A Bleak Future

1380 Words
Our small group arrives at the clearing around late afternoon and immediately our names are taken and marked off a list. Aaron is shown to his designated area after being told that he is allowed to leave it at any time, but he is also reminded that he is not to touch any of the women except for Laura, Katie, and myself. The other girls and I are promptly taken to our designated area and informed not to leave at any time or we will face punishment. The only time we are allowed to leave is after the celebration has ended later tonight. Quickly I find a spot far away from the sight of any males and do my best not to attract any attention. Glancing around you would think this is a joyful occasion, a group of women are playing various instruments creating an upbeat tune, and the atmosphere is filled with energy. Laughter and the smell of various foods float through the air. Yes, it looks, sounds, and smells like an actual celebration but all I can think about is the hidden reason we are here. Laura and Katie join me in my space, and we try not to draw any attention to ourselves and speak only within our small group. For the first few hours, our plan is highly successful. No male pays any attention to us. Even Aaron keeps his distance from us, which I assume is to help keep from drawing attention. Just when I am starting to feel more at ease, I am startled from my stargazing by a deep male voice that I have never heard before. “Good evening ladies. Why are the three of you sitting way over here in the dark? Why don’t you come to join the party closer to the fire?” The man speaking to us is in his mid-thirties. He’s tall and muscular. However, it’s hard to see his face in the darkness but what I can make out from the moonlight are the strong lines of his jaw and his thin nose. When he turns his head and looks into my eyes the light from the moon shows the icy blue color of his eyes and his sandy blonde hair. Yes, he is attractive but who is he and what the hell does he want? Laura speaks for all of us. “We are all tired and resting. We aren’t really in the mood for celebrating after our long journey.” She smiles and gives a dismissive nod. Not knowing what to do I divert my eyes from the man’s to the ground. “I see. But this is a newling, and she should be experiencing the sights and sounds of the celebration. Not just sitting over here resting.” “Well, I’m sure Addison wouldn’t mind taking a quick walk with you to see the sights.” Katie blurts. WHAT THE f**k WAS THAT? Rage fills my eyes as I glance at Katie. What is she doing? “Addison… that’s a lovely name. My name is David. David Hall, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Frozen in place my heartbeat begins to race. “Oh no, no of course not Addison was just saying how tired she was Katie,” Laura says looking as confused as I am. “I’m sure she would rather stay with us and rest. But thank you, Mr. Hall.” Laura says again standing and taking my hand to walk with her. “It was nice meeting you ladies.” David bows as I hurry away with Laura. “What the hell is Katie thinking?” I said breathing heavily, my heartbeat thumping in my ears. “I don’t know, but we need to find Aaron. Stay here behind this building, and I’ll bring Aaron to you if he is on our side of the clearing.” Laura gives my hand a little squeeze and leaves me alone. A few minutes later I hear footsteps approaching from around the corner. “Oh thank god you” stopping midsentence. “You ran away so quickly we didn’t get a chance to speak.” David Hall says leaning against the building. “Umm, I am not feeling very well at the moment” I stammer. I begin to walk away, but David steps in my way placing his hands in the air to show me he is not going to touch me. “It seems like you are trying to avoid me. Now, why would that be?” A smirk forms on his face. “Avoid you? Why would I avoid you? I don’t even know you. I’m simply tired and not rested enough to fully engage in meaningful conversation, maybe after I’ve rested some more.” Shrugging my shoulders, I begin to walk again. “You know you are a very beautiful newling that happened to be placed in the wrong mating group.” I stop in my tracks and turn to look at David. “Oh, that’s gotten your attention has it? I’m positive you won’t end up in the wrong group again next year.” David steps towards me. “If I were your mate I would never have left your side at this gathering. There are too many prying eyes that already got an astonishing look at you on the day of the grouping ceremony. You can put on an ugly dress and style your hair as plain as you want, but I already saw what you have.” Vomit rises in my throat as David licks his lips. “I bet you were very tight the first time that lucky bastard entered you. I do hate used goods, but with that body, I think I can make an exception. I’ll have to tell Aaron to take it easy on you. We don’t want you too loose.” He takes another step towards me and sniffs the air around me. “Just your smell alone is is enough to drive me crazy. The things I could do to you. Well… will do to you. I’ll be counting down the months, my dear.” David once again bows and smiles at me wickedly leaving me alone in the night air. Oh my god… oh my god… Falling to my knees, tears begin streaming from my eyes as I whisper over and over again. “What am I going to do? What am I going to do?” “Addison, are you okay.” Strong hands are on my shoulders. “You’re trembling. What happened? Why are you crying?” Aaron wraps his coat around my shoulders as he kneels in front of me, but I say nothing. Mentally I quickly decide not to tell Aaron what happened. He already hates David Hall because of what he did to Sophia; he doesn’t need to know that Mr. Hall intends to do the same things to me. “I’m sorry I was frightened stubbed my toe on a rock, but I’m okay now.” Aaron’s thumb wipes the tears from eyes. “Stubbed your toe?” Aaron’s eyes narrow at me. “Yes, I guess I am just a big baby.” Sniffing I give a little smile. Laura is standing behind Aaron looking highly upset when she starts speaking “I told Aaron about David’s interest in you.” She says encouraging me to continue. “Oh yes, he came over and spoke to the three of us but Laura was a quick thinker, and we were able to hide behind here. I don’t think he showed much interest. In fact, after Laura left, I saw him talking with another group of girls.” Standing up I say that I am fine once more and reiterate that I merely stubbed my toe. The rest of the night goes by in a daze as I torture myself with the terrible images of what my life will be like in less than a year. When the celebration ends for the night and the mating groups are going off to find a place to sleep for the night I spot David watching me from across the clearing, and a shudder runs through my body straight to my core. He’s pure evil.
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