she's mine, she's mine it doesn't matter what she is!" I said angel flowing through me but I was trying to keep calm he just stared at me. Sighing he shook his head "I'm afraid not...she..." I didn't let him finish talking. I refused to listen to him try and make me believe Aqua wasn't my mate. I just ran out his office and straight to my room, I'm not letting him deny the obvious connection I had with Aqua and there's nothing else that could explain it at all, the only thing that makes sense is us being mates. Even my wolf knows she's ours. Pack members watched me as I ran towards my room unsure of what was going on, they started talking amongst themselves about what could have happened in Dads office, we all had heightened sense but dads office was one of the few rooms in the house that was thankfully soundproof. The reason why I asked to talk to him there. "Ty ...Can we come in?" it was Shawn and Chris at the door...I didn't reply, I didn't need to they just walked in slowly careful not to make too much noise or distract my thoughts. "Guys I won't bite you," I said as they sat on the edge of the bed. They could sense my anger and distress; they were my best friends they knew me better than anyone. "He didn't believe you, did he?" Shawn asked sighing, he knew what my dad was like. "No, he didn't," I answered staring blankly at the ceiling just thinking about the smile that had been in every single one of my thoughts since the moment I left her side. "Why wouldn't he believe you?" Chris asked his confusion was clear "Cause she's human!" I exclaimed not really sure how to react to my dad and his discriminatory opinion "Harsh," Shawn muttered "That's not fair," Chris said agreeing with Shawn "I need to figure out how to convince Dad and prove to him that she's the one. I also need to figure out how to talk to her without scaring her away," I thought out loud "It'll be fine Ty, she seemed to like us, particularly you anyway, maybe she feels the bond too even if she is human," Chris suggested. I thought about it for a while, she must feel something. I wasn't crazy I knew it was her from the second I caught her scent...strawberries and vanilla...She had her back to me when I figured out where the intoxicating scent was coming from, and at that point, I wanted so bad to run up to her, and hold her and just kiss her but I couldn't. It didn't seem appropriate or like something she would appreciate. My wolf was forcing me to go to her, and I just managed to barely hold myself back. Shawn understood right away, he gave me the 'is that her?!' look and I had nodded. Chris didn't take long to figure it out either. He gave me the knowing look a few seconds after Shawn...they were the only two that knew...well now dad knew too, I was very surprised at the fact she was human it was unheard of for an alpha to be mated to a human and of course it didn't make a difference to me. Coco and Ember found out at the end of the day just before gym when we were introduced. They were just as shocked and a little surprised, but they were happy for me and excited for their new friend and future luna. They still believed me even if it was a surprise...all of my friends believed me... Why wouldn't Dad believe me?! He won't even give me and her a proper chance! He barely allowed me to explain or anything, as soon as he heard she was human he just dismissed the theory altogether. No matter what he or anyone says I know for a fact... It IS has to be ****    
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