Unveiling Secrets

3343 Words
Nikolai’s POV “I have come to seek you myself, Kolai. Since you have refused to see me or your father. It's been days! Your wedding is tonight! I have come to make sure you have not changed your mind,” she said to me, as I scanned the other side of the bed; Freyja was gone. She had tried her best to take care of my wound, but I didn't need her help. I could heal on my own. In fact, I am almost healed. The main reason why I avoided my parents altogether was that I didn't want them to find out what had happened that night. “Like I have a choice now, mother. I just wish you would see how inconvenient this is for me. You have always prided yourself on the fact that you and Father fell in love even before you married, and I just wish you didn't have to force me into marrying and living with someone I have absolutely nothing in common with,” I replied, getting up from the bed while doing my best to hide the healing wound. “Nikolai, I thought we had discussed this. It is for the kingdom. It is for the Ravkans. The people are depending on you and your bride. You are bringing back the hope that was almost lost. The hope that would strengthen the people, and if that's enough reason for you to do this, think about your brother! Do it for him.” “Don’t even mention him! Don't mention his name! He died because of this stupid culture. He died because he wanted to do his best for this kingdom.” “Don’t talk like that. Don’t say it like your brother didn't uphold an importance when he died. You and I know he didn't die because of this. My precious boy died for what he believed in. And now you have to take charge and finish what he started. If you think this is a waste of time, I would advise you to think again. Think about what your brother would have done. Think about what he even had to give up to stand in this position.” “My brother would understand what I feel; I didn't ask for this!” “I don't care about what you feel. You will get out of bed now and prepare your mind for tonight, Nikolai. Remember it's also going to be your wedding night, and you will have to perform the wedding rights with your new bride." "That's just too much, mother... Too much." I know I'm not supposed to get more angry than I already am, but my mother was testing my patience. I can never be the person that they want me to be towards the omega. I don't even want to think about how her body will feel close to mine tonight. And to think that I'd have to get intimate with her for the sake of rights, well that was just plain annoying. I never dreamed that I'd be on the receiving end of an arranged marriage. This is completely sickening. I've always valued and cherished my freedom. I've never given marriage a thought in my entire life. Just why did Bradet have to die? Why? I mean, it's agonizing enough that I had to lose my only brother and sibling, but now to lose the only thing I have left is just suffocating. I don't want to do this. I have been on the bed with her, coming in mostly when she is fast asleep and either gone or asleep when she's awake. I don't even want to think about pretending to smile with her in a picture because it will all be fake and practiced. Even forced. Why did the omega have to come into my life? I glanced at my side again slowly; it reminded me of the problem I had to face yesterday because of the omega. “Mother. The Omega isn't seeking my attention; she knows where she stands, and she knows not to ask for too much.” “You should change her thinking then, change the way she sees you. She is meant to ask for too much, Nikolai, she is going to be your wife. And her name is Freyja! When will you stop calling your wife, The Omega? If you want to call her by her title, do well and call her by her title; you have been trained in proper manners, and I believe you have a good working brain in your head. She is a princess now.” Damn! There is no going around this woman. “Okay,” I said, dismissing her. “Good! Now get ready for your wedding, my son.” Freyja’s POV I longed to gaze into the full-sized mirror that stood covered in front of me. I was anxious, but in order to bide my time, I watched as the ladies-in-waiting carried out the instructions of the principal lady who led them while they stitched my dress for fitting. The principal lady is a slim, straight-backed woman, probably in her late forties. She looks remarkably beautiful and would pass off as a younger woman if it were not for the lines and creases that grace her face with elegance. I watched as she came forward to untie a lace on the dress. Apparently, one of the ladies was having a hard time getting it to tie properly. I caught the eye of one of the other ladies who stood around waiting for instructions. There was this gleam in her eyes, and it made me wonder what was going on in her mind at the moment. This was only the second time in my life that I'd be wearing a gown. The first time made me swear that I'd never wear gowns again. It was on my seventeenth birthday, and Diana had brought me one of her gowns that she wasn't wearing anymore. The gown looked magical, and I was super excited to be trying it out, but Diana suggested that I wear it out all day, since it was my birthday. I didn't want to, but then she finally convinced me to try it on first. So I eagerly changed into the magical gown. I agreed to wear it for just an hour that evening. I had a date with Cole, so it felt like the natural thing to do. I remember how people looked at me when I came into the pub where I was meeting with Cole. It was as if I had totally transformed into someone else. Even Cole couldn't quite behave when he saw me that evening. It all felt somewhat strange to me then, and at a point when I stood up to use the washroom, I made it back to my seat but the entire back of the gown didn't follow me back. Apparently, due to the age of the cloth, the material was thinning and light, so when someone stepped on one of the flowing edges, the entire back of the dress ripped off. At that moment, I just stood where I was and clung to what was left of my now-ruined gown. And just like his attitude, Cole ran to my rescue, picking me up off the ground and whisking me out of the place. I was so embarrassed, and I completely swore off gowns from that day onwards, to the point that I've come to completely believe that I can never look good in a gown. Now here I am in another gown. I felt weird as I turned my head slightly to the side and found that most of the ladies were also looking at me with the same gleam in their eyes. What do they all think about me? Do I even deserve to be their queen someday? I turned my face towards the chief lady who was now crouching to fit the hem of the dress. I fixed my eyes on her instead. It was better than trying to figure out what the others were thinking. Then she stood up, and straightening herself, she took a step back. "There you have it," she said to the lady who had been having a hard time before. "Yes, principal," the lady replied. "Next time, make sure the slit is held in an upward position before you try to tie the lace at that angle." Her face was so solemn as she looked at me from the distance. In fact, she wasn't the only one looking at me at the moment; all the ladies in the room were all looking at once. It felt odd. I mean, I've faced a crowd before, but there was something about this particular day that just made me feel so vulnerable and open. My emotions are all over the place; I don't even know where exactly they've gone to. Just then, when I thought that they would be the only ones granted the opportunity to see what I look like, she ordered for the mirror to be uncovered. My heart leaped for joy immediately, but there was also apprehension in me. None of the women had said anything when they observed my appearance, not even a comment had been made, so I wonder if I don't look like a disaster. As they were in the process of removing the cover cloth on the mirror, I did the first thing that came to mind: I covered my eyes with my palms like a little girl who was afraid of her appearance in the mirror. This action finally caused a reaction from the onlookers; all the ladies were giggling lightly, and even the solemn and unsmiling principal lady could be heard laughing. So I thought, how bad could it really be? In a few moments, even with my palms still on my face, I heard the door to the room open gently. And all the ladies immediately went silent, "Oh, it's really nice for you to come see the bride-to-be, my Queen." I heard the principal lady say. My queen? The dragon queen was the one who entered the room! I quickly dropped my hands and offered my courtesy. She looked regal as usual in deep navy blue and gold embroidery in her dress. She looked young and beautiful. She was on the short side but also a perfect fit for the tall dragon king. "Oh my dear Freyja, you look every bit dashing," the queen said, and I remembered that I didn't even know what I looked like. Immediately, just like a reflex action, my head turned sharply towards the mirror I had now turned away from. It was an image of elegance personified. I actually wore the gown, and it was not the gown wearing me this time around. It had somehow instantly transformed me into a flawless queen, a sight so beautiful and stunning that even for me words failed to capture its essence. A delicate diamond crown was being placed on my head, perfectly complementing the delicately tied bun that held my long, white hair. The reflection before me was a vision beyond amazement, beyond anything I could have ever imagined or dreamed for myself. Is this really me, or is this someone else? I gazed at the reflection, a mixture of disbelief and wonder flooding my senses. How can this really be me? The beauty that stared back seemed almost unreal, a dream brought to life. As I sat on the cushioned seat, my hands gently rested on each side of my lap as if I needed to anchor myself to the moment. "I... I think... this looks a bit too much," I said with some hesitation in my voice. "There's nothing too much for a princess!" The queen said in full seriousness, although her voice had a hint of excitement in it. The dress was even far more exquisite than anything I had ever seen Diana or the royal family wear. A funny thought came into my mind just then – What would this current Diana do if she were to see me right now? "You look exclusively beautiful, Your Highness," the Principal lady's words broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to reality. I turned to face her; having them in the room was like having a grounding force for the spinning emotions I was experiencing. As I touched the delicate golden jewelry gracing my neck, doubt began to creep in again. "Don't you think this is too much?" I questioned, looking at the queen. My fingers traced the stunning patterns of the necklace constructed with five rare diamond crystals. Even as I was being dressed, I had reservations about the abundant display of diamonds against my skin. But the principal lady made it known that in the kingdom of Ravkan, there was no such thing as excessive adornment. It was an embellishment unlike any I had never worn before, it told of the extent to which the Ravkan kingdom stood in extravagance. The queen just stood in front of me smiling. “There's nothing too much for a princess," she said with her usual unwavering seriousness; I guess she was trying to convince me as much as I would convince myself. “You're now the princess of Ravkan and must look your best in every way!" The principal lady added, making me sigh; of course, they already saw me as the dragon princess. Another sigh escaped my lips, a mixture of resignation and understanding. The Principal lady's loyalty to the tradition and her dedication to ensuring that I completely embody the kingdom's ideals were quite admirable. As I took in my reflection once more, I couldn't help but acknowledge the weight that now rested on my shoulders, a weight that extended far beyond the glittering diamonds. Then, a servant came in to usher the queen to her next engagement. As she left, she stopped and said, "I truly believe that you can make the perfect dragon queen someday, Freyja. And I also believe you are a good match for my son. Don't let me down, dear." Just like a reflex action, I replied, "I won't let you down, my queen." Even as the words left my lips, I couldn't picture myself making a match with the dragon prince, adding to the weight on my shoulders. My gaze shifted from the Principal lady to the others standing behind us, their expressions hidden beneath a veil of seriousness. I marveled at how they managed to match her pace. In the brief moments I'd known her, I hadn't glimpsed even the faintest hint of a smile on her face, apart from that one time I heard her laugh. I couldn't help but wonder how she managed to appear so solemn and commanding. "Whatever," I scoffed, and locked my eyes on the dress that adorned my body. Never in my life had I ever thought that a day would come when I would be wearing a dress fit for royalty because, in my own understanding, such garments were exorbitantly expensive. Actually, I heard this from Diana when she boasted about her new set of clothes that had been bought for her, reminding me of their cost. Yet, this gown on my body right now likely surpassed all my expectations, costing more than I could ever fathom. I bet it even cost more than what I imagine it to be. "Your Highness, it's time," the principal lady said. I took a last, hesitant look at myself in the mirror before summoning the courage to stand up from my cushioned seat. "I can do this," I whispered to myself, trying to bolster my confidence, even though it felt like I was constructing a flimsy façade over my true feelings. At least, for now, this was what I could do. With the principal lady leading the way and a procession of ladies trailing behind me, I stepped out of the dressing room. It was a moment that made me feel as if I had transformed from a mere Omega into someone of great importance in the land. I, who had once been of the lowest status, was now destined to become the queen of Ravkan. This was really one of those dreams that a girl like me always had and wished to come to pass someday. And now that it had, my whole being struggled to fully grasp and accept the weight of this newfound reality. "Remember, Your Highness, always wear a smile," the principal advised gently, her words like a guiding light as we walked. "Because where we're going is the most distinguished place in the whole of Ravkan, where everyone who's anyone is present, and they all have high expectations of you. Always carry yourself with dignity, and never lose your courage," she added with a seriousness that matched her purposeful stride ahead of me. "May I ask where we're heading?" I inquired, curiosity tugging at me. "It's the ballroom, the heart of celebrations in the palace," she explained, and I felt a swell of gratitude for her guidance. I remained silent, absorbing her wisdom. After a series of twists and turns, we arrived at a room filled with the hum of conversation. The principal turned to appraise me, assessing how well I'd absorbed her teachings. I stood tall, just as she had instructed earlier during the dressing session. My hands were clasped in front of me, a picture of the quintessential noblewoman. She smiled at me, and I was momentarily taken aback. Could she really smile? I wondered in disbelief. "You're ready," she declared, that enigmatic smile still gracing her features. I nodded, comprehending her unspoken encouragement. With a subtle signal, she directed the ladies behind me, and they, understanding her unspoken words, moved ahead of me to open the grand door... "After you, Your Highness," the principal gestured gracefully towards the room's interior. I took a deep breath, gathering my composure, and entered, with the principal and the ladies trailing behind me. As soon as I crossed the threshold, my presence was announced by the speaker. "Let's all joyfully welcome our future queen, Princess Freyja!" The room's lively chatter instantly fell silent, and all eyes turned towards me. I couldn't afford to let my guard down or forget the principal lady's words. My head remained held high; I wasn't yet able to smile, but that didn't deter the reactions of the people around me. Some faces bore expressions of admiration, while others wore the critical eye of judgment. A few, I could tell, secretly wished they were in my position. It was relatively easy for me to read their reactions, both due to my keen werewolf senses and the faint murmurs that reached my ears. Nevertheless, I maintained my unwavering gaze, walking resolutely toward the high table where the king and queen were seated, alongside the familiar faces of my fellow ladies who came here with me from the selection, and several unfamiliar faces I was yet to become acquainted with. As I drew nearer, I noticed a warm and loving smile on the queen's face, and in response, a genuine smile of my own formed. When I finally reached them, I couldn't help but notice the disapproving glares from some of my own ladies, particularly Helen, whose look dripped with disdain. I understood she resented that the dragon prince had chosen a common Omega like me instead of her. However, I had no intention of letting her resentment weigh me down. There were bigger matters at hand than worrying about what she thought of me. The queen gestured gracefully to her left, indicating that I should take the seat beside her. Just as I was about to do so, a hand reached out and pulled the chair back for me. I turned to find the dragon prince standing there, beautiful from his head to his feet, but most importantly, he was smiling. . .at me!
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