~The lies they told me~

2538 Words
As the warm water traveled down my hair and skin, I began to wonder what elixir Efe was talking about. I had yearned in the past two years to bond perfectly with my wolf. I trained day and night with the hopes of us aligning, so why would I have deliberately taken an elixir to stop myself from connecting with Xena, my wolf? Unless they had administered it to me without my knowledge. It couldn't have been Jason because he didn't have access to my servants. Star was the one in charge of my servants and I knew she couldn't be working with Jason. She hated him as her life depended on hating him. She had never been comfortable with my being friends with him. She had, again and again, begged me to be wary of him and Jason had also never liked her, so there was no way Star and Jason could work together. Someone else had to have been giving me the elixir. It could be my mama who was behind it. She had never particularly wished for anything good towards me and had consistently emphasized that I shouldn't be better or more powerful than my brother. No matter how hard I tried to deduce who was behind the elixir, I just couldn't, but if there was one thing I was sure of, it was that Star was unquestionably not on the list of people who wished to see me fail. I turned off the showerhead after I had finished bathing, pulled out the towel from the bathroom rack, and dried my body before wrapping it around my chest. I stepped out of the room, and the most enthralling man I had ever laid my eyes on immediately startled me. “Jeez, who are you?”, I questioned, my fingers clinging to the doorknob. “Oh, goddess. I am sorry, I didn't realize that there was someone in here”, the man said, awkwardly covering his eyes with his hand. “Leander, Efe is waiting”, another unknown male called, walking in on us. “What is this?”, I scoffed at what was happening. “Leander, why are you here? You should be a gentleman”, the man who walked in said, while he was the one still staring at me who was only draped with a towel. Why was he still staring at me? Couldn't he see that I was not fully covered? I gave him a dreadful side-eye, and instantly he turned and asked forgiveness for his rude behavior. “I am sorry, miss, I didn't mean to look at you. I was looking for my friend who seemed to have lost his way and, just so you know, I don't swing that way”, he pointed out. I scoffed at his silly explanation and hurriedly put on my clothes before I walked in front of them with my arms folded, asking them to open their eyes. “You can now open your eyes”, I said. “I am sorry, it wasn't my intention, I was looking for a potion Efe asked of me, I wasn't aware someone was here, unclad”, the Leander guy apologized yet again, his tone was trembling as it seemed like he was feeling terrible about what had transpired earlier. I held my gaze on him as I couldn't help but want to catch more of a glimpse of how beautiful he looked as a man, his dark blue eyes sparkling like the sky. “Leander, Airen, what the hell is going on? Why the delay?” A raspy voice asked, entering the room. I turned around and glanced at him. My mouth dropped open yet again. “Is there a modeling gig going on that I am not aware of?”, I blurted out. I was now hemmed in by three enthralling males, and I couldn't help but drool and forget about my worries for a while as I glance back and forth between the three of them. “Miss, I hope they haven't done anything rude?” The third male, who had a raspy voice, asked. Umm, I didn't know how to respond to his question. I was keener on knowing who they were and why the hell they were so good-looking. “Devara, I see you have met my brother, Alpha Ariel, and his companion, Alpha Airen”, Efe commented, entering the room. “Yes, they were quite loud with their introductions”, I giggled. “Leander, that will be all for now”, Efe said, and Leander acknowledged quietly before he left our presence. Airen was about to follow Leander when Efe pulled him back as she needed him to remain as she had something urgent to say to them. “Why?”, Airen groaned and wrapped his arms petulantly. I let out a modest chuckle as I watched how the Airen guy pouted and grumbled. Although he was an Alpha, he was more childish than my little nephew. “You must listen to what I have to say, whether you like it or not”, Efe insisted, and dragged him by his hand to the couch beside the window. “Sit your ass down. Devara, Ariel, come sit down also”, Efe swung her hands at me, and Ariel. Ariel and I walked down to her and sat down, waiting for what she had to say. “Airen, Ariel, I know I shouldn't be asking this of you, but please can you take Devara here with you? Help me keep her safe and train her so that she will be able to keep herself and her child safe”, Efe asked of both males who were sitting beside me. I lifted my head and looked at Efe, marveling at what was going on in her mind. Keep my child safe? How did she know I was going to keep the baby? I hadn't even told her yet. Plus, why was she asking them to take me away? Where would we go? Was she tired of me already? Why couldn't I just stay here? It was not like anyone knew where I was, so I ought to be safe here. “Why should I leave with them? I mean, if I am bothering you, I can leave and find somewhere else to go. I have some money on me that can get me a pleasant apartment and…”. Efe didn't allow me to finish before she cut in. She saw I was beginning to panic, even though I tried to put on a strong front that I could fend for myself. “Dev, take a deep breath”, Efe said, affectionately rubbing my hand. “I am not sending you away because you are bothering me. I am doing this for your safety. This place isn't exactly safe, Dev. No matter how hard you try to hide from Jason or your family, they will find you and send you to camp picaroon. So, please leave with my brother and Airen”, Efe explained to me. “Hold on, is she Dwayne Howl's daughter? The one who has quite a record?”, Airen inquired. “Airen, you of all people should know how people tend to gossip and spread rumors”, Efe countered, rolling her eyes at him. “Sister, if you insist, then I have no problem with her coming with us, but you know that this act of ours can cause war between both clans?”, Ariel asked calmly. He was different from Airen in the manner he spoke, he seemed to be the prudent one. “I know, but I am willing to risk it all for her and that innocent child who is growing inside her”, Efe responded. My eyes were becoming moist as I stared at her. How could one be so selfless and kind-hearted? She had just met me, but here she was doing everything in her power to keep me safe. Efe turned over to Airen and said, “You know even if my brother has agreed for her to join you both, he still needs your approval, or else he will feel a bit worried”. “Fine, she can come with us”, Airen gave in to her demand, and Ariel kissed him on his lips, thanking him for agreeing to Efe's demand. Oh, now I know why he claimed he didn't swing that way. Ariel was his boyfriend. I looked at both of them then, admiring their relationship, when Leander came back knocking at the door and asked if we were done talking. “Good thing you are here, Leander. Devara, this is Leander, the future heir to the Bloody Fangs Pack. You both are under the same clan”, Efe introduced. I knew who Leander was. We had all heard tales about him and if my memory of him was correct, he ought to be at camp picaroon as he was sent there at age eleven when he killed seven of his pack elders for condemning his mother to death. He was feared by all and was called the little Alpha of doom. They forced his father to send him to camp picaroon. It was either picaroon or his life. Leander's father had no choice but to send him to picaroon as that was the only way to keep his son alive. If he is here, then he must have been freed from picaroon. “I know who he is. He is infamous around our clan”, I said. “Oh, the goddess has a plan for you both in the future”, Efe revealed and shook her head. “Well, sister, we leave in two days. I believe by then she will be ready. Right now, we have a council meeting to attend”, Ariel stated, and left with Airen and Leander. Efe bid them goodbye and advised them to be careful. “Back to you Devara, here”, Efe handed me a vial that had green-colored liquid in it and said I needed to drink it. “Why?”, I urged. “I saw how you reacted to the question I asked about the elixir, and I concluded that you were not aware that you were drinking something to hinder your bond with your wolf”, Efe told me. “So, that vial in your hand will rectify whatever damage the elixir might have done to you and your wolf”, she disclosed to me. I wiped a stray tear that fell out of my eyes, unable to believe that a complete stranger believed in me and was taking care of me as no one had ever. “ Thank you so much Efe, you make me believe that there are still good people in this filthy, selfish world”. Efe shook her head and held my hands, calming me down. “It is okay. This is my duty. This is what I was called to do. I will leave you to rest now”, Efe said to me as she stood on her feet and prepared to head out. I stopped her as she headed out, and Efe turned back around. “ Can I ask you for one last favor? I need to put a phone call through to my best friend, Star, and let her know that I am safe”, I pleaded. Efe thought about it for a second and nodded her head. “As long as she can be trusted”, she proposed. I nodded hurriedly, “Yes, you can trust her”. Efe acknowledged my words and was leaving when I stopped her again. She turned around again and smiled faintly. “What is it again, Devara?” She inquired. I scratched the back of my head shyly. “ What did you mean when you said that the goddess had a plan for Leander and me in the future?” Efe smirked devilishly, her beautiful face contorting like she knew something that I could not see yet. “There is no need for you to worry about that. All you need to do is get ready because whatever the goddess had planned for you, it will come with a lot of trials”. Efe finally left and I sighed, picking up the phone to dial Star. I told Star everything I could think of, how I was safe and where I was, and also what the plan for her baby was, while Star gushed happily over the phone because I was safe. I was so happy to be able to speak with someone from her life. I was about to tell Star of Efe's plan for me to leave America with Airel and Airen, but for some reason, I was not comfortable with it, so I skipped that information. “I am so overjoyed to be able to talk to you. I will call you as soon as I get another chance”, I promised Star before I ended the call. I drank the potion that Efe had made for me and relaxed in bed, suddenly sleepy. After a few minutes, I was deep in slumber and did not wake up until hours later, when a shout woke me up. I opened my eyes to Efe and Elyria, jostling me to get up. They seemed frantic. “Wake up, Devara!”, they were calling. “What is going on?”, I asked, unable to understand the situation. The house was surrounded by rogue wolves that had been led by Jason, and they were certainly here to kill me. I did not understand how Jason knew of my location. I looked at Efe and Elyria. “How does he know that I am here? Could it be Maxwell that led him here?”, I raised a question. Efe shook her head, “No, Maxwell is at the council of elders meeting with Airen and Ariel, there is no way he led Jason here”, she told me. “Who was it that you called?”, She asked me instead. “Did you tell them where you were?”, She added. I stared at Efe, stunned. “It was Star. The person I called was my best friend, Star”. My voice broke down as I mentioned this. Oh, goddess, her best friend was the one that had led Jason here. A/N . . . Hello, I’m sorry for not updating regularly, but I promise from this week I will do better with my updates. Also, I introduced new characters who will play an important role in Devara’s. Airen and Ariel have their own separate story which is ongoing, and it is called The Quest of Alpha Airen: Incase any of you want to read it. Thank you for reading my story, and please don’t forget to share your thoughts about this chapter in the comment section. Enjoy reading this chapter.
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