~Divine Meeting~

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“Papa, Mama! Please, believe me. Please”, I was full-on sobbing now. Jason stood behind my parents, a small grin on his shameless face. “Devara, why would you keep lying that Jason violated you? We all know what a tramp you are. He turned down your advances, and now, you dare lie that he violated you? You are the Alpha's daughter, have you no shame?”, Mama roared at me. Disgust and hatred had warped her face, making her look rather scary. I was screaming and pleading as they all stared at me in disappointment, Mama, Papa, the Pack elders, and everyone I knew. I woke with a sudden start and searched around. I was alone and safe. My parents were not here, Jason was not here, and the pack was not here to point fingers. I felt moisture in my eyes and rubbed it. I cried again in my sleep. I was supposed to have been woken up from my rest by the truck driver who had helped me, but he never actually got the chance to, as my parent's hate, betrayal, and malicious words added to Jason's assault were more than enough to keep me awake at all times. I knew I could never be at peace until l let go of all the painful memories I had engraved in my heart, but it was harder said than done. Was I ever going to let go? I sighed sadly and sat upright, trying to observe the location to figure out where we were. We had been on the road for several hours and I still wasn't aware of where we were headed, as the driver hadn't disclosed the location to me yet, and I had not cared enough to ask multiple times. “We are almost there”, the driver said to me with a pleasant smile. It was almost as if he knew I was beginning to get uneasy. “Oh, thank you”, I let out faintly with my hands on my belly as I vaguely mulled over what to do with the child who was growing inside me. “We are here”, the truck driver announced a few minutes after he had told me we were almost at our destination. I rolled down my window and glanced outside. The scenery of the place amazed me. We drove past a field of dandelions and forgot that not that swayed left and right in the soft breeze. It was up a steep hill and the field of flowers covered the whole way that led to the building that sits on top of the ridge. The building was an average-sized beautiful home with a picket fence and brown roof. With a chimney behind it, it looked like something straight out of a children's storybook. “Ahhh, Maxwell”, a beautiful lady called out as we got down from the truck. “Greetings to you, High Priestess”, the truck driver bowed his head as a gesture of respect. I glanced between them awkwardly as I wondered who the elegant lady might be and what I was supposed to do. “Maxwell, there is no need for that. You are practically family to me”, the lady spoke gently and moved closer to the driver, assisting him. She turned her attention to me and smiled at me before she spoke to me. “You must be the young lady Maxwell talked about”, she disclosed, still wearing a bright smile on her face. It was so serene that viewing it could take away a person's misfortune and despair even for a moment. “I don't quite understand”, I asked, puzzled as to how she knew about me. “ I'm sorry miss, while you were sleeping I called Efe and notified her of your situation”. Maxwell shed more light on the situation as to how she knew about my plight. “I'm Devara…”, I started to say, but before I could finish introducing myself, Efe cut in. “Devara Dwayne Howl”, Efe interjected. I gasped, amazed. How had she known my full name? Who was she? Was she working with my Mama and Papa? I covered my mouth with my palm as my eyes enlarged with bewilderment over Efe. “I know you must wonder about what I know of you. I'm going to tell you all about it, but right now, we need to get you inside so that my pupil can check on you”, Efe chuckled and led Maxwell and me into her home. It was larger than it had been viewed from the outside and looked more like an office with a homely feeling than an actual home. But it still looked very comfortable with exquisite couches and weird pieces of art around. “Elyria, could you please take our guest to the infirmary and ask Hilary to tend to her?”, Efe instructed someone who looked like her friend and, at the same time, her assistant. “You may leave with her. Don't worry, you are safe here”, Efe reassured me. Hearing those words from her put me at ease a bit. I followed Elyria to the infirmary, where she gave orders to the girl Hilary to tend to me. “I will be right back”, Elyria said, and left me with Hillary. I stood as still as an image in the middle of the room and watched Hilary, who was gesturing her hands towards the bed. I knew she wanted me to lay down on the bed, but I couldn't take a step forward. Furthermore, I had a lot of what if's running through my mind as I peered at Hilary. What if they were all up to no good? What if it was Jason who had set up all this in the first place? Well, I can't be too cautious. If Jason could make the doctor from earlier into his accomplice in less than an hour, then nothing was seemingly impossible for him to pull off. I couldn't let my guard down as I did with the doctor from the hospital. Letting my guard down was what got me into this situation in the first place, so why should I trust some lady who I knew nothing about, but who knew a lot about me? “Miss, are you listening to me?”, Hillary touched me gently on my shoulders, which had me shaken up, and I pushed her to the ground. "Stay away from me”, I declared, using my hands as a shield over my body to protect myself. “Calm down, I'm not here to harm you”, Hilary let out as she stood up from the ground, dusting herself down. “Hilary, you can leave, I will take it from here”, Efe commented as she walked in on us. “As her high priestess wishes”, Hilary bowed her head and left. “You need to understand that I am not here to harm you but to help you. And in order for me to do that, I call for you to trust me”, Efe paused and inhaled deeply before she continued. “I am not asking you to trust me entirely. I just require you to trust me enough to let me tend to your wounds. You haven't healed completely”, Efe explained. I could discern the sincerity in her voice. She meant no harm. I guess she is simply trying to help, I convinced myself. I took a step from where I was standing and made it to the bed. Furthermore, I squatted partially on the bed like I was avoiding being poked by needles. Efe shook her head and let out a chuckle, as it seemed like my behavior was entertaining for her. She moved closer to me and placed my hands on her palms, then she started speaking in a language I couldn't understand. She was like that for some minutes before she eventually opened her eyes, but when she did, her expression was off. It was like she had learned something about me just by touching my palms. I stared at her, waiting to hear what she had discovered, but she simply smiled at me, a smile that felt different from the calm ones from earlier. I wanted to ask her if everything was fine, but I decided not to because I was scared of what she might say. “There, you should be healed”, she said. “What?”, I asked, bemused as I realized that the bruises all over my body had already faded away and the pain I felt on my shoulders was no longer there. “How did you do that?”, I inquired incredulously, but then it occurred to me. Everyone here had been calling her high priestess, which meant that she possessed some heavenly powers that were out of the ordinary. “Of course, I'm such a clown. I should have realized that you are a high priestess and things like this are nothing”, I said, and she chuckled. “You are such a lovely weird girl”, Efe complimented me, and I burst into laughter, surprised at the comment. “High Priestess, I brought in some clean clothes for the guest”, Elyria informed Efe, breaking up our brief moment. “Thank you, Elyria”, Efe appreciated her, and Elyria left, but I could sense from how Elyria was glaring at me that she didn't like me, or she was jealous that Efe was attending to me. “It seems your assistant doesn't like me”, I said, sharing my thoughts with her. “Don't worry about her, she has always been like that”, Efe said, brushing off my concerns. I smiled faintly, acknowledging her words. “Devara, now that you are all healed I think it's best I asked about this”, Efe said, her countenance suddenly becoming serious. “What about?”, I asked nervously. Hoping my what-ifs were not turning into my reality. “I didn't mean to invade your memory, it's just that I am gifted to see through one's memory. I have seen flashes of all that you have been through these past few weeks”, she said, tears building in her eyes as she stared at me. I had bent my head out of sheer embarrassment. “Don't be ashamed, Devara, you did nothing wrong. He was the one at fault, he took advantage of your kind heart”, she lifted my head and fixed her eyes on mine. I couldn't believe I was hearing such words from a total stranger. Her words were the warmth I had desired. I didn't know when I broke down and started weeping my heart out yet again. The tears that had forsaken me came back. This time it was tears of relief. Finally, someone knew what I had passed through and was not labeling me a liar. She had seen all the misery I had passed through during those weeks. “Sheesh, stop crying. The likes of Jason don't deserve your precious tears”, she wiped off the salty fluid that was running down my cheeks. “I'm sure you must have also learned that I am with his child”, I sniffled. “Yes, I saw”, she responded. “I don't know what to do about it. I am confused, please help me”, I pleaded with everything I had in me. I was desperate for a solution. I had been battling with my thoughts on whether to get rid of it or keep it. I didn't know which was the right thing to do, so Efe, who I had just met for advice, was the best solution I could come up with. Efe let out a heavy sigh before she replied to me. “Hmm, I can't tell you what to do. That is your choice to make, but there is one thing I will say. A child is a gift from the goddess, no matter how the child was conceived or how evil the father is. The goddess has her reasons for blessing you with that child, but if you want to get rid of it, the goddess will understand”, those were Efe's words to me. She rose from her seat and passed me the clothes Elyria had brought earlier and pointed at a door behind me. She told me that was the shower room and requested me to get some rest after I was done bathing. I thanked her and stood up from the bed, as I was about to take a step. Efe stopped me and asked me a puzzling question. “Devara, why are you taking an elixir to block you from binding wholly with your wolf?”, She asked. “What?”, I exclaimed, completely confounded. . . . . A/N I hope you all enjoy this chapter and also I would like to let you all know I will be introducing some very important characters in the next chapter and Efe, the character I just introduced, will also play a major part in Devara's life.
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