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“That’s great you start tomorrow,” Dagon told him. “I would like to stay here tonight,” he replied. “That’s fine, but Ivy must return to my room. You can stay in there with her. I normally end up sleeping on the couch. It's a shame. I would have liked to sleep next to her just once.” “I would destroy you,” my stalker replied harshly. Dagon got up to help me, but my stalker stopped him. “Don’t touch her," he shouted. “I got it; you shouldn’t touch people that don’t belong to you,” he said with malice. The comment made me angry. I was a person and didn’t belong to anyone, but if I had to choose, it would be the devil I knew. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me from the chair and walked me to the room as Dagon directed him. Once we were inside the room, I kicked him in the ribs, and he dropped me down on the bed. “Please stop hitting me. You’re making it hard for me to want to save you.” He looked around the room and took a seat on the bed, stunned by all the blood he saw on the floor. “Are you really here to help me get out?” “What the hell do you think?” he shouted. “Do you think I want you living like this, getting hurt every few hours? It f*****g breaks my heart to see you like this. I sat for hours trying to figure out a way to get you out of here, but Dagon was right. I’m only one man. I had to try something else, and then the dumb bastard got ahold of me through Eric’s phone asking me if I wanted a job.” Tears spilled from my eyes, and I crawled over to him and hugged him. I wasn’t sure what had come over me, but I was happy that I wasn’t alone and that he planned on getting me out of here. I hugged him tightly, and it took a second to click in his head before he wrapped his arms around me in return. “I would never let you stay here, Baby. I would never accept his job, but I thought it best.” I nodded and lay my head on his lap with my arm wrapped around him. I never would have expected to act like this with him, but I needed someone to comfort me and not feel alone, and, as always, he was there for me. “This doesn’t mean I’m not mad at you for what you did,” I said as I moved to lie down. He followed me to the top of the bed and lay beside me. “I don’t care if you’re mad; I was mad at myself. I just want you out of this place.” He stroked my face gently and then wrapped me back up in a tight hug. I was confused about what was happening between him and me, but I didn’t care; all I wanted was someone by my side. Surprisingly, I fell asleep quickly next to him. Something about it felt familiar. The next morning, I woke up, and he wasn’t in bed. I heard the water running in the shower, and it hit me. He had to be naked in there. I could figure out who he was. He could not keep his ski mask on while taking a shower. I sat up in bed and pushed off the blankets. I stood up, walked over to the bathroom door painfully, and put my hand on the handle, but I paused. I wasn’t sure I was ready to know who my stalker was. I let go of the handle and backed away. I was confused about why I was reluctant. For the last year and a half, all I ever wanted to do was learn who he was, but now that I could finally do it, I was scared, too. The water turned off, and I wobbled back to the bed and lay down, pretending to be sleeping. When the door opened, I heard his footsteps coming back into the room and up to the bed. I felt the bed dip down, and he leaned toward my face. “If you are going to pretend to be sleeping, I may just kiss you to wake you up,” he whispered. I opened my eyes and sat back up in bed. He was fully dressed again, with a ski mask and everything. “You wouldn’t.” “I would. I used to do it all the time. You were just really sleeping then. You never knew,” he replied, smiling. “How often have you slept beside me where I didn’t notice you kissing me?” He smiled, “Yeah, I slept. I was too busy watching over you. I would sneak in and kiss you goodnight and then leave. Sometimes, I would return to do it again in the morning.” “That is quite creepy.” “I’m sorry, but sometimes I just couldn’t help it.” “Did you kiss me today?” “No, I figured you had already been through enough.” I nodded, “So, how do I get out of here?” “Well, first, I have to leave. Now that I know about the inside of the building and how many people are here normally, I can devise a plan to get you out of here. However, I need tools that I can’t get here.” “You can’t leave me,” I shouted, wrapping my arms around him. I didn’t want to be alone again. Tears came to my eyes as I pleaded with him. “You promised you wouldn’t leave.” “When did I promise that?” he asked while returning the hug. “When all this started, don’t you remember? You said you wouldn’t leave me like everyone else does. I don’t want to be here alone.” He looked down, “I did say that, didn’t I? Well, I will have to leave for just a little while. I will be back; I promise you that. I won’t leave you here, but I must get some things.” “If you must go, will you sneak into the hospital and check on my father, Ozzy, James, and Ryan for me?” “What? No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Baby, I don’t like them, and they don’t like me.” “No one I know likes you, though.” “You like me,” he replied, smiling. “I only like you at the moment. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to kill you once you get me out of here.” “You are so confusing sometimes. I have done everything you asked of me, even things you didn’t ask me to do, and still, you’re ungrateful. You are one of the hardest women to please.” “You wouldn’t have had any problem doing so if you weren’t stalking me.” “You know what,” he said, standing up. “I’m leaving now.” “Fine, then go,” I replied. “I’m going then.” He left out the window instead of going back out the door, probably trying to figure out a good way to get in. It was the following day, and I was in the shower. I wasn’t hurt while he was here or throughout the next day, which was a relief. When I got done, I noticed a red rose with a note attached to it sitting on my bed and smiled. Hey Baby, I’m sorry it is taking so long to get you out of there. This was a test run, and the good news was that I could get in and out of there without anyone noticing or being caught on the cameras. I wanted to see you, but you weren’t in the room when I arrived. I will have you out of there tonight, I promise you. Stay in the room all night because it is going to get worse, and I don’t want you to get hurt. I love you so much, Baby. I will see you soon. Yours’ Forever I felt my heart jump. I wasn’t sure if it was because I would get out of the place tonight or if I was having feelings for my stalker. What happened the night before was still confusing to me. I was sure I was confusing love for gratitude. I was just grateful to him for getting me out of this place. I was sitting in my room, praying it would be the last night I would be here. My stalker was only one man, and I knew it would be challenging for him to get in and get us both out safely. But I had to trust him, even for a little while. I sat on the bed, watching the small clock tick around in cycles. It was 09:00 at night, and I wasn’t sure when things would happen, but I stayed in my room just as instructed. I soon fell asleep while waiting. Watching a clock tick is very tiring. A loud banging noise woke me up. The light shone from my window, and I looked back at the clock. It was now midnight. I got out of bed and walked over to the window. My eyes widened. My stalker was finally here.
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