Dreams and reality

2474 Words
Frejya’s POV There was no moon in the sky, only stars, so even though the windows were opened there was very little light coming in. There was a feeling of nostalgia in the air as it seemed very much like I had been in this exact same place, doing these exact same things. Is this how the tea works? It makes you relieve events? Well, there's definitely one event that I'd absolutely love to revisit. That day. . . "Even though your senses seem to be dull at the moment, I'm still sure you can hear me, because you're looking right at me Freyja. Why are you sleeping upside down?" The dragon prince said, his voice carrying a sense of curiosity and annoyance. I pushed myself up trying to make out his figure in the darkness. "I do..don't know what ya are talking about," I replied, managing to form the words I had in my mouth. Then I saw his eyes, they were intensely fixed on mine and it somehow made me feel vulnerable. I didn’t want to appear vulnerable to this man. Ohhh..what is this tea doing to me? Didi had said it would make me sleep, but all I could see are visions. "Stand up," he ordered, his tone of voice was firm and instructive. I obeyed, but I struggled to maintain my stance. I realized that this was the first time I'd tried to put my feet on the ground since I took the tea, and I was unstable. "Are you drunk?" he inquired, even the frustration was evident in his voice. "No, of course not!" I answered abruptly. "Where would I find a drink? They barely allow me to do as I like in this place. And besides, I have never tasted alcohol before." "You don't exactly make out a good liar, Omega. Everything you're doing and saying now brings about the logical conclusion," he said in a controlled irritable tone. What was he saying, How on earth can I be drunk? I moved closer, trying to make out his features in the darkness. My eyes were taking longer to adjust to his presence. “Let me see your face,” I murmured, moving closer. I reached out to touch his face but he moved my hand away. “Keep your hands to yourself, omega.” he sounded firm and it hurt. His voice was filled with impatience. Why was I all of a sudden so aware of his tone of voice, I never really paid much attention to it before now. Am I really drunk? “Why?” I asked, the tiny bit of hurt pulling at my stomach. I can't help but come to the conclusion that he doesn't like me or want to have anything to do with me, just like everyone else. . . Just like everyone else. I don't know why but my feelings felt like they had started to leak through me at the moment. “You don’t like me,” I said without waiting for an answer. There was no response he could give that would be more than his silence “You really don’t like me,” I said again more to myself than to him. I then sat on the ground just close to the bed. I should have known this before, the realization felt like a blow to my head. I sat there before him with my head bowed, overwhelmed by shame and the sense of being unwanted. And just like that, I could feel my emotions bursting through me. "Why do you smell like a woman's perfume," I said. It was not a question, but I immediately regretted bringing it up. I wasn't sure I was ready for what he would say next. "Yes. Because I have been with one," he replied, his tone unapologetic and firm as usual. "You don't expect me to give up my entire life for you, Omega. Things will still happen the way they have always been and I'm not guaranteeing you anything like love and relationship. I can guarantee that I will be a husband to you. But that's all." "You must already know that I never wanted any of this, nor did I choose you. My kingdom did, yes. The dragon did. And if you think about all the benefits you will be getting because of this, you will readily agree that it's a fair deal. You'll be the Dragon Queen. You can even have all you want after our marriage—the kingdom, the respect—but not me. You cannot have me." His words hung in the air, heavy with every word sending a blow to my heart. But it was a truth I didn't want to fully accept all this while. I had actually been thinking of getting him to like me, this was the main thing that made me so overwhelmed with thinking. On one hand, I had to get out of this Inzaghi and return to my family and friends, on the other, a strong part of me longed for the dragon prince. For him to touch me again, for him to like me, and I didn't even know if that was a good thing to want. But now I know fully well he didn't owe me loyalty nor did he owe any to our soon-to-be marriage vows. so I could expect the worst even in the supposed marriage which will soon take place. I can never accept that. I must focus on my goal and not allow anything to deter me ever again. Oh but then why is this so hurtful that it feels real? I looked up at him, suddenly aware of every emotion, every feeling, every hurt. I didn't feel good; It felt like everything was spinning around me. I would rather just lie down on the ever-ready bed and sleep forever. But there was no way I could stay in the room with this man. It suddenly felt like the big room was closing in around us. I stood still, strengthened my steps, and walked out of the door unsteadily but making sure that my head was held high, Finally once I was outside the door, the tears in my eyes began to flow freely. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The air inside the palace was stifling, I needed space, a place where I could breathe in fresh air. I had to think about what my next move would be, but I could still not think. My head has become my enemy, not allowing me to think. But one thing was sure, I'm not welcome here and I need to find a way out of this dream world very soon. Ever since I arrived here, apparently as an unwelcome guest, I feel like a caged bird, longing for the freedom of the open skies. And finally, I've found a better excuse and opportunity. I moved down the stairs with a dedicated focus, ignoring every greeting offered me along the way. I have started to perfect the queen walk and I believe I like it the most above all other things I've learned so far. The other day while I was receiving a lecture on proper table manners in the vast library, my eyes had journeyed away from the instructor's face and outside the window just beside me. I saw a large and very welcoming forest. My mind had skipped through some of my most exciting memories of being alone in the forests of the crescent pack. I have always been an explorer and an adventurer, so naturally, the forests called to me. Today I see no reason why I shouldn't take that opportunity that seemed so attractive over all things. I got to the grounds swiftly, hiding my tears effectively from the view of everyone I saw. As I was about to reach the large doors, the two guards opened it wide enough to allow me through with no questions asked. Is this what he meant when he said that I'd have the respect and power as the dragon queen? Well, the Dragon prince had made sure that I would detest the office of the queen even before I reached there. As I walked through the ancient trees, my mind still carried the echoes of his rejection. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I blinked them away now, I'm determined to find peace in nature's embrace. The soft rustling leaves and the songs of the birds brought a sense of tranquility, and I found myself lost in the beauty of the forests. The temperature was humid, almost making me sweat but it felt heavenly at the same time. I could feel that I was slowly coming back to my senses. The effects of the tea must have started wearing off. As I wandered deeper into the woods, the sounds of humans faded away, and they were replaced by the whispers of nature. Time lost its meaning as I walked aimlessly, letting the forest guide my steps. The air was cooler here, and the fragrance of pine and earth was so soothing, just like a balm to my troubled heart. However, as the stars shined with a lower intensity, the woods grew darker and more mysterious. My carefree exploration turned into an uneasy walk through the shadows. My lack of knowledge of these particular forests began to surface - was wandering around at night and this far a wise decision? My feet wanted to turn back, but my heart yearned for more. Somehow it felt better to be out here than in the room if I have to share with the prince. Suddenly, a bone-chilling howl pierced the silence, and my heart went into my throat. My belly tightened and fear washed over me as it immediately dawned on me that I might not be alone in the darkness. I held on tight to the cloak I had taken with me, trying to steady my breathing, but my trembling hands betrayed my terror. Then without warning, from the shadows emerged a massive wolf, its eyes burning like firewood in the dim light. Its fur was dark I could see, dark even as the night itself, and its snarl sent shivers down my spine. I backed away slowly, hoping to escape its predatory gaze, but the wolf advanced with relentless determination. I knew that I had to defend myself. My instincts kicked in, and I drew upon the inner strength I never knew I possessed. I searched for a sturdy branch, trying to keep my fear at bay. The wolf circled me, and at that moment, I realized that my fate hung in the balance. I was weak against this beast. I never learned how to act if I was ever faced with a rogue wolf. Damn, I have never even been able to shift. Just as the wolf lunged at me, I swung the branch with all my might, and it collided with its mouth, The wolf howled in pain and retreated momentarily. But with the taste of its own blood, it only made it more willing to attack again. I took the opportunity to run, my heart pounding in my chest as I sprinted through the dark forest. As I fled, I couldn't help but wonder if anyone would notice my absence. I had felt like an outsider from the moment I arrived, and my failed attempt to connect with the Dragon Prince only intensified that feeling. Maybe no one would realize I was gone until it was too late. But just as despair threatened to overwhelm me, a familiar roar echoed through the woods. It was the unmistakable call of a dragon. I stopped in my tracks, hoping to pull the strings of my heart. Could it be the Dragon Prince searching for me? Has he finally come to find me? Before I could think about it any further, a gush of wind blew through the trees, and a massive shadow was cast over the night sky. It was Drogo! And the dragon prince! I was so happy at that moment, it was probably the happiest I had ever been to see him. As the Dragon Prince landed with elegance and grace, his scales shimmering in the night light. He walked over to me, keeping his eyes on me. "Frejya, what are you doing here? I've been looking for you everywhere, don't you know that you shouldn't put yourself in danger?" He said, "There are different things in this forest that can harm you, even if you are a werewolf." Although I knew better than to let my hopes fly because of his concerned tone, it was a total relief to see him. I'm so glad that he came. "I... I needed some time alone," I said, unable to meet his gaze. "There's enough space inside the palace for you to sulk all you want. These forests are beyond limits for you and that's final." "What? I can go wherever I want, and whenever I want. I've had enough of your arrogant attitude towards me. I know I'm getting married to you but you will never be my head. Never!" I yelled in what I hoped was the top of my lungs. He just looked back at me. I could feel the anger rather than see it in his face. Just then a swift movement took us by surprise, and though the dragon prince was wielding his sword, the wolf managed to graze the side of his arm with its teeth before diving in the opposite direction to face us. My heart began to beat even more quickly than before. I could see that it wasn't the same wolf that had attacked me earlier. This was a different wolf. And a different kind also. It was ten times bigger than the biggest wolf in my pack. Is this what they called a rouge wolf? But all of a sudden there were more pairs of eyes in the forests. The wolves were gradually increasing in numbers. My word, there were ten of them by my counting. The dragon prince stepped in front of me and in more of a whisper he said "Get behind me and stay out of the way." I obliged willingly, feeling the weakness in my knees. The dragon prince had sent Drogo back to the palace and I wonder why he did that. This was the most important moment when we needed a dragon's help. As the wolves formed a circle around us with blood in their eyes, I knew that nothing could prepare me for what would happen next.
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