The Girlfriend

1138 Words
{Adelynn’s POV} Last night after my parents left, I was upset, heartbroken. Sleeping was nearly impossible, I tried to get out of bed to go to get a drink from the vending machine. Turns out, my chair wasn’t locked, and I fell to the floor hitting my throat on the leg rest. They told me today that I wouldn’t be able to speak for a while, not until it heals. Even then, it may be difficult to speak. My parents showed up, and when I didn’t speak they assumed I was mad. I called the nurse in using the button, and she came in and explained the situation to them. According to the doctor, they want to go ahead and move my surgery to today, since I’m already here. “You’re going in for your surgery in about an hour, anything you want to eat when you come out?” My mother asked. I shook my head, and smiled at her, trying to get her to understand that I was happy that she asked, and grateful to her. “I know that you don’t want anything from us, but seeing as how Miles broke your spine again, I am taking the money for your surgery out of his allowance, it’s only fair.” My father said. I slapped my lap, and shook my head. “I know that you don’t want it, but think of it as compensation for what happened to you. What he did was wrong, and you deserved better!” He said. I began rubbing my palms again, when the doctor came in. “Alright, we’re getting ready to take her back soon, so you guys will have to go wait in the lobby. I’ll let you know as soon as her surgery is done.” He said, smiling between all of us. My mother kissed my head, and my father smiled as they walked out of the room. The doctor put a syringe through my iv and I began to feel groggy. “Lay back and relax, and soon we’ll get you back to surgery.” He said, as I felt the bed begin to roll out of the room. I closed my eyes, and rested, soon more medicine put me to sleep, and I was out like a light. When I woke up, I was lying flat on the bed in my room. My mother and father were here, along with Miles. My parents smiled when I woke up, and I looked between all three of them. “Your surgery went great, the doctor said you should have feeling back within about a week or two!” She smiled brightly. I tried to talk, but all that came out was a wheeze. I pointed to my bag and my dad got my phone out, handing it to me gently. “Thank you, and please don’t take the money from Miles, I have money!” I typed on my phone. I showed it to them, and Miles’ eyes softened, but my dad looked slightly angry. I held up my finger and typed out again. “I don’t blame Miles! I had fallen asleep on the couch and didn’t hear him when he was talking to me. If I came home to find an unresponsive strangers in my house, I may shove them too!” I pointed the phone towards them. My father sighed, and Miles looked surprised. “He should still compensate you, he broke your spine!” My father yelled. I shook my head. “He was only trying to protect his home and his family!” I typed out showing it to them. “Wow..” Miles sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I think I had you all wrong.. I’m sorry, really sorry. I asked who you were, and when you didn’t answer I pushed you, but I shouldn’t have. Let me pay for the surgery, if you do, I promise I won’t ever push you again.” He chuckled slightly. I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it, I have money, I’ll handle it!” I typed out and smiled at them. “Sorry for sending you away last night.. I was just upset after knowing I’d have to have surgery again.. the surgeries last time were brutal..” I typed out showing it to them. My mom leaned down kissing my head. “It’s okay honey, we understand. Hopefully you’ll be able to walk and talk soon!” She grinned happily. I nodded, and began to close my eyes, it was hard to keep them open. “We’ll let you get some rest!” My father said, kissing my head as they all left. A few minutes passed, and I heard the door open and close. “Well, well, well.. this is the long lost sister!” A shrill voice sounded as she flipped the lights on. Her hair was bleached blonde, and she was tall, skinny, but curvy. “You sure did cause a lot of trouble for my boyfriend last night. He was so upset, and yet you just get to lay here, and ignore them!” She walked over to my bedside, and grabbed my arm roughly pinching my skin tightly, and twisting it. I cried out softly, but no real sound came out. “Listen here you simple b****! I am Miles’ girl, and no one, including his bratty, broken, stray of a sister is going to replace me! You are at the bottom of the totem pole, but me, I’m on top. Learn your place, and learn it fast, and we won’t have any problems!” She sneered before releasing my arm. The door opened, and Miles walked in. “Hey baby, here you are! I told you to wait in the lobby!” He said walking over, and wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “Oh boo berry, I just wanted to see your sister! She’s so pretty, just like your mom!” She smiled, before turning back to look at me. Tears were pricking my eyes, but I couldn’t speak, and typing out what happened may only make Miles hate me. “What’s wrong Adelynn?” He asked. I shook my head, and just closed my eyes, letting the tears stream softly down my face. “She must be tired honey, let’s let her get some rest!” The woman said, practically pulling Miles out of the room. Once they were gone, I once again allowed myself to really cry. After escaping abusive parents, I’ve now found myself in the middle of another abusive mess. If I tell them what happened, Miles will probably hate me, but if I don’t, she’ll keep hurting me. I cried, softly, bitterly, knowing that I’d have to either endure it, or just leave.

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