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Sophia  After breakfast, I spent the next few hours working on my most current book. I wasn’t truly happy with its direction, so I was getting frustrated and had to stop for a little bit. Needing to clear my head, I slammed my laptop closed and headed out, pulling my bike out to go for a ride. It always helped to clear my head to go for a ride, and to be honest, after the talk this morning, I was frustrated. The MC had been looking into me for my mother. I wondered if she had been watching from afar for a while now and, if so, why. Why hasn't she just come to me? And then there was that comment Jax made about my dad not wanting her in my life. Who the hell was he to keep her away when he spent most of my childhood drunk off his ass. Taking my bike, I headed out, letting everything get shut out as I enjoyed the ride. I drove a good couple of hours out of town, finding somewhere to have dinner before heading back. By the time I got back, I had calmed my mind enough to get some sleep.  The following day I got up, dressed for my workout, and headed down to the basement to work out. I liked the setup for my little gym. I could start with a slight warm-up on the treadmill, then move to a full-on workout with the punching bag, some light weight lifting, a good cardio workout on the treadmill or the stair climber, and a cool down on the treadmill. I didn’t do anything crazy as far as my workout went, but it was enough to keep me in shape, so I could eat whatever the hell I wanted. While I worked out, I blasted the radio and loved it. Like yesterday by the time I got done and shut the radio off, someone was at my door. I jogged up the stairs while using a towel to whip some of the sweat off me. Opening the door, I found yet again Jax standing on the other side. I smiled at him, “Jax?” A large smile pulled at his lips. He looked like a little kid that was being offered candy. I shook my head at him, “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you came by at the same time as yesterday just to see if you could see me in my bra again.” He tried to give an innocent look, but I saw right through it. I shook my head. “Whatever, I can’t go out today. I have a meeting in an hour, but I can make us some breakfast if you want to come in.” I moved to the side, motioning him to come in. “That sounds amazing but not why I came by today. I wanted to know if you were free maybe later today for dinner.” I raised an eyebrow. “The fact that I caught you at the end of your workout again just happened to be a happy coincidence.” I laughed, “Sure it is. And yeah, I am free later for dinner.” Again his whole face lit up like he was a kid being offered the entire candy store. “Seven o'clock, wear whatever is comfortable.” I laughed again. If only he knew that if I did that, I would wear pajama pants and a shirt. “See you later.” I shut the door shaking my head, and went up and showered and got dressed for the day. After I met with my publishers, I went to work on fixing the part of my book I didn’t like.  Losing track of time, and before I knew it, it was six-thirty, and I only had thirty minutes to get ready to go. Luckily I was confident I could wear nothing, and he wouldn't care. I headed up and got changed. I decided on a pair of skinny black jeans, a black Nightmare Before Christmas tank, and my knee-high boots. I did my make up doing a dark smoky eye look, and paired it with red lipstick. I ran my brush through my hair, leaving it down. I pulled on my leather jacket to complete the look since I was sure we would be using his bike to go wherever he had planned. Just as I pulled my jacket on, I heard someone at the door and headed down. Opening the door, I found Jax standing there just as he had been this morning and the morning before. And just like both times, his eyes moved across my body, taking all of me in. Even though I wasn’t half-naked this time, his attraction was still there. I smiled at him. As I have gotten older and more comfortable with my body, it didn’t bother me when guys checked me out. I looked good, and I knew I did. I was what most guy's wet dreams were made of between my small waist and large chest. And well, frankly, they could look as long as they didn’t touch without my permission. It took him a few seconds to recover, clearing his throat. He stepped back so I could step out of the house. “You look nice.” I stepped out, shutting the door behind me. “Thank you.” We headed down the stairs and down to his bike that was parked in my driveway. He had a nice bike. I usually didn’t really care to ride on the back of a guy's bike when I had my own I could drive. But his bike was one I would love to drive myself, so if riding on the back of it behind him was how I was going to do that, for now, I would do so. Like yesterday, he handed me his helmet, and again I shook my head but took it and put it on. I thought it was silly for him to give me his helmet and not wear one himself, but I wasn’t going to argue with him. I climbed on behind him and rested my hands on his sides once he kicked the bike on. I loved the feel of a motorcycle. It was powerful. 
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