Preparing minds

2279 Words
Freyja’s Pov "No, I can't do this!" Walking around the room gave me a sense of relief. Being alone was a comfort at last. Well, if I don't count the dragon prince sleeping in the bed next to me. For the past few days, I've been plagued with classes on dignity, modesty, courtesy, diction, and duties. I have hardly been left to myself. And it even seemed like the dragon prince had found a way to avoid me; I had seen so little of him since that kiss in the garden maze. It was almost as though he makes sure I fall asleep from my exhaustion before he comes into the room at night, and then he stays asleep until I am called for the daily routine in the morning. I hardly even see Didi. She's the only one from my pack who seems like a friend here—herself and the dragon prince's cousin, Jovan. Without these two, I know no familiar person in this palace, and that makes it even more inconvenient. If there was ever a time to escape, this was it! In fact, it would have done me a great deal of good if I had never made it off that cliff alive in the first place. The dragon prince was still sleeping when I slid off the bed some minutes ago. He didn't even move or stir in his sleep. He looked peaceful, like he had nothing to worry about in the world. I dare not say the same about myself, as I probably look like a troubled person while I'm asleep. All the stress I'm going through will surely show on my face when no one is looking. Anyway, yesterday I found out that the dragon prince wasn’t really avoiding me as my mind had led me to believe. I ran into the Queen mother, and she took time to explain the reasons for his absence. Apparently, he was also taking intense lessons of his own as he was being prepared to become the Dragon King. I moved closer to study his chiseled face as he lay there sleeping silently. Although I should be heading into the bathroom now and getting ready before the maid is sent to call on me, I feel like taking a minute to look at who I'm going to be marrying very soon and thinking why he doesn't feel anything towards me. I'm now used to waking up early. And although I'm not getting bored with the classes, I really wish I had more people to talk to. People that I'm familiar with. Standing there and watching the dragon prince sleep was becoming interesting, as I contemplated the way his gentle snore made his chest rise and fall softly. I don't think I've ever been opportune to watch a man sleep before. His brows are full and thick, beautifully full. His nose... I've never seen a more perfect nose. My eyes dropped to his lips and lingered; all the memories of that morning flooded my mind in an instant, making me blush. I shuddered at the thought of wanting him to hold me that same way and kiss me again. As if giving me a clue to get away from him, he stirred and turned his back towards me. Without wasting any more time, I dashed into the bathroom, washed myself, and stepped back into the room. I wonder what he would think of me if he found out I was looking at him with such intensity. I looked down at the shining dress I was asked to get into; it looked really expensive and too important to be worn by someone like me. But my eyes lingered on it, imagining how it would look on me. Could I have ever worn a dress like this if I was still in my pack? Would they have thought me worthy to wear such a thing? I wonder what Cole and Diana are doing now that they have succeeded in getting rid of me. Maybe Diana is finally happy after betraying our friendship and going after Cole. But wait! I already know that those are not my true friends. Have I started to lose focus on reality? It's like every minute I spend in this Inzaghi is making my mind all fuzzy. I must not lose touch with reality. Maybe now was the time to leave this place and go back to my pack. There's nothing about this place that is pleasing to me. Everything seems unfamiliar. Maybe if I go back to Crescent Pack, they won't turn me away. But what can I tell them that can guarantee their acceptance of me? Maybe I'll tell them that I have some valuable secret of the Ravkans, or that I'm no longer wanted by the dragons. I don't even know if I'm being completely honest about that. The truth is that ever since the dragon prince kissed me so passionately in the garden, I've not been able to piece my mind back together. I've never been kissed like that before. Actually, I've never been kissed before in my life to even know what a passionate kiss is like. But that's a good thing, right? Because I believe that the dragon prince is more experienced in that light than I am. Why am I even thinking about all these? I can't get sucked up into a love affair while I'm trying to find my way out of this dream world. And even though I earlier thought that a strange land might be far better than staying in a pack that wanted me dead, I've now started to have second thoughts. I mean, how could my luck run so bad in the first place, bringing me to this point? My mind feels so overwhelmed every single minute of my time here. All I want to do is just sleep and forget this whole thing ever happened. As I started to undress, a small pouch fell on the floor. I quickly picked it up. It was the same pouch that Didi had kindly offered me the day we were on our way here, telling me to use the tea whenever I found myself getting too overwhelmed. It was just as if she knew exactly what was going to happen to me and just what I needed. I had failed to use it on my first night. Coming back tonight, I would probably make the tea and sleep, and maybe I'll find peace. Maybe for once, since I got to this place, I will finally have nothing lingering on my mind. I hurriedly put the pouch under the pile of my red dress. Miraculously, the lectures ended earlier in the evening, and rushing back to the room, I went straight to where my dress was piled. The small pouch was what I needed, and thankfully it was intact. I reached for the contents inside. It was a small bottle with clear liquid in it. This was the tea she spoke about? The aphrodisiac tea? Well, whatever it is, I hope it can help me think straight right now. Now what I need is some hot water so I can prepare it as tea. But where can I get hot water up here? I'd probably need to go down to the kitchens and boil some for myself. Walking into the passageway reminded me of the lesson the Tutor–Melissa had taken me through during the day. Her examples were so beautifully illustrated that I couldn't help but want to try the "walk" as she called it. "You, my dear, are going to take that position as a queen soon, and you're going to make a gorgeous queen. So, it is high time you learned the walk," she had said. "Now watch me carefully. As you take your steps, your posture has to be impeccable. Your back must be straight, yet not rigid. This will convey a sense of confidence and self-assuredness. Your shoulders should be gently pulled back, allowing your chest to subtly lead the way. This upright stance exudes a dignified aura, a reminder of your position of power." As I moved in the passageway, I tried to practice what I had learned. It was really easy to learn her lessons as she always made them fun. I proceeded towards the ground floor, and with each step, I placed my feet deliberately, my toes pointing forward. My strides were measured, not hurried, as if time itself bent to my presence. I moved smoothly, a dance of controlled motion, with my chin parallel to the ground. This gaze lent me an air of serenity, connecting me with my surroundings while maintaining an air of subtle detachment. I had really learned what had been taught to me, and I was coming to enjoy it. On getting to the kitchen, I wasn't even allowed to touch or handle anything. A maid even begged me not to get her into trouble by insisting that I boil the water myself. Another maid was then sent ahead of me to my room with the hot water. Did these people know that I used to be a slave too? Is this normal for a slave to be treated like a queen? I was beginning to be confused all over again. I've been used to being an omega all my life, but now this? I find it hard to fit it all together. I was making my way back to the room, thinking about these things when someone called my name. “Hey Freyja,” I turned around and who do I see? “Didi!” Never had I been so excited to see someone. She enveloped me in her embrace as I came closer. My training would not have permitted such physical acts, but what do I care? I'm different. “I saw you come out from the hall,” she said, pointing to where I had come out from. “Oh, you have no idea. You have not seen anything like this before,” I said, referring to all the study and lessons I've been subjected to. “It will be over soon, and you will have all the time in the world to explore this place. Freyja, it's so beautiful. Truly beautiful. And just like I told you before, the Ravkans sure know how to treat their women right,” she said, blushing. “I can't say the same for myself. I barely survive in this place, Didi!” “Whatever do you mean?” “The dragon prince hardly talks to me.” A hurt I didn't know I nurtured surfaced. "I have been quite lonely without friends. But I am really delighted to see you here." I didn't want to ask where she and the other girls had been and why I had not seen them in days, but I stopped myself. I felt okay just seeing her. “Likewise.” She gathered me into her arms again. “Have you taken that tea yet?” “No...” I started, I put my hands in my pocket to show her the pouch. “...But be assured, I'm taking it today. I want to clear my mind and sleep; I feel quite overwhelmed already." “I hardly think it would make you sleep. But it will clear your head, I can assure you.” “Maybe I should even just pour some of the contents in my mouth without making it into a tea. I’d like to have a clear head like right now.” I made an effort to pour some of its contents into my mouth, but Didi stopped me. “Oh no, Freyja,” she said, frowning. “Oh no?” “That would be too much for you. You need to dilute it for your first use.” “Okay, then. Please let me go now, and please I'd be happy to see you and the others often. If you don't see me, please ask about me, okay?” “I will. But I doubt you will have those thoughts in your head when you are queen,” she teased. “Please, I don't even want to think about it. Thank you, Didi.” “Alright, Queen Freyja,” she said and smiled. “Thank you,” I said and returned to my room. I quickly found a cup as soon as I stepped into the room. The dragon prince was not back yet, and I know for sure he would come in late again today. I poured a few drops of the content into the cup added a little hot water, stirred it, and then drank the mixture. It didn't taste like tea; it tasted like herbs, like medicine. I placed the empty cup on the table, got out of my expensive dress, and lay down. Before I laid down, I started to feel funny. No, I didn't feel clear-headed, I felt suddenly aware of my surroundings, like I had a power of heightened senses. I felt like I was high from drinking a mixture of whiskey and ale. I lay down, I sat, I stood. Standing up was making me lose my balance. Have I taken too much? Did I put too little water? Maybe I should have added more. Is a tea supposed to make me like this? That was the last thing on my mind before I passed out. “Why are you sleeping that way, Omega?” I opened my eyes slightly to see the dragon prince looking into my eyes from above me. Or was I dreaming?
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