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Nikolai’s POV I could feel the adrenaline surging through my veins as I stood there, with the omega at my back, in a face-off against the menacing pack of rogue wolves. They circled us, their eyes gleaming in bloodlust, and I couldn't help but wonder why it had to be here. Even though we were deep into the forest, there had never been any wolf experience out here. If only she had kept her trouble-seeking senses where they should be. She just had to wander aimlessly towards the rogue wolves! I was getting furious and impatient at the same time. I had followed her initially because I needed to know what had happened to my brother, the conspiracy behind his death, and the reasons why he had to die. The omega had hinted at holding some information that could be productive in my research. Information I hoped to pry out of her once we were married. Then there'd be no way for her to lie to me or try to escape. I just couldn't believe her words back during the selection. She seemed like she didn't want to be chosen, and detested the tradition that had been in order even before she was born. It even felt like she dreaded the idea of becoming my chosen. That was infuriating. To think that I don't even want any of this. It's only the burden of this position as the dragon prince that has caused it. I'm supposed to be touring the continent right now. My brother, Bradet, just had to die. He had been married to one of the wolves, the chosen one, four years ago as the usual custom was, and all had seemed fine until he died. The circumstances surrounding his death were still a mystery to the whole kingdom, and it's something that has scared me for life. Since then, I've been thrust into his position as the only surviving son and sole heir to the dragon throne. And now Drogo had to go ahead and choose an omega that doesn't have any affinity with either her pack or the dragon throne. She seems not to even want anything to do with either. Now it's definitely not a coincidence that these wolves are here; having so many of them here right now is no coincidence at all. My mind raced with probabilities as I held the handle of my blade, looking for the right moment to strike. These wolves looked even more villainous than regular wolves. While I could take on five or even six of them on my own, handling ten ferocious wolves could be bothersome. Drogo would be some help right now, but with the thickness of the forest, it would be too risky for her to help from above the trees. I was going to have to face them alone. If I told the omega to run while I tried to fight the wolves, some of these wolves would surely chase her down. It was too far to run to safety. But could I really protect her in the heat of battle? The odds were stacked against us from the start, and all for what? A whining omega that just can't sit in one place. I know an attempt to hold them off wouldn't last long. Every move I made was caught by their eyes piercing through the darkness. “Give me a weapon,” I heard her whisper behind me. Like the weak girl could actually do anything to defend herself. But then it dawned on me, that she's also a wolf; she should be able to defend herself at the very least. I've heard of female wolves engaging in battle. But I just don't know how well she has been trained or if she has even received any training at all. “Just stay where you are and don't get in my way.” I glanced at her, and I knew instantly why she couldn't defend herself. She couldn't shift into her wolf form. That limitation added to the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. I had to protect her, even though she brought this whole situation upon herself. She had somehow become my responsibility. And then there was movement, a quick one. With a deep breath, I turned to face the incoming wolves. Two of them, perhaps the boldest of the group, charged at me while the others held back as if studying our movements. In that split second, instincts took over. My sword sang through the air, and I slashed with swift, practiced precision. The first wolf surely was not expecting the hit. Its head was separated cleanly from its body. It crumpled to the ground in a lifeless heap. Maybe that wasn't the strongest wolf. That was too easy. The second wolf was more agile, dodging my initial strike. It lunged at me, teeth bared, and managed to sink its sharp teeth into my side and s***h through me. The pain was effective at making me lose some balance, though not enough to stop me. I gritted my teeth; I didn’t see that coming. I hadn't expected that effect either. __ Summoning my strength, I brought my sword down, slicing through its leg and the side of its face. It screamed in agony, releasing its grip on me. It stumbled back, Blood dripped from its wounds, but it was still not dead. Injured but not dead... I staggered and fell to my knees, clutching my bleeding side. The pain was intense, but I couldn't afford to stay down for long. I forced myself back onto my feet, my vision swimming. “Oh no! Oh no! You have been hurt really badly! We need help!” the omega panicked, her eyes were wide with fear and concern as she watched from behind me. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, and just like women's tears made me feel, her tears only aided in making me much more furious. I was on my feet in no time, filled with new resilient anger. Whatever she is feeling now is not my business, she brought this upon herself and upon me. They are all the same! Nothing good comes from dealing with werewolves. “Don’t be a nuisance, Omega. It's just a scratch” I dismissed her whining, I faced the wolves once more, my grip on my sword steady. This fight is far from over. I wonder if Jovan would hear me from here. Or just any of the warriors. My breath was ragged as I stood in the midst of the fight, my sword still slick with the blood of the wolf I had just killed. "Come on you stiffs, or are you afraid you'd end up just like your friend here," I yelled. "Come on, show me what you got!" Then three all rushed at me at the same time, but with my quick reflexes, I was able to take down two of three. The last one slashed at my arm as I reached for a scabbard blade in my belt, its eye got the scabbard. The yellow eyes of the remaining five were gleaming with savage hunger. If they come charging at once, I won't be able to fight them off. The injury on my side was slowing me down and I still had to watch out for Freyja– the useless omega. And just when I thought all hope was lost and as the pack prepared to charge at me all at once as I had suspected, a familiar presence surged into the fight, Jovan. Jovan, swift and deadly, appeared from behind and slashed into the pack, killing one more of the wolves in a blur of motion. He dashed to my side in an instant and we stood side by side. His presence was a welcome relief. “It took you long enough” “Don’t say that when you are this deep into the woods. What are you guys doing here, Kolai? I never saw you as a person who likes looking up to the moon or seeking the refuge of trees at night” He was teasing me, and for once I allowed him. “Freyja, go behind that tree now,” I said, pointing to the huge tree just a few meters away from the fight. It will do well to know that I can fight without worrying about leaving her alone in the middle. “Jovan. Thank you” she said as she obeyed the order I had given. Thank you? She didn't tell me that. “It's alright now Freyja, stay behind the tree, You will be fine” Jovan replied, taking his stance beside me. With Jovan at my side, it became easy, we fought fiercely against the remaining wolves. Freyja had wisely hidden herself behind a tree, awaiting my orders. I couldn't afford to lose focus. As the fight continued, one of the wolves, broke away from the rest, driven by desperation, went straight for Freyja. At that critical moment, I had no time to think. I hurled my sword like a javelin, the blade piercing the charging wolf from the side. It fell lifeless, its body landing on Freyja. I knew I got the wolf. It would not have survived my sword. I waited long enough to see that she emerged from beneath the fallen wolf, soaked in its blood. Realization washed over me. Freyja's inability to shift made her incredibly vulnerable. She should have thought to throw my sword back at me. “Your sword Kolai,” Jovan exclaimed. “She is too scared to throw it back at me. I will have to fight with my bare hands. Cover me!” Fighting the remaining wolves with my bare hands alongside Jovan was something I had never done before. It was a possible battle, but I wasn't coming out unscathed. The wolves fought back ferociously, another one managed to sink its teeth into my arm, causing me to grimace in pain. Jovan seemed to escape harm. It was as though my presence protected him and his presence protected me. When I was sure no wolf remained standing, I clutched to my waist, I was losing a lot of blood. I just need to lie down, We Rakvans have the ability to regenerate over time. But it was all worth it. I was feeling the satisfaction as the last of the wolves lay dead on the ground. “One is alive,” Jovan announced and moved steadily to him. It was the one I had wounded earlier, it had been wise to stay wounded on the ground. “It's shifting back to its human form. Your sword had wounded him” Freyja said, standing close beside me. Jovan held him down as he motioned for Freyja to bring him some twigs that could serve as ropes. With the makeshift ropes, the werewolf was tied upside down to a tree. All the blood in his body began to move into his head. Still, Jovan ran his fists into the ribs of the captive as he questioned him. Jovan was very skilled in the art of proper interrogation. “How did you get in here? Bam! Who sent you?” Bam! Jovan demanded, The questioning was taking longer than it should have. The werewolf wasn't yielding the answers and I was getting impatient. Was this how they were able to kill my brother? Ambushing him like this? I walked over to the wolf that had my scabbard in its eye, pulled out the blade, and slowly walked towards the werewolf now being questioned by Jovan. As the rouge wolf saw me approaching with the blade in my hand and the look in my eyes, though he hesitated at first, he knew I wasn't going to ask him any more questions. He panicked. “We were sent to follow and kill her,” He said motioning to the Omega, “Why? What have I done to you?” Freyja demanded, her eyes laced with tears again. Making me furious again. “Who sent you to kill her? Give me a name” Jovan demanded again, sending his fists into the side of the wolf, causing more bruises to his ribs. “We were paid by a third party, I don't have a name” He managed to speak through his pain. Time was of the essence. Without hesitation, I moved forward and snapped the rogue's neck, ending his life mercilessly. “Kolai, I was interrogating him!” Jovan's eyes widened, perhaps surprised by the brutality of my actions. He had not expected it. “I have gotten all I want from him. There is no use keeping him alive. He was paid to attack the omega but he has no name. There might be more coming. Let's go." As we made our way through the forests, I couldn't help but be consumed with my own thoughts. Why? My mind lingered, Why had they wanted her killed? they were sent from her own people? “It's not true,” Frejya said, finally finding her voice again. “It's not true. This is all a dream! This is Inzaghi. This is a dream” She repeated, shaking her head furiously. “Don’t let anyone hear of this until we know what is truly going on” I told Jovan, ignoring her rants. It is only until the wedding. After the wedding, she won't be my problem anymore. After she has given me the information that I need. I thought “Of course, Kolai. We have to bury the wolves and the body” “No light them up” “That could be risky” __ “It's deep in the forest, Jovan. And besides it's in the night. I'll take the omega back to the palace. So burn their bodies quickly, and join us. They will burn before morning” “That’s true,” He said, finally agreeing. I moved towards the Omega and picked her off the ground in the bridal style, as I carried her out of the forest. “Let me down!” She screamed, protesting against me. “Remember I'm wounded all because of you Omega. So shut up!”
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