Nearly Dinner Time

1036 Words
{Adelynn’s POV} I opened up my bank app and showed her my account balance. “I have $200,000, that’s more than I think I could spend. Some of it is going to medical bills, but the rest is mine to spend.” I whimpered, putting my phone back up. “I don’t need or want anything from you all, I just want to know my family..” She smiled down at me and grabbed my hand. “I believe you honey, you have nothing to prove to me.” Her voice was soft, almost like silk. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle this.” She said, turning and stalking out of the room towards the porch. I rolled after her in my chair, and tried to stop her. “Please.. I don’t want them to be more upset. I’m fine, really, I’m fine..” I whispered softly, tears were pricking my eyes, as they began to fall down my cheeks. She turned and softly wiped the tears off my face. “Don’t try to protect them when they aren’t protecting you honey. You’re our bambina! They will just have to learn!” She said, turning and throwing the door open. “Liam!” She yelled. “How dare you say such things! First of all, we did a blood test, it was run multiple times to make sure that there were no mistakes! We wanted to know for sure, not just for our sake, but for hers too! She is your sister! I have been so excited since we found out to bring her home, and to get to know her! She is not a gold digger, or a liar! The next words out of your mouth are going to be the words ‘I’m sorry’ or so help me!” She yelled. All this yelling was beginning to trigger my anxiety, I began rubbing my palm, and my breathing was uneven. “P-Please.. I told you.. I’m fine.. it’s fine..” I whispered, tears flowing down my face as my panic attack began to flare up more. My older brother Theodore ran to my side and lifted me from my chair. He took me to the couch and laid me down, and looked into my eyes. “It’s okay, it’s okay, breathe!” He said, showing me the way to breathe. “In.. and out..” he said softly, breathing in deeply, and exhaling. I laid back deep breathing, until I began to calm down. Once I was calm, and my breathing was regulated I looked up at him, pulling myself up carefully to sit up. “Thank you..” I whispered. “Are you okay?” He asked, looking me over. I nodded. “Sorry.. yelling.. I’m just not so good with all the yelling..” I answered softly. My parents walked in, my mother pushing my chair. My father lifted me and sat me back in my chair. “We’re sorry..” my father started. “No.. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I would cause such a fuss. Maybe I should go get a hotel room instead. Give everyone some time, and maybe just meet in a public setting to get to know one another. Would that make everyone happy?” I asked. “No.. please don’t go! We’d really like you to stay!” My mother said, putting her hand on my face. “I’m not trying to be difficult, I just thought that maybe everyone would feel a little more at ease if I weren’t in your home.” I continued. Liam walked up, putting his hand on the back of my chair. “No.. mama’s right. Please, don’t go. I know I was a jerk.. it’s just a lot to take in. I’m sorry I upset you, I didn’t mean to.” He said, he seemed honest. I nodded and looked down at my hands. “O-Okay..” “The lasagna is probably done, and your gramma will be here soon!” My mother smiled, grabbing my chair and rolling me into the kitchen. She began grabbing plates and silverware out and laying it on the counter. “Boys..” she started. “I could set the table.. if that’s okay.” I said, moving my chair forward. “At least let me help.” Theodore said, walking over and moving all of the plates and such onto the table. I rolled over and began to set up each plate with napkins, silverware, and cups. Once it was done I rolled back into the kitchen. “Is there anything else I can do?” I asked, smiling at my mother who was putting some garlic bread into the oven. “No honey, why don’t you go get cleaned up in the bathroom down the hall. I’ll be there in just a second to help you with your hair.” She smiled and pointed down the hallway. My father grabbed my chair and began to push me in the right direction. “I’ll show her which one to go to.” He smiled, and took me to the end of the hall, opening up a room and turning on the light. “Here you go, go ahead and wash up.” He turned closing the door behind him. I rolled over to the sink and washed my hands. I looked to the side to see a full length mirror. It wasn’t until then that I realized how much weight I had lost. I was too skinny, in a way that looked sickly. I sighed as I rolled closer to get a better look at myself. I tried to move my toes, to no avail. As I was looking in the mirror I heard a soft knock on the door, and it slowly opened as my mother stepped in. “I thought you may like a change of clothes since you got sauce on yours when we were cooking.” She smiled. She was holding a plain looking black dress. It was pretty, simple, and clean, just the way I liked my clothes. Nothing too flashy, or fancy. “Oh.. it’s so lovely..” I said softly, turning to look at her.
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