Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Aqua II froze, my heart was beating at 50 miles an hour, but it wasn't the only one. Someone was there...I looked around...three figures stood at the edge of the forest, two on one side and one on the other. They stood in the shadows hidden from me, but I knew they were there. I felt their presence and their eyes burning holes through me. They hadn't realised I knew they were there; it was as though they were waiting for something. Deciding to act normal, I walked to the edge of the balcony and leaned on the rail. Sighing I looked up at the horizon, I was acting calm and I was good, good enough, so they don't get suspicious I knew they were there. I slowly took their scents in with every normal breath I took. Unfamiliar all three...why were they watching me. I started humming to myself as I walked towards the side of the balcony where there was a chair. I sat on it pulling my knees to my chest showing no knowledge of the figure still stood in the shadows. But I was self-conscious...I was still in my green tank and shorts and I wasn't exactly comfortable with the people still stood there. Suddenly I had an idea...pretending to shiver and chatter my teeth which I managed to do really well. I walked back into my room and grabbed a small blanket and a book I started reading a few days ago. I sat myself on the chair pulling my knees up and I read. I could have walked in and just stayed in my room, but that was beside the point. My wolf urged me to stay outside and make sure the people left soon or else wait for them to leave. I continued reading, what surprised me most was how they hadn't muttered a word since they were stood there, not even a whisper they just watched and honestly, I was getting extremely paranoid. I made sure my shield was up and also that I had my senses sharp and on point. In order to recognise any sudden movements or anything out of the ordinary. Why were they stood in the woods? it was the strangest scenario I could have ever possibly imagined. Eventually after what was more than two hours they left without a single word. It wasn't even sudden; they just took a deep breath turned around and walked away, straight into the forest. I put the book that I had finished down and took a shaky breath. That was weird, weirder than I could have thought. Would they have been there if Tyler stayed? I kind of wish he had stayed just so I wouldn't be so shaken up by the strangers that seemed adamant to watch me. I was tempted to message Tyler and see if he got home okay, it seemed strange that as soon as he left these strange figures appeared and seemed to be there watching me so intently. A car pulled in exactly fifteen minutes later and I knew it was Annie. I walked back into my room placed to book on the shelf and jumped onto my bed. Annie opened the door and started walking up the stairs; she knocked on my door and walked in, not really waiting for me to respond. "Aqua honey, are you okay?" She asked concerned as she places a hand on my forehead checking if I have a fever or anything. "Yeah, I'm just a bit tired," I replied stiffing a yawn what the hell I just slept for ages and yet I'm still tired, I could probably sleep for a whole day and still be capable of sleeping at night. What can I say? I love sleeping. "Okay, you rest it's been a long day for the both of us, hopefully, you feel better in the morning!" she said walking out the door. I put my iPod on and closed my eyes in hope of sleep but was met by nothing. My mind was full of thoughts, who were those people? Why were they watching me for so long? What did they want? Thoughts, theories and ideas from serial killers to murderers formed in my head. I just couldn't sleep... I knew one thing if I came across their scents again, I would recognise them, and I would keep my guard up; no matter what. I couldn't sleep, it just wasn't working I knew it was late, but I decided to let my wolf out and go for a run. As quietly as I could I jumped off the balcony and ran straight into the forest. I hoped Annie didn't come to check up on me or anything. I ran around the trees for a while and decided to go to my clearing. The forest felt weird today, there were a lot of scents that I could smell around it and when I went further into the forest it was like they were just continuously increasing. I was suspicious, did this have something to do with the figures stood outside my house? It was too coincidental to be due to anything else. I decided to stay alert and keep my guard up. I couldn't sense anyone around or anything, I could just tell that more than a dozen people had been here. What would any sane person be doing this far deep into the forest I thought to myself. It just didn't make sense to me or my wolf. I made it to my clearing and spent some time lazing around there. All too soon for my wolves liking I decided it was time to head back. On the way back I thought I caught the scent of Chris and Shawn it was strange it was definitely their scent but what on earth would they be doing here? I got back into my bed and decided to try and sleep it was almost 3 AM and I needed to sleep. This time my brain was too tired to hypothesise or come up with anything to distract me. It was peacefully calm, and I allowed sleep to take over me. 
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