
1158 Words
{Adelynn’s POV} My father and mother took me outside, where a limo waited for us. My father picked me up in his arms carefully and sat me down in the back seat, closing the door behind me and walking around to the other side. My mother and him got in, and their driver put my wheelchair in the trunk. Soon we took off, towards their home. My father looked over to me. “You’re so light.. you barely weigh a thing.” He said, his voice sounding saddened. I looked over at the two of them. “I’ve lost some weight recently. I was in the hospital, and didn’t really eat much.” “Honey.. what happened?” My mother asked, her voice soft and full of concern. I rubbed my palm nervously, a habit I’ve always had. “My.. the people who raised me.. they weren’t kind to me. When I turned 18, I tried to leave. James.. the man who I thought was my father, he threw me down the stairs. I broke both of my legs, and some of the disks in my back popped out of place, along with a broken arm and some internal bleeding. I’m doing much better now, they said I should begin to be able to walk soon.” My palm was sore from how hard I was rubbing it. I could feel tears on my cheek, then my mother grabbed my hand gently, stopping me from my nervous habit. She shook her head, and let out a broken sound. “I’m so sorry we didn’t find out sooner..” she wept. “What.. what about their birth daughter.. the one I was switched with? Where is she?” I asked, looking between them. “She died before we even left the hospital.. she had a heart problem, she only lived a few days.” She whispered softly. “I’m so sorry..” I replied, gripping her hand back. She nodded, tears beginning to flow down her gentle face. “It’s okay sweetie. I’m just so happy that we found you..” My father had his phone out, it seemed he was messaging someone. He looked up, a hint of anger in his eyes. “So what happened to the people who raised you?” He asked. “T-They’re in prison now..” I answered, pulling out my phone and pulling up the files. “Here..” I said, handing it to him. The two of them looked over it, my mother holding her hand up to her mouth as a gasp escaped her. My father scrolling through images, and finally handed me back my phone. He pulled his phone out once more and began texting again. “Your brothers are waiting at home, they’re excited to meet you.” He said, putting his phone away. “I have brothers?” I asked, a whimper escaping my mouth. My mother nodded, a bright smile spreading across her face. “Four of them! Theodore, Liam, Sebastian, and Miles!” I smiled softly. “Of course Miles is out of town at the moment. We aren’t sure when he’ll come back, he’s bad about taking off. He usually leaves his phone at home when he leaves to, so I’m not sure if we’ll be able to reach him until he gets back.” My father said, still typing. “I can’t wait to meet them..” I said softly. “I always wanted siblings.. but I was glad that James and Millicent didn’t have anymore children.” I looked down at my feet, I could barely move my legs at this point. They told me that feeling should be coming back, but it’s been a slow process. Soon we pulled up to some large gates, and they opened as we drove through. Then I saw it, the biggest house I’d ever seen in my entire life. It was beautiful, brick, with white trim. There were large pillars that held up the front porch. There was a porch swing, and some rocking chairs, along with a table and chairs. “T-This is your house?” I asked, slightly taken aback. My mother gave a slight chuckle. “Yes honey, this is one of them at least. Maybe we can take you to the summer home we have on our very own island when it warms up!” She smiled brightly. I was anxious.. I wasn’t sure how to feel about all of this. “Oh..” was all I could manage. “Don’t worry Adelynn, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, just relax. For now, we’re just excited to get to know you!” My father reassured me. I nodded, and quietly began rubbing my palm again. Soon we pulled up to the front door, and my father got out. The driver got my chair from the trunk. “We don’t have a ramp, we’ll have to build one.” My mother said, as the driver took my chair to the front door. My father carried me up the stairs and sat me down in my chair. “Hopefully I won’t be in the chair much longer..” I said softly, still rubbing my palm. My father went into the house in front of me, my mother next, and their driver pushed me inside, and closed the door as he walked back outside. “Boys!” My father’s voice boomed. He yelled so loud that I whimpered. My mother came to my side and rubbed my back. “Are you okay sweetie?” She asked, her voice gentle. I nodded.. “Sorry, just.. yelling reminds me of home..” was all I could say. I heard loud footsteps making their way towards us, as my mother and father turned to face the noise. “Where is she?” I heard a deep voice ask. “Yeah, we’re ready to meet our sister!” Another voice chimed in. “If you can even call her that.” I heard a grumpy voice sound out from the doorway in front of us. “Liam!” My mother snapped. “She is your sister, our blood daughter! What has gotten into you?” “Do you not remember how heartbroken you were when our sister died in the hospital? You expect us to just pretend that none of that ever happened? That we didn’t all grieve our baby sister’s death? Now this girl shows up, and says she was our sister, not the baby that we all loved, and mourned?” He yelled. I shouldn’t have come here.. I never should have tried to find them. I’m 18, I don’t need parents or a family anymore. Why did I ever think this was a good idea. I grabbed my wheel and turned the chair around opening the door and rolling out onto the porch, closing it behind me, and sobbed bitterly.
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