~Supremacy of the Alpha couple~

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Devara My emotions were all over the place. How could Star have betrayed me? No, she couldn't have. There had to be some sort of misunderstanding. Maybe he had bugged her phone without her consent. I was sure of it. I refused to believe that the one person with whom I had shared my pains, my laughter, my tears, and my turmoil, would betray me and give Jason my location. There was no way Star would do that. She was different from the rest. I should trust her. “Devara, Devara, Devara”, I heard Efe calling out my name non-stop, bringing me back to earth as it appeared that I had blanked out trying to process Star's treachery. “Go inside that room with Elyria”, Efe pointed at a door, one I didn't realize was there in the first place. “What about you?”, I held on to her hands, refusing to let go. The bond I had created with her was already too strong, even though we had just met. “Dev, don't worry about me. I am the high priestess to the Autumn moon pack”, she snickered and shoved me into Elyria's embrace, who then dragged me into the room and shut the door. I tried to remove myself from Elyria's hold, but her grip was so strong that I couldn't pull myself out. Moreover, the potion I had taken earlier had made me weak. I peeped through the tiny hole that was in the door and saw Jason posing at the entrance with two rogue wolves standing at both of his sides, growling at Efe. “Stay still girl”, Elyria whispered, and covered my mouth with her palms to stop the sounds I was making from being heard by Jason, who was already at the entrance of the door. I maintained my cool and watched closely to see what he was about to do and, at the same time, I was frightened for Efe. Yes, I knew that she was gifted, but I was still scared that she was going to be overpowered by Jason and his rogues. She didn't deserve to die on my behalf. I should be the one out there, not her. “Who dares obstruct my peace?”, Efe bellowed. Her voice was deafening. “I am not here for you, high priestess. I am here for my Alpha's daughter”, Jason responded calmly, letting out a coy smile. It was clear that he was looking down on Efe. “No Alpha's child is present in my home. You have come a long way for nothing”, Efe swiftly refuted Jason's claim. Jason looked at her for some minutes before he signaled one of his rogues to attack. The rogue charged at Efe, but his movement was restricted by Efe, who was maneuvering her hands and speaking in a mysterious tongue. “Don't push me, boy”, Efe roared. “I see you live up to the tales we have heard about you, high priestess. But if the stories about you are correct, you lost ninety-five percent of your powers during the great war in your clan. Which is why you came to America for recuperation. So, right now, you can't annihilate me nor my men. Step aside and let me in”, Jason snapped. He was getting impatient with Efe. “I may have lost almost all of my powers, but I am still capable of putting disrespectful nitwits like you in their place”, Efe yelled at him in fury. She maneuvered her hands in one direction and, without laying a finger on Jason, she pulled him up and tossed him to the roof, and yanked him back to the ground. Jason cried out in pain. “Bring the ladies out here”, Jason shouted at the top of his voice. He held his ribs, grumbling faintly as the fall had impacted badly on him. “Get on the ground”, Jason's men threw the ladies in the center of the room. They were Efe's pupils. Their hands were bound behind their buttocks. Efe's countenance shifted from one who wasn't scared of anything to one who was nervous. Jason knew her weakness, and he had used it against her. Efe couldn't stand seeing innocent souls suffer for something they had no control over. “Let my mentees go, they have no business with you”, Efe ordered aloud. Jason chuckled, “I'll let them go just as soon as you rid my men of the spell that has them bound”, he retorted slyly. Efe hesitated, knowing the damage releasing these men could cost. When Jason saw that she was not willing to , he took out his claws and grabbed one of the girls. In a second, his claws had pierced her and her heart was in his hands, still beating. The rest of the ladies screamed in terror. Efe roared into the air, unable to believe the loss. The scream was like a heavy gust of wind that swept Jason and his men off their feet. Efe kept screaming, bleeding from her eyes and ears and exhausting the last of her power. When Jason pulled himself up and looked at Efe, he could tell that she had no more power in her. He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her through the debris of the house, slamming her head while again and again demanding for me. I watched in pain, unable to bear it anymore, and I rushed out. “No, let go of her”, I screamed and forced myself out of where I was hiding with Elyria. Jason halted and turned his heels around in my direction and began to snicker uncontrollably. “It is me you want, Jason. Please let go of her”, I begged, as if my life depended on it. I couldn't bear to watch Efe being tortured at the hands of Jason. “Poor Devara, always waiting to be saved by others. Tsk Tsk Tsk”, he clicked his tongue and wagged his head. “Why are you doing this, Jason?”, I broke down in tears. I couldn't understand what I had done so wrong for him to be determined to harm me. Staring at him standing at that door, clasping Efe by her throat crushed my heart. “Why? I ran away from home. Oh, the goddess may bear me witness. I had even decided to relinquish my position as the next Alpha to our pack, just so I could live my life in peace and forget all these tortures you have put me through, so why? Why can't you let me be?”, I howled in agony. It hurt. I had never felt such heartache, even when I lost my brother it didn't hurt as much as this. I was tired of running for my life. Why had the goddess deserted me? Was this karma? Am I being punished because I led my brother to his death? “You can't answer her, can you?”, Efe coughed out, holding her throat as Jason had let go of her. It seemed my words affected him, as his outward expression was gloomy. “Tell her. Tell her that you are being controlled by her best friend”, Efe blurted out. “Shut up, you witch”, Jason snarls. “He doesn't need to. I have put the pieces together”, I sniffled and wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks. “It is me you want… let them go, and I will come with you”, I stated. “No, Devara, you don't have to go with him”, Efe disagreed with my decision and stood in front of me. Why was she insisting on me staying back? Even though he had almost killed her, she still insisted on having me by her side and under her protection. “I can't let you perish for me. No, I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you. Let me go, I'm sure Xena and I can protect ourselves and the baby”, I said with a watery smile. “No, Xena won't show herself for a while because of the potion. It makes her weak, so she can regain her strength. Right now Dev, you are no more than a mere human”, Efe gripped my hand tightly, and tears started rolling down her cheek. I was certain that if she had known that Jason was going to attack, she wouldn't have given me the potion yet. She would have waited. I saw the guilt that was written all over her face. “It is okay. I promise I will be fine”, I pulled my hands out of her grip and began walking slowly to where Jason was, but I halted my steps suddenly at the sound of Alpha Ariel and Airen. “You are not going anywhere”, they bellowed simultaneously. Their voices were like thunderstorms that shook the entire house. Even the rogues went on their knees as they walked in. “Do you dare attack the home of the high priestess in my pack? You insult us with this act of yours, and you shall pay for it”, Alpha Ariel snarled, staring intently at Jason. “I am sorry, Alpha Ariel…” before Jason could complete his statement, Alpha Airen had already lifted him from the ground, not allowing him to apologize to his man. Hoisting him in the air while he strangled him, I was too stunned to speak, not because Airen was choking the life out of the fool Jason, as that was what he deserved, but because they were defending me. First, it was Efe, and now it is both of them? Perhaps the goddess hadn't forsaken me, as I thought. “Airen, put him down, you will kill him”, Efe let out faintly, as she was still finding it difficult to breathe. “He deserves to die, Efe. He has hurt you and disrespected Devara”, Ariel refused to put him down. However, his grip around Jason's throat became more aggravated. “It will cause war”, Efe pleaded. “Then so be it. We are not scared of war, they should be scared of having the two most powerful packs in all of Europe coming for them”, Airen boasted, still refusing to let go. I walked up to him and held him by his hand, begging for him to put him down. The last thing I needed was for both clans to go to war on my behalf. I don't think I could forgive myself if a war breaks out. “Please put him down”, I begged him. Airen grunted and was unwilling to put him down, not until Alpha Ariel chipped in and asked him to let go. “Get out of here this very moment”, Alpha Airen growled at Jason, who was shaking profusely. Jason ran out of the room like a scared cat, with his rogues behind him. He was no match for the Alphas. He was merely a Delta who was under the protection of mama and papa. Even if he wanted to fight them, he couldn't as they would cut off his lifeline in a split second even before the battle began. “Maxwell, make sure only the contemptuous clown goes back alive. Slaughter the rest”, Alpha Airen instructed. Maxwell nodded his head quietly and went to do as Airen had instructed. I sprinted over to Efe and led her up to a bed and Elyria rushed over to take care of her, but Efe protested. She refused to be taken care of unless I left with Alpha Airen and Alpha Ariel immediately. She was still worried that I was still in danger. “I won't leave until I know you are okay”, I refused and sat beside her bed, tears forming in my eyes. “You will leave with them, Dev. Don't worry about me. I will be fine, but right now, your life is in danger. I would rather perish than to see you die”, Alpha Airen pulled me up from the bed and told me we needed to leave. I began to weep and plead that they let me go. I couldn't leave her behind. She had lost almost all her power, and right now, she was too tired to fight for herself. If we left, who would be there for her? Was it her pupils who couldn't even protect themselves from Jason? Or Elyria? No, I will stay by her side. I preferred dying while protecting her to leaving her to die all alone. “No, I won't go”, I screamed. I felt a thump on my neck and my eyes gave up on me. Before I realized what was happening, everything went dark, and I fell into Airen's arms. . . . . A/N Thank you all for the love you have shown to TRA . It really means so much to me that an unsigned book is getting so much love from you all. Please don't forget to share your thoughts in the comment section about this chapter: I hope this chapter meets your expectations. Have fun reading it.
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