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Jax After Rooster and Sue left, the rest of the guys stayed for a bit longer as we all bull shitted, but soon I was left on my own. I spent the rest of the day working around the house. Sometime later, Rooster called. “Hey man, everything ok?” Sue had looked upset when she came back over. Sue was Rooster’s old lady. With him being the president of the MC, she took on the role of mother to all of us guys. Yes, we all had our own mothers, but she filled the role for most of the guys. So to say we were protective of her was an understatement. “Yeah, I need you to look into the woman next door. She told Sue her real name is Sophia Kian. I need to know if that is true.” I was taken back, “you mean like her daughter Sophia?” Being the vice president of the MC, I was one of the few members who knew Sue had a daughter. I was also one of the few that knew the story as to why Sophia wasn't in Sue's life. “Yeah, I need to know if that is true and how much she knows about her mother.” If this was true, her moving here made a little more sense. “I’m on it.” He hung up, and I went to work. Searching the name Sophia Kian proved a bit hard. She did have social media accounts, but they were locked down real well. It took a few back doors to gain access to them. But there she was. She even had a few pictures with her and the woman that came up as Rose Woods. But with everything I could find, I couldn’t tell why she moved here. The only thing left to do was to talk with her and see if I could figure it out. It was late, though, so it will have to wait until morning.  I took my time in the morning. There was no movement that I could see across the street. By a little after nine, I took a chance and headed over. I rang the doorbell and waited a minute. I started to question if maybe she had left and I had missed it, but finally, the door opened. She stood on the other side of the door in a sports bra and yoga pants. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, and she had sweat glistening off her well-toned body. I was so distracted I forgot why I had even come over. A smile pulled at her lips, “Is there something I can help you with, Jax?” I was taken off guard again. How did she know my name? As though she could read my thoughts, she pointed to the patch on my cut that had my name. I instantly felt stupid. Of course, she knew my name. It was on my cut for everyone to see, along with the fact I was the vice president. “Oh yeah, um…I um…” I never in my life had trouble talking to a woman. The smile on her face grew slightly, but she waited for me to spit out what I wanted to say. I cleared my throat and tried to focus on anything other than the fact she looked damn good in her workout clothes. “Would you like to maybe go get some breakfast or coffee or something?” Chuckling, she nodded, “Sure, give me twenty minutes.” I nodded, and she shut the door. I gulped, focusing on the information I needed to get, which was going to be hard from the looks of it.  Twenty minutes later and she walked out her front door. Her hair was now pulled into a braid that ran down her back. She was dressed in dark blue jeans, a black Red Hot Chili Peppers t-shirt, a pair of combat boots, and her make-up done, making her grey eyes pop. She walked down her front steps and over to where I waited with my bike. Without thinking about it, I held my helmet out for her, making her smile. Shaking her head, she took it and pulled it on, then climbed on behind me. Kicking my bike on, I opened my mouth to tell her to hold on, but before the words could come out of my mouth, her hands went to my sides. Shutting my mouth, I pulled forward, remembering this was not her first time on a bike, and she knew what to expect. Hell, I didn’t really even need to give her my helmet. She had her own. But she didn’t say anything as she pulled mine on and climbed on behind me.  I drove to the little diner not far from the house and the same one she had eaten at before. Once I was parked, she climbed off the back of my bike, pulling the helmet off and handing it to me. I followed behind her as she headed for the building. It was so hard not to look at her ass as we walked. As we reached the door, I moved around her and opened it before she could touch it. I was raised to always open doors for women no matter what. Although a good amount of women nowadays seem to not care for it, I still did it anyway. This thankfully gained me a smile from her and a small thank you. I let her lead the way to one of the booths and slid in across from her. Neither one of us said anything as we looked over the menus and placed our orders. Once the waitress left, she replaced her menu in the stand on the end of the table before leaning on the table with her hands folded in front of her and stared at me. “So, is it Sophia or Rose?” I asked, making her smile again. God, if I didn’t already love that smile. “Sophia, but how about we skip the part where I pretend I don’t know you already know everything you could find out online about me and get to the questions you couldn’t find the answers to?” I raised an eyebrow, “I am not sure I know what you’re talking about.” This she found funny. “Jax, come on. I am not stupid. There is only one way you know my real name, and that is because when my mother walked back over to you guys yesterday, she told you. And by the look on your face, I am going to guess she doesn’t know you are here or that your president asked you to get information on me. So what is it he wants to know that you couldn’t find?” To say I was shocked would be an understatement. She had no issues with holding back and even already answered one of my questions. So she knew Sue was her mother. “How did you know….” Her smile grew slightly, “You are not the first MC I have run across in my life.” I raised an eyebrow. “I dated a member of The Spiked Eagles MC for a year a few years ago while he was in Phoenix taking some accounting classes for the club. I may have tricked him into telling me as much about the MC life as I could get him to for my first book.” She shrugged her shoulders and sat back as our waitress delivered our food. Well, I’ll be damned. I nodded, “Ok, well, first I need to know if the two of you left on good terms or is he going to be showing up here in town looking for you and bringing members of his MC?” She shook her head. “Our relationship had an expiration date from the start. He was only there for a year, and I was not exactly of legal age to skip town. Neither of us has talked in years, so if he were to show up, it would not be because he was looking for me.” I nodded.  The Spiked Eagles weren’t exactly a rival MC, but they were known for not exactly being a friendly bunch of guys to run into. Not that The Thunder Wolves wouldn’t be able to hold their own, we just didn’t need to have them as an enemy either. “So then you know Sue is your mother?” She nodded, “yes, and from the look in her eyes yesterday, I guess she figured out who I am. But she chose not to say anything, Although to be fair, neither did I. To be honest, I am not sure I am as ready as I thought I was to find out why she left when I was a kid.” I nodded, “Is that why you came here? From my understanding, your father was against the two of you meeting. Does he know you are here?” Scoffing, she raised an eyebrow at me. “First, yes, that is why I came here. And second, I am pretty sure my father has no say in what I do or who I speak with. He hasn’t for a few years now. Besides, there is not a lot he can do unless he wants to come back and haunt me from his grave. But as he would know, I am not easily scared, so he would have to do one hell of a job to scare me off.” Again I was taken back, the guys had lost track of John a few years ago, but nothing came up as he had passed away. “I am sorry, I missed that in my search.” She shrugged. “No worries, it wasn’t something I announced or anything. My father had his issues, and he had only one other friend by the end of his life. So I didn’t feel the need to publish his death.” Her eyes turned sad as she spoke about her father, so I let the conversation drop.  Silence filled the table as we ate our breakfast. As we finished eating, I wasn’t sure what else to say, and I drove her back to her house. As she climbed off the back of my bike again, she handed me my helmet back. “You can tell my mom if she wants to talk, I have no plans of leaving at the moment. She is welcome to stop by anytime. And if your president is more comfortable not letting her come alone, he is welcome to come with her or send someone with her. But I won’t promise anything other than to allow her the chance to explain.” I nodded. “Fair enough, I will let them know.” She nodded and started towards the house but stopped and turned around. “Oh, and if ever you want to get dinner or something sometime, let me know.” With a large smile on her face, she turned and walked inside her house, leaving me speechless. I have never in my life known a woman to be so bold and outspoken. Putting my helmet on, I headed out, driving over to the clubhouse.  Rooster was in his office working on the books for the two adult clubs the MC ran. He had left the door open, so I didn’t bother knocking and simply walked in and sat down in a chair across from him at his desk. I watched as he finished what he was doing and sat back in his chair, looking at me before speaking. “So here's what I got, she is Sue’s daughter. She knows Sue is her mother but didn’t say anything yesterday because she wasn’t sure what to say. She wants to know why Sue left, which is why she came here. But when faced with the chance to ask, she wasn’t sure if she wanted the answer, so she didn’t do it. And when Sue didn’t say anything, she thought maybe Sue didn’t realize who she was. She has no plans of leaving anytime soon, so she has left an open invitation to Sue to come by anytime if she wants. Along with that invitation, she said if you didn’t feel comfortable letting Sue go alone, you or any one of us are welcome to come with her.” Both his eyebrows shot up. “And how did you get all of this information?” I smiled at him. “I invited her to breakfast. I was going to ease into the information, but she called me out and told me to get to the point and ask the questions I had that I hadn’t been able to answer while social media stalking her.” He laughed hard. “She also informed me that the reason we lost track of John was that he passed away a few years ago. Apparently, he hadn’t had very many friends, so she never had it announced.” He nodded. “Thank you for this.” I nodded, “Of course.” With that, he picked up one of the books and tossed it over the desk at me, and went back to work on the one he had been working on. I took the book and started double-checking his math for him, making sure everything looked good.
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