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When I finally reached Dean’s house, he was mad at me. Colin and I had fallen asleep for a while, and I had lost track of time. Dean had made dinner, and I missed that as well. Even though I was sure it would taste bad, I felt horrible that he had made food and I wasn’t there to eat it. “It’s getting late. You should go to bed, Ivy.” “I’m not tired.” “Yeah, that’s because you slept all day with Colin.” “Well, I was quite scared after Dagon had shown up.” “You should have called me.” “He left after my stalker showed up.” “I still wish you would have called. To at least give me a heads up.” “Everything will be fine. Just head into work, and I will be okay; I can be alone.” “Colin isn’t allowed in the house,” Dean said, standing up. “And I will try to get someone to Dagon’s place and get Eric out of there along with the others,” he added while kissing my head. “Thank you, and I know you don’t want Colin here, but could I invite Danny and Blake over to watch a movie or just chill?” “Yeah, that’s fine.” I hugged him bye, and before he left, I wished him good luck. I then took out my phone to call Blake and then Danny after. They both agreed to come and watch a movie. So, I ordered some pizza and picked out a good one. The Lord of the Rings was the movie I picked. I knew Danny loved the film, and so did I. I knew Blake didn’t care about it, but I doubt he would mind. We all went to the living room and sat on the couch when they arrived. I placed the pizza on the coffee table. They both took a slice, and I turned the movie on. We spent most of the night talking. Blake finally gave the waitress at the bakery a chance, and they had a lovely time together on the beach. Danny got himself the new Harry Potter game and was so happy about it, saying it was one of the best he had played. I told them everything that was happening to me and was jealous that their summers were going much better than mine. By the time I fell asleep, Danny’s feet were in my face, Blake’s head was in my lap, and they were both sleeping. I lay on the couch the best I could while trying to find space around the two boys. Danny’s feet were always cold, and now they were on my stomach, which was cold as well. I tried my best to fall asleep and managed to by the end of the film. When I woke up in the morning, Blake had moved down to the floor to sleep, and Danny had an arm wrapped around me, almost choking me because he was higher up on the couch than me. I wiggled my way out of his grip and went to the kitchen. Dean didn’t have much food in the fridge, but I found some eggs and bread, so I made that up for breakfast for everyone. Dean was pulling another double, and I didn’t expect him home until five tonight. When 5 o’clock came around, I started to get worried. Dean was never late. I called him, and there was no answer. I tried again at 05:30, but there was still no answer. I was starting to worry even more. It was now six at night, and there was still no word from Dean. I knew if he was going to be this late, he would have let me know. Blake and Danny had already gone home, but I wished they had stayed. I wanted to call Colin, but I knew Dean wouldn’t want him in the house. This was a good reason to break the rule, but I didn’t want to break Dean’s trust by letting him in. I decided to go out and look for him. I got in my car and started my way to the police department. When I got there, I started looking around for Dean. When I couldn’t find him, I started looking for Wilson, but I couldn’t find him either. But I did run into Officer Greenly. “Have you seen Dean?” “I have not. I know Wilson was going out to look for him because he didn’t come in when he was supposed to.” “Something is wrong?” “We can’t be sure of that. Why don’t you take a seat, and we will wait for them to come back.” We waited, and waited, and waited some more. There wasn’t any word about where Dean was or Wilson. I got up and, even with Officer Greenly’s protesting, I went to my car and started driving to the hospital. I just had a bad feeling that I would find Dean there. When I got there, I went up to the lady and asked if they had anyone in the hospital matching Dean’s description, and they did. I started crying on the spot, and I had to go and I.D. him to tell them some information about him. I followed a nurse to where a man was hooked to many machines. I looked at his face, and it was Dean for sure. He had been shot. He looked like he was in a bad way. “What happened to him,” I asked, tears streaming down my face. “He was shot in the back. A man spotted him in a ditch and called 911.” It was definitely Dean: “We need to get some information on him. If he is the man you’re looking for.” “His name is Dean Joesph Walker. He is 6ft 3in, 25 years old, and he is a detective.” “Do you know if he is allergic to anything?” “Um… he… he has a small allergy to tree pollen, and sometimes pain medication makes him sick, but that is it.” “Okay, thank you. And don’t worry too much. Dean’s surgery went well, and he should wake up soon.” “Thank you!” I took a seat in the only chair in the room. I couldn’t stop looking at Dean; I was so scared for him. I took out my phone and tried to call Wilson. He didn’t answer but called me back after 5 minutes. “Hey, I found Dean. He is in the hospital.” “I have been looking for him all f*****g day. I will be there shortly. Did they tell you what happened?” “Yeah, he was shot in the back. Of course, that is all they could tell me other than he had to have surgery.” “Is he awake?” “No, but they said he would wake up soon.” “Okay, see you soon.” He hung up, and I went back to waiting. I wasn’t sure when Dean would wake up, but I waited awhile. Wilson showed up and then talked to the doctor and nurses to get news on Dean. It was about an hour before Dean woke up, and I was so happy to see him. I walked over and threw myself into his arms, hugging him. “Ouch,” he shouted, and I quickly pulled away. He grabbed me and brought me back to hug me again. “I didn’t want you to stop hugging me, just to be careful when doing so,” he said, laughing. I started crying again, happy tears, so I was okay with it. “Why are you crying,” Dean asked as he whipped away my tears with his thumbs. “I was so worried about you. You didn’t come home; you always come home.” He looked sad for a minute and then pulled me back into a tight hug. “I’m sorry, I didn’t have much choice.”
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