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{Adelynn’s POV} I shouldn’t have come here.. I never should have tried to find them. I’m 18, I don’t need parents or a family anymore. Why did I ever think this was a good idea. I grabbed my wheel and turned the chair around opening the door and rolling out onto the porch, closing it behind me, and sobbed bitterly. I couldn’t even leave, there was no ramp.. I couldn’t do anything but sit here and wait for someone to help me. My mother came out on the porch and placed her hand on my back. “I shouldn’t have come here..” I whispered through my tears. “No! Please don’t say that! We want you here! We want to get to know our daughter!” She said leaning down in front of me, and placing her hand softly on my cheek. “Liam is.. difficult, he always has been. He’s the youngest of my boys, he was devastated when he found out that the baby passed. He was so excited to have a baby sister..” she sighed. “I promise you, he’s going to love you, he just needs some time, and this is all so new and unexpected. We didn’t tell them anything until we were sure, so it’s even more new for them.” She tapped my face gently. “Please, come back inside, and meet your brothers.” I looked at her, kneeled down in front of my chair. She really does look like me, or I guess, I look like her. She’s taller, and more beautiful than I am, her features were stunning to say the least. I nodded, wiping the tears off my face. She grabbed the back of my chair and pushed me back to the door, she opened it, and pushed me inside. There they were, three brothers, who all looked so much like me. “Um.. hi..” I said softly, looking at them. Their faces were all moved into a shocked expression. One of them walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Hi, I’m Theodore, your oldest brother.” He smiled softly down at me. His eyes were exactly like mine, while his hair was darker, almost black like our father’s. His skin was tanned, and he was tall, about 6’6, and muscular. “I’m Sebastian!” The second moved forward, waving at me. His hair was the same color as mine, while his eyes were deep drown like our fathers. He was tall, but not as tall as Theodore, about 6’2. He was well built, but not as bulky as my other brothers. I heard the same voice from earlier begin to clear his throat. “I..” he started, raising his hand to rub the back of his neck. “I’m Liam..” he said, looking anywhere but at me. He was the shortest of all of them, standing about 6’0, and his eyes were brown, and his hair almost black. He was the spitting image of our father. His was bulky, I watched as he crossed his arms over his chest, they were covered in tattoos. I nodded my head, and looked around to each of them. “My name is Adelynn..” I said softly, rubbing my palm and looking at the floor. My mother pushed my chair past them and into the living room. “Alright, let’s get you situated, and we’ll get you something to eat, I know we interrupted earlier!” She beamed at me. “Please, you don’t have to go to any trouble!” I said, grabbing her hand softly. “It’s no trouble! We’re all getting hungry too! I was thinking about making some Lasagna tonight!” She smiled, placing her other hand over mine. I looked up at her, and smiled softly. “W-Would it be okay if I helped? I always did the cooking back home.” I asked. She smiled brightly. “Cooking with my daughter.. of course!” She pushed my chair into the kitchen, and I watched as my brothers and my father stepped out onto the front porch. I helped her chop up the veggies for the sauce, and began cooking it on the stove. She hand made the pasta, and rolled it out on the counter. “Who taught you to cook?” I asked, smiling over at her as I stirred the sauce. She laid out the pasta as she got a deep pan and buttered the sides and bottom. “My mother, she lives here with us, but she’s out with some of her friends today. I tried calling her, but she always has her phone off when she goes out. I can’t wait for you to meet her!” She began laying the pasta in, as I mixed up the cheese filling. We layered the pasta, and I smiled as we put it into the oven. I turned and washed my hands in the sink, then began to wash the dishes. “Oh honey, don’t do that! Let me!” She started. I smiled over at her, as she made her way to my side. “Please, I’d like to do the dishes, I helped make the mess, I should help clean it up!” “Fine, I’ll dry and put them up!” She smiled back politely as she grabbed a towel and began to dry them. I could hear yelling outside, but tried to ignore it. Even though I wasn’t trying to listen, I could still hear nearly every word. “I know that this is difficult..” my father said. “Difficult! How do you know for sure that the doctors didn’t lie, or that she isn’t some gold digger? How do we know that she isn’t just using us?” Liam’s voice was loud, and I hated the way his words made me feel. My mother looked over at me, as my brother yelled outside. “Liam.. he’s difficult..” she started. I nodded, and sniffled. “It’s fine.. I understand. This is strange, and new. I don’t want anything from you all, just to know who my family is, is enough. I’ve only ever wanted a loving family. He makes good points, but I really hope that you know that I don’t want any money from you all. I have money, I worked hard and earned it myself. I even got money from me taking the people who raised me to court. I don’t need money, I have more than enough.” I said, grabbing my purse from beside me and pulling out my phone. I opened up my bank app and showed her my account balance. “I have $200,000, that’s more than I think I could spend. Some of it is going to medical bills, but the rest is mine to spend.” I whimpered, putting my phone back up. “I don’t need or want anything from you all, I just want to know my family..”
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