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(Tonia's POV) As we drove to the res. my insides twisted, I might not of gotten down earlier but I had heard his voice, Victor, the man that raised me until he "died" when I was nine. While I had been in the hospital he had gone of to take revenge on the things that had killed our family, then he too disappeared. I might of had Liam, but Victor....he was my....but I guess. "Auntie Toni, why are you crying?" I shook my head and wiped away my tears. "Nothing baby, I'm just happy the kids are back with their families." Katy, gave me a small smile, and came to hug me.Then turned to look at Dominic and ran a light hand over his fur. "Thank you, for saving us." I watched my niece,  even if now I know we aren't blood related, but I still considered her, like a daughter. My little girl was so grown up, even at seven almost eight, she acted like a big kid. I felt so proud of her, and with Liam who was a single father has raised this little right. "Tonia, why don't you sleep we'll be a while, and I'll watch over Dom." Before I could move, Dominic moved his head and kept me in my spot, I smiled and Letty understood, but I got as comfortable as I could, and went to sleep. I was seeing things Antonio had seen, or things he did, there was a lot of blood on his hands. My family hasn't been the only one he's taken revenge on, from what I could see there were at least six families he had killed, one was strange to me but I recognized or at least I felt like I did, a woman, and two young boys, at the time they died they had been ten and twelve years of age. Antonio had done unspeakable things to the family. (BUMP) The bus jerked and I woke up, my heart raced at the thought of my dream, Antonio had once told me I was the only one that could help him, but after I've seen the kind of monster he was, I wondered how and why me? The bus stopped and Letty came over. She saw I was awake. "How long did I sleep?' "Four hours actually." "It didn't feel like it." She smiled and the back of the bus opened there he was, Victor. He and other men started to move Dominic's sleeping form, I quickly jumped down and tried to follow, but Victor stopped me hugging me, for some reason it didn't feel sincere, even if he hasn't seen me for years, it felt cold and forced. I didn't jump into his arms either, because deep down I had questions, and before I could even begin to accept that he's here and alive, I needed to know and have my questions answered, but for right now I just wanted to make sure Dominic was okay and that we were really safe here. I pulled away from Victor, he seemed a little disappointed at my reaction, but didn't make a big deal out of it, then turned to an other pair of men: one older one younger, about my age if I wasn't mistaken. "Sir this is my daughter." "The one you spoke of, I can see why you're a proud father." Why did I feel like a freakin, animal at a fair being judged. "Thank you sir, for allow...." "Did I ask you to speak?" the man asked coldly and firmly. "No, but..." "Why are you still talking, know your place girl!" I glared up at him, then looked back at Victor, who didn't say anything. I scoffed and tried to walk past the men. "You haven't been excused, Tonia." said Victor, I stopped but not for long, I kept going and headed right to were Dominic was. Misogynistic assholes, as I walked in further, I found Letty and she showed me where they were fixing up Dominic, he had woken up and was not happy, I tried to get into the room but they were yelling at me "this is no place for a woman" but Dominic almost bit off someone's hand, when I got past the men and he saw me, he calmed down and the medic allowed me to stay and asked the others to leave. He got to work on removing all the dead skin on Dominic's back, once it was cleaned out and the remaining silver was out, he sewed the skin shut, with me here Dominic took the pain just fine, if I had left they wouldn't of gotten very far. "Is he your mate?" asked the man. I just nodded he gave me a grim smile, nodded and got done and left to get a bed for him ready, as soon as that was ready he came and looked at me. "Dominic,  come on, they have a better place then this steel table to lay on." Like a robot he got up jumped down from the table and we followed the medic to an other room, he got on top of the bed, and settled. "Thank you." I said to the man, he gave me a small bow and left us alone. Looking around the room It had about twelve beds neatly, set across from each other on either side, kinda like what you saw in the old war movies, but with modern hospital beds. IV poles next to each one, and a small night stand and one chair between the beds. From what I've been seeing in the different res, each one was at a different level of status, even when they were behind walls, this one seemed very well off, but women were looked down at, and I would bet anything they traded or scared off all of the women or most anyway. I was so tired, and Dominic still had a lot of room on the bed so I climbed in, he rested his head, on my side and we both just drifted to sleep. That was short lived, as I was suddenly yanked out of the bed.. I was on the floor looking up at, Victor. "What the hell is your issue..." "You are not married to that man, you aren't a w***e to be sleeping with him." he said firmly. "First of all we're just sleeping, nothing more. Second, I'm tired and hungry, but let me guess your pale is just going to dump me in some corner on a piece of newspaper to sleep on." "Don't be ridiculous, they're actually expecting you at dinner right now, so leave, Gold and let's go." He pulled my arm and I pulled it away. We glared at each other and I turned to talk to Dominic. "I'll be back." with that I followed Victor and we headed up stairs to a giant Dining room, something right out of a king's banquet hall. the tables were all in a half square, with the Alpha at the head. My mouth watered at I saw the food, roasted chickens, with mushed potatoes and asparagus, pork lions, with a pasta and green beans, and much more. Victor walked me right up to the front of the table, sat down next to the Alpha and I sat next to him, they offered me drinks and a plate of my choice of food, I ate with as much class as I could I was starving. Even if I decided to pig out, everyone was to distracted to notice, I was just getting my second helping, when the young man from earlier spoke up. "A woman that eats more than a man does is disgusting." I was about to say something, when Victor, grabbed my hand, it stopped me. My appetite was ruined, I pushed the plate away, now I wanted to puke, I had never wanted to do that, the couple of times I had Liam, had been on my ass about it, almost forcing me to eat, and keeping me under a watchful eye, until  I had no desire to do it anymore. "Tonia has always had a big appetite..." "I'm surprised she doesn't look like a sow." said the Alpha, chomping on a chicken leg a flat out pig himself. "Takes one to know one." I mumbled under my breath but the good old wolf hearing had no mercy, and the Alpha turned to glare at me. As did Victor. "As we spoke, sir, Tonia is a strong woman, and was turned not to long ago, she'd bare strong children..." I had been drinking from my cup at that moment, and choked. What had he said? "Yes, but there is still the problem of her mouth running..." "I assure you sir, it will be dealt with." "Like hell it will!" I stood up and all three men looked up at me. "Tonia...." ""Whatever you have planned with Mr. Pompous over here, leave me out of, second I'm not life stock to be traded, if that's the reason you let us come here, then fine, Dominic and I can leave!" "Tonia!" Victor shouted after me as I walked out of the dining hall, but all too soon he caught up to me. "Let go of me!" "Listen to me, you will be safe here protected from anything the government dishes out..." "Protected from the government, but abused by the wolves no thank you." "Damn it, Toni!" He said frustrated and angry," I need you out from under the Secretary of Defenses eye, that won't happen if you stay with Gold." "So sale me off to the best bidder right!?" "I am your father, and I know what's best for you!" "You haven't been my father for twenty- four years Victor, you never thought about me first, you disappeared on me when I needed you most, I lost my mother, my brother and my father in one hit, and even when you survived, what did you do, huh, you moved on....new wife, and I can only imagine a new kid right, but this one you didn't rip out of anyone!" "How did you...?" "I can smell her all over you ,Victor, and I can smell....a baby smell, you know who turned me...The one that killed Mom and Luis, he turned me to get back at my Biological father, but at least they both have helped me in the most important of times, what have you done?" "What has your biological father done, what would he be doing right now?!" "I would never know, your government, murdered my mother then cut me out of her, to use my body but surprise I was alive, now my question is how did I get to be with you if I was suppose to be dead?!" Victor looked at me, but didn't say anything. "You need to rest, they have a room for you, I'll let Letty to show you where." "I'm going back to check on Dominic." "Tonia..." "He's my mate, Victor, if only because we haven't had the chance, but he's mate." "That's dead, mates don't exist in this time." "Not to you, but we found each other." Victor, just nodded and walked away, tears ran down my face, I felt betrayed somehow, but like everything else I pushed it down and turned to go back to Dominic. "Father's, they always claim to know you better then anyone, but the truth is they don't, not really." I turned and found Mr. Piglet walking toward me out of the shadows. "How long have you been listening?" "All of it, it's true you'll be well of here but you're also right, you're nothing but a baby maker here." "Yuppie, where do I sign up." I said sarcastically, he chuckled. "I'm John, by the way." "Tonia." "Well, Tonia is there anyway I could convince you to go on a walk with me, just to talk." "No way at all, I have to go check on my mate." "He's a lucky man, wish I could find someone like you someday." "If you're lucky." I said with a smile, he nodded and walked in one direction and I the other. Letty was just coming out of the sick ward, when I saw her hand bleed she wrapped it. "Hey what happened!?' "I was trying to feed Dom, the jerk bit me." I sighed and helped Letty wrap up her hand it would heal in a bit, but had to stop the bleeding first. "Let me try." She nodded and I walked into the room, he was on his stomach now, he looked in a daze, but his back looked a whole lot better. "Hey, mister, you're burning a lot of energy, you need to eat, here." I offered some chicken, and he started to eat, slowly but surely. after he was done with all of his food he was out again. "Hey, ready to head to your room?" "It's not some kind of trap is it?" "What do you mean?" I explained what happened earlier, and Letty shook her head. "Good for you for standing up for yourself, they try that every time a new female walks in her, but John isn't about that at heart he's a hopeless romantic." I smiled at her, and nodded. I ran a light hand on Dominic's face and wished him a good night and followed Letty to my room. Once in my room, Letty showed me around it had it's own bathroom and shower, se told me to give her my clothes she get me some cleans ones. "I'm going to be sleeping naked." "Yup sorry, I'll have your clothes in the morning, have a good night." I got out of my clothes and got in the shower, I didn't realize how dirty I was, until I could see dirt, blood, and pieces of stuff fell out of my hair and of my body. I felt like a new person when I jumped out of the shower I just wrapped a towel around me, got into bed and in second was out I was in and out of sleep as I heard some loud voices outside my door, and running, they were looking for someone. It wasn't until I felt a strong arm slide along my waist under the blanket, did I wake up completely.  
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