The Gathering

1666 Words
Two days after Aaron revealed his true feelings about island life on Ubertus, everyone on the island who is a member of a mating group was invited to a celebratory gathering at the waterfall clearing. It’s been over a month since the new mating groups were formed and it is tradition to have a gathering to celebrate. Laura has explained that the gathering is just a fun time where there will be music, food, swimming, and conversation. But she also told me about the many ridiculous rules. I am not allowed to speak to any other men except Aaron unless a male begins the conversation with me. I am not allowed to initiate a conversation with a man except with Aaron. Also, there will be a designated side of the clearing where the females will gather. Women must stay in their assigned area at all times except during the night when the mating groups have gone to sleep. Males are allowed to come into the females’ area to converse. However, at no time is another male other than Aaron permitted to touch me in any way. So other males can talk to me if they start the conversations, EYE ROLL but they cannot touch me. “So what type of celebration is this really if we have all of these rules, but the men don’t?” I ask quizzically while slipping a sundress over my head and shimmying it down my body. “It’s not really a celebration. The celebration is to cover up what is truly going on.” Katie says in a conspiratorial way. “Hush Katie, that’s just rumor. Don’t feed into that garbage.” Laura looks annoyed while she places her flats on. “Don’t give me that bull. You know it’s not a rumor. It just “so happens” that the same males keep getting the women they want in their group just by chance.” Katie uses her fingers as quotation marks. “It’s a lottery system that chooses the groups unless you are like myself and Aaron. We have had success in the past and produced children, so Aaron is allowed to choose me for his group for up to three years. That is the only choice the men are given, and they are only allowed to have the same woman for three years. You know that.” Rolling her eyes Katie leaves out a long sigh at Laura’s explanation. “Sure that’s what they say, and it's true women can only be with a male for a total of three years but how do you explain the same men just happening to get the most beautiful women. Also, other than Addison, the other three newlings went to males that are rumored to be in the good graces of the elders. It all depends on who the men know. If they are close with the elders, it just seems the most pleasing women go to them. Admit it. You have noticed it too.” Tying a bracelet around her wrist Laura stares into the mirror at her reflection. “Yes, I have noticed it too.” She says so softly and barely audible. “So wait are you saying these “celebratory gatherings” are actually previews for certain males who get favors from the elders and cheat their way around the lottery system?” Both ladies look at me. “So we are being paraded in front of certain males so they can see which females they like so they can sleep with them next year?” Katie looks to Laura for guidance and Laura gives me a slight nod. “Oh, this is bullshit. As if the lottery system wasn’t already bullshit enough. Now some men are getting preferential treatment as to which girls they get in their mating group. This whole system is so messed up. How could the nonviables feed us such a load of s**t our entire lives and then throw us to the wolves.” Angry I throw my shoes against the wall. “How about we just stay home from this celebration?” Hearing my voice Aaron steps into the room. “We can’t skip it because they make sure everyone shows up. It’s not a choice. Also, could you please maintain your composure at this thing? You could get us all into a lot of trouble if you go around shouting the things I just heard you saying from out in the kitchen.” Feeling embarrassed I slump down onto the bed placing my head in my hands. “Addison, just try to make yourself invisible at this thing, okay?” Aaron says pushing my chin up, so I have to look him in the eyes. “Don’t draw any attention to yourself.” Turning his attention from me to Laura he begins talking again. “Help her choose a different dress. One that doesn’t show her shape as much. Okay. That goes for all of you. Just try to stay out of the way and not draw attention to yourselves. Katie and Laura, you know who to look out for. Watch Addy’s back.” With this last statement, he turns to leave the room. “We are leaving in five minutes. You know how they hate for us to be late.” Laura stands and walks over to me. “Okay, let's put you into a new dress one less clingy and revealing.” Laura quickly dresses me in the most modest dress in the closet, and together the three of us try to look as plain as possible. During our walk to the waterfall clearing, I am left with my thoughts as we all stay silent. Who the hell am I supposed to look out for? How do Katie and Laura know who to look out for? Are there rumors of things that happen to the girls that are specifically chosen by the men? With too many burning questions rushing through my mind I can no longer bear the silence. “Who am I supposed to avoid?” I blurt out of nowhere. The sudden interruption of our self-imposed group silence startles everyone. Aaron stops the group from continuing. “Would you be quiet for god’s sakes!” Aaron grabs my arm and pulls me from the group. Calling out behind him he tells Katie and Laura we’ll rest here for a few minutes. Aaron takes me a few yards away from the girls and forcefully sits me on a rock. Quietly he begins my scolding. Getting close to my face to look in my eyes I can see the fire in his eyes. The heat of his breath surrounds my face, and I realize I have never been in this close of a proximity to Aaron’s face. Figures it’s the closest he’s ever been to me, and it’s to yell at me. “You must not talk about these things out loud. If someone hears your conspiracy theories, whether they are true or not, a lot of bad things could happen to this group. You are new to all of this, but there is much more to this whole game than you know. The nonviables are forced to keep everyone in the dark because if they were caught warning newlings in containment that would cause unnecessary problems for the elders.” Backing away Aaron sits on the rock next to me. “There are a handful of men who seem to always end up with the preferred women.” He whispers in my ear, his breath tickling my neck. “Preferred women? What are you talking about?” I ask leaning closer to him. “You know the most pleasing on the eye or the virgins.” “But I’m a virgin.” “Yes, you being placed with me was a very strange occurrence. The virgins almost always go to the same men. All I can assume is that talk of people’s suspicions have reached the elders and they were trying to throw people off by placing you with me. The other three newlings went with men who always receive virgins.” Mentally I try to picture who the girls from containment went with. “I will tell you the names of the men to avoid. The names I am going to tell you are of men who are known to have their choices of women and who are also known to treat their mates horribly. Their names are Peter Snyder, Michael Branchton, and David Hall. Sophia was with David Hall for three of the six years she was in the mating game and the stories she told me about her time with him were shocking and very disturbing. He forced the girls to do a lot of terrible things.” He pauses to take a deep breath and to run his hand through his wavy locks. “I guess with Sophia living with David for three years, then having her child ripped away from her, and then having the elders do what they did to us she couldn’t take it anymore, and that’s why…”Aaron can’t finish his sentence. “No one does anything to help the girls who are with these men?” I ask horrified by the idea that I may someday end up with one of these men. “As long as they are not permanently doing any physical damage to any of the women or lessen the females’ chances of reproducing the elders don’t give a s**t what we do to you. So really who can blame Sophia for making the choice that she did? I might have done the same thing if I was in her shoes.” I am at a loss for words, left staring into the jungle at the single sun-ray which has found its way through the leafy treetop. “Just be careful.” Those three words are the last words Aaron speaks to me.
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