
1565 Words
“It’s okay, Ozzy. I’m alright, thanks to my stalker.” He pulled back from the hug and gave me a look of confusion. “Yeah, my stalker got me out of there. Just like he did when I wrecked my car and when Robbie took me.” He nodded his head. He understood right away what my comment meant. “Okay, tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it.” “I want you to leave him alone.” My answer wasn’t what he expected, but Ozzy nodded after a few seconds of thinking about it. “Very well. I will let everyone know he will be left alone from now on.” I smiled, “That’s going to go great, good luck.” “Well, it will be easier because Dad isn’t coming.” I wasn’t worried about it. Dad didn’t know I was at Dean’s birthday party; he wouldn’t attend it even if he did. Neither would James or Ryan. “That is probably best. I don’t like the fact he lied to everyone. He may have had good reason, too, but it angers me. He had no right to keep my situation a secret from you or Dean.” Ozzy looked confused and turned his head towards Dean and back at me. “No, Dean must have known about it now that I think about it. Yesterday, Dean came into the house screaming and charging Dad like a Bull. I didn’t know what it was about, but I think I know now.” “Yeah, because my stalker told him. He tried to get help from Dad and Dean; the only ones to offer were Dean, Blake, and Danny.” “If I had known about it,” he shouted, “I would have been there, and you know it.” Zac stayed quiet throughout Ozzy and I’s conversation. He looked like he was getting angry while listening. I didn’t care. It was ridiculous that my stalker once again had to save me because my father lied to people. I didn’t understand why he would do that, but I planned to ask. The rest of Dean’s party went well. I even danced with Dean, Zac, Ozzy, Daryl, and Colin. Things seemed to be alright with all of them now. I was a bit uncomfortable dancing with Colin. I felt he wanted to tell me something the whole time but was holding himself back. By the end of the party, Dean found me and told me that he would be ready to go in a few minutes. I was nervous to be alone with him. I knew there were a lot of things that needed to be cleared up between us. I may have had conflicting emotions regarding my stalker, but being in love with a man once married to my mother felt even more confusing. I was waiting for Dean in his truck, and soon, he came out of the building. I watched him shake hands with Wilson, and then he headed to the truck. He got into the driver’s seat and started it. “Ready to go home?” he asked with a smile. “You have no idea,” I replied, laughing. We took off, heading to his house. I was excited to return to my clothes and put on my slippers. It didn’t take long for us to get there. We got out of the truck and went inside. I was heading upstairs when Dean stopped me by grabbing my arm. I turned to look at him. “We need to talk more about everything, Ivy.” “I know. Can we talk after I shower and change into my own clothes?” He nodded and let me go. I ran up the steps and into my room. I was shocked to see my room so messy. It looked like someone threw the biggest fit in it. I figured Dean might have had a big meltdown. I knew how Dean could be when he thought he was failing at his job. He had a bit of a temper. I went into my bathroom and washed twice in the shower to ensure I was clean enough. But I still didn’t feel like myself even after I was done. I hadn’t had time to think about all that had happened to me, but since I got into the shower, my mind ran away with thoughts. What was I thinking when I cuddled with my stalker, telling him I would get ahold of him later? What would I do about Dagon, who was still out there and could hurt me again? After everything my stalker did to Brownie, I wondered how he would look the next time I saw him. After cleaning myself up, I looked in the mirror. The makeup was washed off my face, and I was worried about how Dean would take it when he saw me. Tears came to my eyes as I put my pajamas on. I wiped them away and made my way down to the living room. Dean wasn’t in the house, and I searched for him. I heard the front door open. I ran down the stairs and saw Dean in the kitchen. I walked in slowly, trying to slow down the reveal of my now ugly, broken face. I sat down as he put take-out from the bakery on the table. When he finally looked at me, his eyes widened, and I could see the anger wash over his face. I put on my best fake smile. “Makeup does wonders, doesn’t it,” I said as tears filled my eyes and covered my face with my hands. “What the hell did they do to you?” He whispered as he pulled me into his chest. He held me tightly until my tears eventually dried up. I pulled back and noticed that his shirt was soaked. I rubbed my eyes and kept my head down. I didn’t want anyone to see me looking like this. “At least I could make it to your birthday,” I said, trying to forget how I looked. He understood that I didn’t want to talk about it. But I could tell he would want answers sooner or later. “Yeah, I was worried you wouldn’t make it,” he replied, making me smile. He handed me a piece of pie on a plate. “This will make you feel better. Be thankful you are a regular. They were closing up for the night. I got you actual food, but starting with dessert would be better.” “Thank you, Dean.” “I feel you’ll eat the whole thing by the time we're done talking.” “Right... um, what did you want to talk about?” He looked down, “It isn’t important. I want to talk about something completely different now.” “It is important to me, but we can discuss it later. What’s up now.” “Your brother told me tonight that you were in love with your stalker and wanted everyone to leave him alone. Is that true?” “No, well, at least not the first half. I told Ozzy I wanted Bill to be left alone but never told him I was in love with him.” Dean was shocked, “Is that what we’re calling him now?” “No, it’s just a fake name he gave me and asked me to call him.” “So, you are getting feelings for him.” “No,” I replied, going back on my promise to myself to tell the truth. “Don’t lie to me. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t call him anything other than your stalker.” Dean, being a Detective, was always hard to work with. I never got away with anything. The first time I smoked weed, I went home and quickly brushed my teeth and changed, and he still figured me out. The same thing happened when I had my first drink and smoked my first cigarette. I told myself I would be thankful he figured me out later in life because he instantly stopped all my bad behavior. I was hoping this time would be the same. “This all started because of you!” He looked at me confused, “How the hell are you going to put this on me?” He shouted while laughing a bit. “You were the one who told me to talk to him, to try and get information from him, and to try and figure out anything I could about him. Then, after my coma, he saved me from Robbie, and you told me that it was hard to hate someone who does so much for someone you care about. I care about me, and he has done a lot for me.” Dean stared at me with his mouth slightly open, looking confused. He couldn’t think of what to say. He opened his mouth many times to try to say something but gave up and shoved a piece of the pie in his mouth instead. “So, you don’t love him?” he asked, putting the pie down and returning his attention to me. “No, but I am baffled when it comes to him.”
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