Chapter 7

1270 Words
Aqua I woke up to my blaring alarm; well at least I got some sleep. It was a dreamless sleep...the best kind. I slowly got out of bed groaning as I did. After a slow and peaceful shower, I got dressed in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a white top with black trimming around the edges and a baby blue hoodie. I put my hair in a messy bun and made my way downstairs. Slowly having my breakfast which consisted of toast and orange juice, I started making my way to College. Enjoying every second of my journey I found I was eager to get to College...more like see Ty again...and the rest of them... obviously. Walking through the gates I made my way to my locker; I knew Ty and all them were here already I could smell them. I smiled to myself closing my locker and turning around to see Ember and Coco there. Both of them smiled and hugged me tightly. I stood in shock for a few seconds before hugging the two back sightly confused at the affection. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Coco asked still clinging onto my right side "We were so worried," Ember continued for her clinging onto my left side "Guys I'm fine...I was fine yesterday too," I laughed as both of them nodded and let me breathe. Looking at my watch I realised I was earlier than usual...maybe I was walking faster than I thought...we still had 20 minutes until classes started, I did leave kind of early too I thought to myself. I caught Shawn and Chris's scents and knew they were walking up to us, Shawn went straight to Coco kissing her on the cheek and putting his arm around her shoulder they were so cute, and Chris stood in front of me "Hey, you all right after yesterday?" He questioned a worried look on his face "Yes, I am okay everyone, do I need to get a speaker and announce it?" I laughed "Of course she's okay now she was with Tyler after all," Shawn winked making me flush with embarrassment, he was right though Tyler did seem to make everything better. "What did you guys do anyway?" Ember pushed, as she nudged me teasingly a smile on her face " know just watched tv and talked," I answered pretending it didn't really matter and it was all casual, knowing well that even that normality made my heart skip a beat and gave me dozens of butterflies. "Where is Ty anyway?" Ember asked voicing my unsaid thoughts, I was glad she asked, I was wondering the same thing but felt too nervous to ask. "Liz called and he was talking to her a few minutes ago," Shawn replied "And you know what she's like when she wants to know about something," Chris added all of them laughed in understanding. I felt jealousy course through me...who was Liz? Obviously, a girlfriend why was I so oblivious, obviously a guy like Tyler would have a girlfriend. Wait jealousy I didn't mean that...why did I care? I didn't. Why was I so jealous of this girl who I didn't even know and why was my mind so focused on Tyler! Although the jealousy made me angry and confused, I found myself smiling as his minty scent hit my nose it wasn't close by, no he was still outside, but getting closer. I knew he was heading towards us and that itself made my tummy tingle with butterflies. Just as the smile spread on my face, I hid it, I didn't want anyone to think I knew he was coming. That would be slightly weird, they would probably think I was on c***k or something. "Earth to Aqua," Chris said waving his hand in my face I realised I had drifted off in a daze again "Erm...yeah?" I asked snapping out of the thoughts that consumed my mind "I asked what your plans for after college today?" He laughed I smiled sheepishly "Going home, I think," I laughed unsure of why he would be asking the question "What Chris means is we were going to go to the arcade, go bowling and stuff you should come too," Tyler said walking up to us. A smile automatically lit my face, he winked at me as he said the sentence causing my wolf to purr with happiness. "I don't know..." I started looking at the ground I never really went to places like that I didn't think I had ever gone, to be honest. "Oh come on Aqua please," Ember begged I looked at her pleading eyes and sighed "Okay, okay I'll come," I gave in, everyone cheered happily. It was nice to know they really wanted me there, these people who I had barely gotten to know already accepted me. Would they still accept me if they knew what I really was? I sighed, I doubted anyone would ever accept that part of me. "We're going to go straight after College so we can hang out longer!" Coco exclaimed. I smiled at her and glanced at Tyler. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a red t-shirt which showed off his biceps extremely well and clung to his muscly figure. "How are you feeling after yesterday?" Ty asked putting a hand around my shoulder. The electricity started again...I didn't pull back or make any sign of it once again and neither did Ty. They felt pleasant against my skin and I enjoyed the feeling they spread over my body. I smiled at him, looking up at his face. "I'm Good," I laughed as the shocks turned into little tingles that felt good against my shoulders. I felt them even through my that was weird. I felt like mentioning the strange things that had occurred the night before, and how I had recognised Shawn and Chris's scents in the forest. I didn't want him to move his arm but when he did, I felt like I needed his touch again, I felt almost cold without it. I'm just so confused about what is wrong with me, why am I so attracted to this boy. My wolf urged me to touch him, caress his cheek, run my hand through his soft and smooth hair, look into his mesmerising eyes and kiss his oh so kissable lips. My wolf begged. I didn't give in, there was no way I could. My head started pounding and my palms were getting sweaty...I took a shaky breath. I felt like I would shift, why was my wolf so out of control. They all looked at me concerned. "I'm just going to go to the toilet," I said walking away as I felt my heart beat faster and faster and the blood pump around my body quicker. This shouldn't be happening; this has never happened before. I could feel my claws itching to be let out. Hastily I splashed water on my face and stared into the mirror. "What is wrong with you!?" I whisper shouted at myself, no one was in the toilets and that was a relief. I felt angry and just confused, my mind went back to Tyler being on the phone and the girl named Liz. The thoughts fuelled the stress that my wolf was experiencing and without thinking I did the only thing I could I punched the wall...Hard. The wall cracked and there was a fist-sized hole in it now, the impact made the wall shake and the plastering on the roof crumbled and fell to the floor. I stared in shock; did I just do that? Maybe I underestimated my strength, I sighed in relief as I was calmer at least it made me feel better.  
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