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(Tonia 's POV) I stared at Jasper, then back at Antonio, and just thought about it for a minute. "You fabricated the test results." Jasper looked at me then at Antonio who was grinning from ear to ear, and nodded looking at the ground. "So was he really your best friend or was it all a bunch of bullshit too?!" "We were friends, but the one time, the one thing I wanted for myself he couldn't let me have, he just had to have Angelina, but then what can you expect from the Alpha's only child, spoiled, selfish, and self centered." "She still left with me over you!" "Because you threatened her, you pompous...!" I snorted with laughter now they were looking at me like I was the crazy one, but what I was hearing was so childish."What's so funny?" asked Jasper he looked at little agitated."Figures she's a nut case, she is your daughter after all." I was laughing so much, I was doubled over, I had tears falling out of my eyes, I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. "Wh-what are you five...she liked me better then you' 'you bullied her into it', really you know I was mad for a little bit thinking, how could someone lie to a loved one, but now I see my adopted family's choice, and I'm somewhat glad, you wolves are really immature, for being beings of great power you've forgotten what all of that means, it's not all your faults, but you guys just laid down and them do this to all of you, thinking they were getting rid of the real monsters, but they consider all of you monsters." They both looked at me with indignation. "What they did to her wasn't...." "Tony, most of the things you have done, don't better that, they don't right what they did to both of you, I'm not saying it was right the way they killed Angelina, but you've killed a lot of humans too." "They poked the lion, now they get what's coming to them." I took a deep breath, when Letty came out. "Tonia, you should come in, I could use your help, it looks like Dominic's wolf is awake, Dom is under pretty deep, Jesse wanted to try but, he got more on edge." "Sure." I looked back at the men, and sighed and walked back in with Letty. I took off my clothes but just down to my underwear, to show Dominic's wolf that I'm vulnerable, he hadn't phased back to human, when we got back,once in the room with him, I got down on my knees, and waited, not making eye contact with him just using my other senses. "Hey, I know you're hurt but you need to rest you need to heal." I heard the growls go louder when I said that, he thought I was ordering him to do these things, I lowered my head as I heard him walking toward me, he looked so bad, like a zombie wolf, in the poorly lit room. I felt my heart start to pound in my chest, as he came close to me, licking and sniffing me in the most vulnerable places: neck, and abdomen. For a minute, I thought he had walked away until he pushed me onto my back, I didn't do anything just laid there, but I could feel my wolf push forward she was peeking right at Dominic, here froze for a second, looking deep into my eyes. "He knows, Tonia, he knows he's ours." "Let's not count on that too much for right now." I thought back to my wolf, she scoffed, but calmed down. The wolf finally just came and laid his whole body on me with his head resting on my stomach, and was out again, I released the breath I had been holding, after a few minutes, Letty came in handed me a blanket and a pillow, I thanked her and she went back out, I got as comfortable as I could, and just slept the all the while he was on me, first chance I got I'd have to see what our next move was. I looked out the window well,  the sun was already peeking over the trees, it was morning, but I just rolled over and fell asleep. When I woke up next, Dominic was curled up next to me, like a over sized puppy, sitting up and watching him I couldn't help run gentle fingers over his fur, he really was beautiful in wolf and human form, and I hated to see him hurt, Tears rolled down my checks, as I thought about everything we've been through how he's been there for me when I really needed him, my shock when i found out who he was and he wanted me, he wanted us to be together. "I sorry." I whispered He moved his nozzle closer to me, and was still again. Soon Letty came in with two trays of food, and sat down to talk to me. "He looks a little better sense yesterday, if you can get him to eat, that would help even more." "Once he's up for it, I'll try." She sat there watching for a while, and a knowing smile spread across her face. "What?" "Nothing it's just, both of you are done for..." I glared at her, and she shook her head. "Not like that, I just mean, I know that look, I know him being super protective of you." "Was Eric the same?" "Yeah, but he hated me and I hated him at first." "You did?" "Yeah, My father worked for the Secretary of Defense, he was in charge of separating the kids from the women, leaving the children with the father didn't matter how old the baby or kid was, you might not think about it too much, but even kids in the packs like any being really depends on his/her mother, then they realize Dad is cool too." " How old was Jesse when you were taken?" "I had just had him, when I was taken, he never got to have me around, but Eric did a great job, my baby grew up to be a good young man." I smiled and looked down at Dominic. "What?" "Yesterday, Antonio and Jasper were fighting, about who my biological mother really loved, who she really belonged with, but I've always heard beautiful things about mates, how they had the power to change the couple, but seeing them it the most horrible thing I'd heard of." "They had to learn to adapt, Tonia, they took mates away from the real mate just to keep blood lines, a lot of wolves died, that pack that took me in after they turned me, had the same problem, but they worked through it, others killed off a lot of their people, and some like this one, found loop holes to keep their pack off the grid, but Mr. Gold, his pack wasn't really big either, they just dropped off wolves that were in the way." "That was good right, he gave them a chance to live right." He ended having to kill them, they'd try and steal or rape women at random, and after they killed the Mrs. he wasn't doing so good, he got to a point that he was going to force Eric and I to be mates, joke was we were already secretly seeing each other." "Do you still love Eric, or have you moved on?" "Yes, I have missed him, and Jesse like crazy, for a while I thought I was going to go crazy, but the wolf that helped me he really made me focus on what was important." "What's the wolf's name do you know?" "Um....I think Hector...no, Victor that's it." I felt my insides twist in discomfort. "Do you know his last name?" "Cruz." My felt my eyes go wide, and I'm guessing Letty noticed too. "Do you know him?" "That's..That's my father....or my adoptive father." "You're the one he kept talking about, apparently he's been watching you for a while, he's really proud of you." I felt angry, but I pushed it down he's been around this whole time, in the shadow's, even after I was turned he still didn't show himself to me. After Dominic showed me the video that was all I ever got, while Liam had seen him. "Yeah, thanks, I'm glad you found someone to guide you." "I talked to him, a few hours ago, and he said we'd meet at a half way point he's been living with a pack, and he'd let the other's know about their kids." "That's fine, but how are we going to move Dominic?" "And get all the kids there?" "We found the solution to that!" announced Jasper, that brought Dominic to attention. "Shhhh, you're okay, I'm right here." He settled again, but he had gotten off of me, I carefully jumped up and got dressed, and followed Letty and Jasper outside, there was a bus, a little bus. "This should get us there it's gassed up and we've checked it for any problems, it's ready to go." "When do we leave?" "Tonight." I went in and checked the seating Jasper had ripped out the last two chairs and patched up the holes leaving the eight seats, they'd have room to sleep on the seats and stretch out. I put one of the cots in the back it fit just right, then covered enough of the window so you couldn't see the cot or Dominic, unless he lifted his head. We had food and water, and got ready to head out. Now to deal with the bigger problem. "You think he could phase?" "Yeah, I've them do it, but it kicks back the healing process." "We could carry him." "Well, be my guest, Jasper." "No, I mean we have a stretcher, as long he stays still it shouldn't be a problem." Jasper went to get the stretcher and I woke Dominic up and then carefully lead him onto the stretcher, he didn't want to but he was hurting too much to fight for long, so we picked him up and headed for the bus. we got him in and laid him on the big cot, then as he ate, the kids got settled in the seats, we took a bunch of back roads to the area we were meting...Dad. that's if he was even there. It took about three hours to get there until finally I felt the bus slow down, and Dominic sighed in relief. Jesse and Katy stayed in the bus with me and Dominic, while Letty and Jasper went to take the kids back to the parents, all of who were happy to see their kids again, I caught a glimpse of Letty talking to someone but the window was so dirty, I couldn't really see them, so I turned back to Dominic on my lap. "Aunt, Toni." "Yes, baby?" "Are you going to live with Mr. Dom, now?" "What makes you say that, sweetie?" "I see how Daddy look at Ms. Amelia like you look at Mr. Dom, and I know he really likes her because of that." "I'm not sure what's going to happen honey." "Do you like Mr. Dom?" I chuckled these two paid too much attention to things. "Yes, I like him." "Then you'll stay with him right?" "Well, Mr. Dom hasn't asked, but like I said I don't know what's going to happen." I smiled and so did Katy, she wasn't a baby anymore, and both kids were really paying attention to what was going on. They were picking up on things we want to deny to ourselves it couldn't be more obvious to them, and they accepted that faster then the adults did. Soon Letty came back on the bus, and sat down next to me. "What's up?" "The wolves were happy to get their kids back they were kidnapped just like Jesse and Katy, as a thank you the pack where your father and I were staying wants to help you with Dominic, they have medicines that can help heal him faster, it'll cut down on the days." "Is it safe, they won't ry and kill him will they?' "No, I just said they offered." I looked down at Dominic, I know he was listening but didn't say anything, so I nodded. Letty went to let them know and a few minutes later they Jasper came back and drove us to the next reservation.
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