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I laid down next to him and cried into his chest. I felt all my love for him come flooding into my heart. I never wanted to lose him, and this was one of the scariest days I have had in a long while. I thought I was going to lose him. I sat up in bed and walked back over to the chair to sit. I knew I couldn’t let my feelings take over. Dean was now sitting up and staring at me. I tried to figure out what was going through his head but couldn’t. I could tell he was trying to do the same; he was better at figuring things out than me. “Ivy… what are you thinking?” Maybe he couldn’t figure it out, which was good for me. “I think I need to go get us some food.” “No, you’re not. What are you thinking about? You can tell me, please.” I knew I didn’t have much time before he realized I had feelings for him, but how could I tell him? I didn’t think there was a way. I was way too nervous to tell him how I felt. Dean had always been an understanding person when it came to me, but I didn’t think he would be with this issue. “It’s nothing, really,” I replied, causing him to roll his eyes. “I am going to go get some food.” I knew Dean wouldn’t stop asking if I was around, so I had to leave the hospital room. I walked out and went to the cafeteria. I knew the way easily because of how often I had been here. I got Dean and me both a piece of pizza, some fries, and a drink and headed back to the room. “Here, I got you this,” I said, handing Dean’s stuff to him. “Thank you,” he replied sadly. “Will you please tell me what you were thinking about? I need to know, Ivy.” “I said it was nothing, Dean. Now drop it,” I said, raising my voice just a little to try and get him to see that I didn’t want to have the discussion. “Don’t get snippy with me, Little Red. You know that won’t work.” “Well, I’m not going to tell you.” I would never tell him about my feelings, even if he pushed me. “Are you in any pain,” I asked, trying to change the subject. He huffed and looked pissed off that I didn’t tell him. “No, I am in no pain. They have me on these painkillers, and I’m fine.” “Is there anyone you want me to call to let them know you’re here?” “Like whom? The only person that needs to know is you, and you’re already here.” “Dean, do you know who did this to you?” “Yup, and I’m going to be arresting him again.” “Dagon,” I replied, more like a question. “Yeah, he shot me in the back because he didn’t have the guts to face me.” “I will contact Wilson and tell him it was Dagon. Maybe he can be arrested again before you get out of here.” “No, I got this.” I felt rage build up inside me. I didn’t want Dean to go back to work. He almost died. “You’re not going back to work, are you?” He looked confused. “Of course I am.” “Why would you return to a job you almost died at?” “Because I like my job.” I got even more angry and got up and walked out of the room. Dean had a look of confusion on his face and was calling out my name to come back into the room, but I was too angry to do so. I couldn’t believe that he wanted to go back and how soon he wanted to go back- like he had just got out of surgery and was already talking about going to work. I understood Dagon needed to be caught, but Wilson could have handled that. There was no reason Dean had to do it. I called Wilson and informed him that Dagon had hurt Dean. He informed me that he would find him and arrest him. I thanked him. I was sure Dean would be upset with me, but I felt like it was something I had to do. I waited in the parking lot for about three hours before Dean came out. He was released with some restrictions, one of which was that he couldn’t return to work for a few days. I was thankful for that. “Are you okay?” he asked as we got into my car. “You left; I don’t understand why you were so angry with me.” “Because you should quit your job.” “Why would I quit my job? What happened to me had nothing to do with the fact that I was at work.” “No, but Dagon was trying to get back at you because you arrested him. Robbie was doing the same.” “Ivy, I’m okay.” “Whatever, Dean. I don’t want to talk about it.” Dean might have been okay after Dagon shot him, but my mother was still dead after Robbie shot her. And I was still traumatized when Robbie took me. “Why are you so upset right now? Will you tell me what’s on your mind already?” I wouldn’t tell him I was in love with him. I didn’t think it was right- at least not the right time. “Nothing is on my mind, Dean.” When we returned to the house, I got out and started running upstairs, only to be grabbed by my arm and pulled back down. Dean was looking at me. I couldn’t help but believe that he already knew about my feelings. “Let me correct my question,” he said, pulling me into a hug. “How do you feel about me, Ivy?” he asked in almost a whisper. The fact that he asked about it told me that I was right in thinking he had already known that my feelings for him had changed. I tried to wiggle away from him and get out of his embrace that just tightened around me. He kept repeating the question while trying to get me to look him in the eyes. I started to panic as I kept turning my head away to avoid his gaze. Tears came to my eyes and Dean finally let me go. He put his head down and started biting his lips, another cute thing he did while he was thinking. I felt like crap about not answering his question even if he already knew the answer to it. I took the time that he was thinking and ran to my bedroom to get away from him. I threw myself on my bed and started crying into my pillow. I didn’t have much time before Dean came in and sat on the edge of my bed. He was still waiting for me to answer him, but I wasn’t even sure where to start or what to say. I didn’t want to tell him – I wouldn’t. I could hear his breathing becoming heavy as he was growing impatient with me. I rolled away from him and stared at the wall. I felt his hand on my shoulder as he tried to get me to roll back around and look at him, but I didn’t roll over. “Listen Ivy, ever since we came back from Elmwood, you and I have been fighting non-stop. You have been difficult and have been running from me, avoiding me, and being disrespectful to me. I believe I finally figured out why. You have to tell me the truth sooner or later. You can’t keep it in forever. It will just keep causing us to have problems,” he said sweetly while trying once again to get me to look at him. “Please, I don’t want to be like this with you anymore.” “If you already know then why do I have to answer the question? Do you realize how hard this is to talk about for me?”
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