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Out front of the building, I saw a large fire burning. I ran to the light switch and quickly tried to turn it on, but the power was out. I went back to the window and got a glimpse of my stalker standing close to the fire. He was wearing his red-eye contacts and, of course, a black hoodie. I watched as Dagon’s men ran out into the front yard. My stalker threw something into the fire and ran in the opposite direction. He hid behind a tree and sank to the ground. A few seconds later, gunshots were heard in the front yard. Many of Dagon’s men hit the ground with wounds in their legs or stomach area. After the screams of pain had died down some, I heard the front door of the building being kicked in. I heard a few more gunshots, and someone ran to the room. The door was once again kicked in, and my stalker came into the room. “Are you ready?” I didn’t know what to say to him. I was shocked by everything that just went down, but I wanted out of this place. He held his hand out to me, and I took it. Brownie came in before we could leave the room, swinging his axe back and forth. My stalker held his gun up at him, and Brownie smiled. Not one single hint of fear was on his face. He swung the axe, and my stalker quickly dodged it, pointing the gun back at Brownie and unloading the rest of the clip into his chest. Brownie fell to the floor, sprawling out and losing blood fast. We both noticed that he was still breathing and were both in shock. This man should be dead, yet he was slowly trying to get back to his feet. My stalker tilted his head in confusion as he watched Brownie stand up. Bill then pulled something out of his pocket and dumped liquid on Brownie. He then lit a match and threw it at him. Brownie quickly caught fire, and my stalker grabbed my hand and pulled me past his burning body. The man wasn’t even screaming as we ran from the room. He was still standing. We didn’t look back, and my stalker continued pulling me through the building to the front. Because of my injuries, my stalker ended up having to pick me up and carry me to a car that was waiting. Someone was in the front seat, but I couldn’t determine who. The man in the front seat wore a ski mask, black hoodie, and purple eye contact. I was confused. I looked over, and the other man helping me was wearing yellow eye contact. I was confused about who my stalker was because I was sure I didn’t have three. My stalker and I were sitting in the back of the car, but the man in the front seat was still waiting. It wasn’t until another man ran to the car and got into the passenger’s seat that I realized we were waiting for him. The driver drove us away from the now-burning building, and we were ‘home free.’ The two men in the front of the car took off their ski masks. My eyes widened when I saw Blake, wearing red eyes, and Danny, wearing purple, sitting in the front of the car. Danny was driving, and Blake looked like he was in pain. I was angry. How dare my stalker bring my boys into this? I would have rather sat longer than had them be part of any of this. “What were you thinking bringing them here with you?” I shouted at him. His eyes told me to shut up, and he laughed at me. I punched him in the arm. “I went to talk to your father. I asked him to help me out. He, of course, refused by trying to kill me. Blake and Danny were there while I was trying to get his help. I was able to get away from your father and his goons once again. Danny and Blake followed me. They had a gun pointed at me and told me that if I was going to try and get you out, I was bringing them with me. They didn’t give me much of a choice, Baby.” I turned my attention to my boys, “You two shouldn’t have gotten involved.” “You should have called us about everything happening,” Blake said harshly. “You think we would have left you there if we would have known?” “I understand that, and I’m sorry for not telling you, but it is dangerous, and I don’t want you to be involved in this.” “Yeah, well, we weren’t going to leave everything up to the man who ruined your life,” Danny said, glaring at my stalker through the rearview mirror. “Hey, let’s not forget that we went in there with my plan, and everything went as it was meant. I have done nothing wrong as of late; the only thing I have done is save Ivy. I found a way in, and I got her out. All you did was drive a car; the only thing you helped me with, Blake, was starting a fire and throwing some ammo in it.” “They weren’t seen, right?” I asked my stalker, hoping he would know better than to put my best friends in harm’s way. “No, they weren’t seen. I dressed them like me. If they come after anyone, it will be me and me alone.” I nodded, “But that means you’re not safe either.” He smiled, “Are you worried about me?” I turned my head and said a quick no. “I was just pointing out a fact.” “I see,” he said, laughing. Blake looked at me with confusion. He must have been angry that I was having a civil conversation with my stalker. It isn’t a typical meeting between my stalker and me, but when someone saves your life on more than one occasion, you kind of feel like you owe it to that person to be nice- at least until you are safe at home, in my case. We continued to make our way down the road and didn’t stop until we hit Blake’s house. It had felt like forever since I was there. I loved visiting him. He had many things to do and even had a basketball court in his backyard next to a pool with an attached hot tub. Blake’s place was where everyone typically gathered for a summer party. His parents were super friendly and let Blake live how he wanted unless he got into trouble. We all got out of the car and made our way inside. I sat on the black leather couch and looked at his house phone. I was thinking about calling my father, but I wasn’t sure what to say about how I got out of the place. I had a feeling that my father would hate the fact that my stalker was the one who saved me with the help of Danny and Blake. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was somewhat upset that my father left me there for so long. I knew it wasn’t his fault, and he would have gotten me out on his own if he could, but the hurt was still there. I hated the fact that I cuddled with my stalker because I felt alone and that I felt such gratitude towards him because he was once again there for me when others weren’t. I watched my stalker pace the room. He looked like he was thinking about something. I felt interested in him. The way he walked seemed so familiar. How he thought, with his hand to his chin and his head down, was familiar to me. I couldn’t place it. I knew I had seen it somewhere before but couldn’t imagine where. He was smart, but I knew many intelligent and wise people. I had nothing to go on but the way he moved. When he noticed me watching him, he came and sat beside me. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt like lying my head in his lap again. I wanted to be closer to him, and it was pretty disturbing to me to feel this way. I looked into his eyes, and the color was masked by sunflower yellow coloring.
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