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“I understand that it is hard to say. Trust me, I understand. But I need confirmation with something like this. It would make things easier for me,” he said. He was trying to be gentle with me, but he was also being extra pushy for me to answer. “Nothing will make this easier, Dean. It’s embarrassing,” I replied as more tears filled my eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed by it, Ivy. It will make things easier; I promise you it will and that you will feel better once it is out in the open,” Dean said, making me wonder. “Don’t you trust me anymore, Ivy?” “Of course I still trust you, Dean. You should know that, but I just…I just don’t want to answer you,” I replied wiping my eyes of tears. “Things get confusing when people don’t act the way they feel, Ivy. I need you to tell me how you feel since you won’t show me. I would never judge you or hurt you. You have to believe me. Just answer my question, please,” he said pulling on my shoulder once more. I rolled over this time and looked at him for a second before putting my head down into a pillow. “I’m in love with you,” I whispered. He leaned in closer to me letting me know that he didn’t hear what I had said. My voice was mumbled by the pillow that was hiding my face. Dean removed the pillow and looked at me with pleading eyes. I didn’t want to repeat it. “I’m in love with you,” I shouted at him and stole back my pillow to hide myself once more. Tears filled my eyes again. Dean grabbed my hand to try and comfort me, but I ripped it away from him. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen now that I had told him, but I did feel slightly better now that my feelings were out in the open. I knew that everything was about to change between Dean and me, though. Dean grabbed me by the waist and pulled me onto his lap to where I was straddling him and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace once more. I was thankful that he wasn’t letting me go through this alone. I was in a state of shock while he was holding me. I couldn’t believe I had actually told him. I thought I saw a smile come to his face, but I was sure it was because he thought it was funny. Like Colin used to think my crush was funny. This felt like so much more and I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to hold back now that it was out. He loosened his grip on me just a little. “Ivy, please look at me and listen to what I have to say.” I couldn’t and kept crying into his chest. He tightened his hold on me again. I tried to control my emotions, but it was hard to do when the reason I was out of control was holding onto me rather tightly. It took another 20 minutes of tears to get myself back under control. It didn’t help that him holding me was affecting me because we were so close to each other. I pulled back and he moved my hair out of my face. He wiped away my tears and forced me to look at him. He was staring into my eyes intently. Dean let out a long breath. “I need to tell you something as well, Ivy,” he said as he kissed my forehead. “I have also fallen in love.” My eyes hit the floor. Oh! “With whom?” I asked, with a slight jealous tone. He looked annoyed and rolled his eyes. He then smiled at me and pulled me closer to him. “With you, Dummy,” he replied with a small chuckle. “Oh,” I replied shyly and turning my head away. “I know how crazy this is Dean. I’m not stupid enough to believe that anything can happen between us, but I do feel better that it is out there now.” He started biting his lips again. I felt his body tense up and he turned shy for a second. “What would you do if I wanted to try?” he asked looking back into my eyes. He flashed me a small smile. “Try what?” I asked, confused. He looked at me annoyed once more and let out a huff. Clearly, I wasn’t picking up on something. “If I was willing to risk it and be with you, would you be willing to be with me?” he said, seeming more nervous than me. I never figured that Dean would share my feeling. I never thought he would ask the question if he and I could be together. I was confused about how to answer him. I knew deep down that it wouldn’t work. People would never accept a relationship between Dean and me. Not to mention, I was still with Colin. “I’m still dating Colin. I don’t think I should answer that. I don’t know what to say either way, but…I don’t know, Dean.” I seen anger come to his face at the mention of Colin. He then calmed himself down. “Leave him,” he replied. I started to panic all over again. I couldn’t just leave Colin for no reason other than another man. Colin had done nothing wrong for me to dump him. “I can’t leave Colin. He hasn’t done anything wrong.” “What about everything I told you to talk to him about? The college and the not wanting to travel and the other shit.” “I thought you wanted me to talk to him about those things because you cared about me. Turns out you just wanted to hurt him and were more worried about your feelings not mine.” “Please don’t be mad at me. I was hurting.” “I didn’t do anything like that to you and I had to sit and watch that Samantha chick hit on you right in front of me and act like I didn’t care.” “Is that why you ran away from me? I wasn’t dating her, or anyone for that matter like you are. You left me, hurt me, and put yourself in danger. You screamed at me and fought with me and now you want me to quit my job. I think I have the right to be a little pushy with this.” “The only reason I ran away was because I knew my feelings for you were wrong. I knew I needed to get away from you, so yes, I did put myself in danger again by coming back here. I knew I had to eliminate these feelings, so I fought with you and avoided you the best I could. About you quitting your job, you should because of everyone that wants revenge on you.” Dean looked away from me for a second seeming upset. I knew I wasn’t taking his feelings into consideration during this talk, but how could I? He had to know that what I was saying was right about us not being able to work. All the pain and drama it would cause- I could see it now. The things my father would do to him. Dad would kill Dean. “I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, or judge you, or stop us from doing as we wanted,” he replied. I wasn’t worried about me; I was worried about him. “You know I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you, right?” “Of course, I know that,” I replied. I knew that Dean would always be there and have my back. “But I am dating someone. Not to mention everyone would lose their s**t. Could you imagine what my father would do to you?” “I guess I need to ask you another question then. Who do you love more, Colin…or me?” he asked, ignoring the part about my father and everyone else.
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