Chapter 9

1987 Words
Maddie (Pov) Working at the pub has always been fun and getting to work with people who loves this industry was also a bonus. The whole day Maddie have been feeling strange but she has been talking to Shanika all day as well and even Shanika says she thinks the full moon tonight must be the reason why ,it simply tells her that she will soon shift and then all her powers would be awaken fully. "Shanika when I shift for the first time will it hurt, Because I don't take pain to good you know and I just don't want to let anyone down making them think I'm weak". "You know what ?, it does hurt like hell but every time you are gonna shift it will become less painful and please don't rank us as weak Maddie we are not weak and you are powerful you are the daughter of the moon goddess herself and you are special don't forget that!! Besides I will be there to help you we are of one soul you are me and I am you"Shanika says making me feel silly inside but just getting to know my wolf I get to Know a little bit of my true self being held back from me for many years but now I am ready to be me completely. Rogue Alpha (Pov) Now that I have talked about what I want to my new 'buddy's' I think maybe I can take a bath and go and pay my new bride to be a visit at her uncle's pub seeing he went out.Afterwards I got dressed I went to the pub and there she was as stunning and sexy like the last time I saw her ,those legs ,man I want her but I'll take it slowly getting closer to her than I will eat her up bit by bit. As I silently observe her she catches my eye and hastley comes over standing looking at me and I can feel my wolf wanting her and already approving her and then she speaks. "Good day what will it be sir ?". "Can I have you for lunch or must I order food I answer her but her face turn red and her eyes tell me she is not one for flirtatious in counters but she replied ," pardon me sir we only sell food and drinks and one more request like that then I'll have to ask you to leave " she says and while taking Shanika is in her head saying that he smelt funny and that Maddie must just throw him out because she thinks he's a rogue."I can't throw this jurk out he's a customer I'll ask Jo to keep a eye on him through the back. "Then I guess it will have to be a burger sweet cheeks o and a coffee please" ,he quickly ads . While Giving the order Maddie looks over to the customer and think to herself were she could have seen him before but was informed the order is ready,as she gives him his food and coffee Maddie goes on with the rest of the other tables and feeling that strange guys eyes on her just made her feel unsafe but luckily she knows Ben and Jo will not let anyone mess with her. Soon after a while the guy stands up leaving witch means Maddie can finally relax and enjoy the rest of her work day and later see Jace again. Finally Jace parks in front of the pub looking forward to seeing Maddie and just when he's about to climb out she runs out the door waving at the others telling them to Lock up nicely and to be safe. Opening her door Jace suddenly remembered all that happened today but decided to take just tonight to show Maddie almost everything about him and then tomorrow taking her out again and then he must let her Know what's up with the Rogue Alpha. ,"Hi beautiful how was your day?, I have to show you something but first let's go home ok ?" ,Jace says while touching her upper leg feeling the electric waving going straight to his heart because touching her is so surreal to him."Maddie just smile and blush feeling extremely excited but try to hide it not wanting him to see the effect he has on her and is makes her want to kiss him badly but still keeping in mind he's a player, he's a Harding and then suddenly they turn over with Jace breathing heavily and looking to her with this lust full eyes of his , reaching out touching her face and quickly coming closer and smashing his lips to hers. Kissing felt so good as if the air and everything around them didn't exist anymore because it's so s****l but so right. Opening their eyes coming down back to reality Maddie being cought off guard looks at Jace and while stroking his hair says that maybe they should consider getting home before the do something not right ."Maddie you just make me so darn horny but ok we will continue this conversation later probably going straight to hell because your so hot and all" ,Jace says kissing her forehead and getting on the road again. As they get out Maddie goes over to where Jace is busy getting there things and something else in her just want to rip his bloody close off so she stands behind him squeezing his bud says softly that only he can hear it ," Come on big boy let's go put everything away and then maybe you can give me a tour of the pack house I'd love to see your ... house!!"then she turns and quickly go inside but Jace stopped her turning her around saying" o you bet I will show you everything my little flower kissing her again quick but the passing by her disappeared into the house shouting that he will come get her in half an hour at her door. Maddie smiles and just go up and refresh herself and wait for Jace feeling better and very protective of him but the Shanika says making me almost Fall over " o he wants us and you want him and I think tonight we'll shift it's full moon" Fine I will tell him and no we are just getting to know each other nothing more Shanika ok?" As me and her finish our talk there is a knock on the door and I know it's Jace , opening up he storms in pinning me to the door closing it also. "F*ck you smell so good and I can smell your lovely arousel mate , when I am near you my Heart just go nuts ," Jace says while kissing me again going down my neck still kissing but this time he's hand goes to my shoulder touching me softly going down to my breast squeezing the n****e making me want him to but the I just ask him to rather stop but he just growls and step back looking at me saying" yes I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I...." "No Jace you didn't it's just to suddenly that all and hey you own me a tour remember?" Laughing he says yes and soon we find ourselves in the biggest library youth ever seen dark wood all round and it's got it's own staircase leading to a first floor and there's this Victorian style couch with a coffee table in the middle and big window looking out to the garden and the chandelier o my word it's so bold ,shining like stars in the night sky and everywhere you look it's books everywhere,to the side there is also a beautiful little fireplace, ideal for winter night's. "This is every readers dream Jace it's so beautiful and I can see myself just sitting here with some hot cocoa in the winter and spring time opening these windows to let in the breeze ." Maddie says happy to Jace,but Jace is just staring into her eyes smiling like a fool saying" I'm glad you like it because it's yours if whenever you want to come in hear and make use of it and second maybe I'll also join you now and again ,you know to make sure you're comfortable and well taken care of when you read " he says taking her hand kissing it making her blush and then she decides to kiss him passionately and show him how she also feel about him. They kiss for a while and it's starting to turn into a makeout session, but neither want to break free but then Jace pulled away catching his breath saying, " whow love let's stop before I do something I shouldn't" ,and back away but take her hand leading Maddie to explore the rest of the pack house showing her the second floor,the different living rooms,the big beautiful kitchen and then the game room his soon to be office and then his room. When she gets inside she is surprised by it ,the colour is almost like her room but instead of pink there are reds along with the beige and Gray's and the room is huge and it's got a balcony overlooking the side to the waterfall and lake making it the perfect room . "So do you like this room to?" Jace ask and Maddie reply with a yes. "Did you see the bed my love? we can try it out if you want !. "Ha Jace you are to much hahah " Maddie laughs "This is going to be your new room from tomorrow onwards you will move in with me." Jace says but Maddie being cought off guard looks at him saying" ,no not happening thank you". " Sorry love but you have to we are mates and I need you close a....!" " Ok fine, fine but no funny business , I must admit my wolf also said we must be closer and whell I want to ask you , why haven't you marked me because according to Shanika an Tina you were supposed to mark me but you didn't??". Maddie says a bit nervous,but Jace smile at her ," Believe me I'm struggling to not mark you and mate you but I wanted to give you time to accept me.I want you to trust me Maddie .Maddie just smile and hug Jace . It's a beautiful evening outside and Jace decided to show Maddie the gardens but as they walk into the garden gate Maddie starts feeling weird,it feels like her body wants to burst into nothing and soon this pain shoots through her body making her slump but before she could have contact with the floor Jace catch her and that's when he feels her body heating up ,"Maddie what is wrong???" "My wolf suddenly speaks ," your shifting Maddie ahhhhhh!!!". Suddenly Maddie puch Jace acide and feel her bones starting to break, excruciating pain shoots through her body and then her body suddenly start to transform into the most beautiful pure white wolf,she stretch and growl and in seconds Jace has also shifted into his majestic black wolf .Mind linking Maddie telling her her wolf is the most beautiful creature he has ever laid eyes on ,Jace tug his head showing Shanika that she must run.Soon she starts to run feeling the air and wind blowing through her fur making her feel more free then ever before, finally being one with each other. As they run into the forests together Jace remember the Alpha rogue and shake the thought away thinking tonight is all about the two of them , tomorrow hell come up with a plan knowing the Alpha rogue has Pieter and he most definitely wouldn't hurt him or would they?.
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