The choosing

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Freyja’s POV A part of my heart wished I had died from that kick. It sounds extreme, but nothing felt as real as not wanting to live anymore. It felt like the end of the world like I had lost all reason to live. Yet, something inside me clung to what was left of my life. My whole body throbbed with pain from head to toe, but this pain couldn't match the deep hurt in my heart. I felt shattered. In this foggy state, my mind replayed events in vivid detail. It was like hell, going through the entire chain of events again. It felt like an open wound refusing to heal, digging deeper into my bones. How could anyone make sense of this? I must be the unluckiest person on Earth. I just can't believe the people I love could do this. This must be a terrible dream I need to wake up from. I've heard of a tribe that had nightmares so intense that it even drove some to death while asleep. I think they refer to it as "Inzaghi." If that's happening to me, I need to break free. I must find a way out, no matter what. Just think of it, how could it all start with a simple slip? Anyone would see it was a mistake. None of this makes any sense at all. It must be that kind of nightmare–this is Inzaghi, that's the only explanation. And in order to escape it, they say one needs to understand the chain of events and see how they connect, if they even do. Then I saw it, remembered it—the curves, color, design. The bracelet that made me slip is the exact same one that Diana wore earlier! That ties her as the culprit, that means she planted it purposely to make me fall? No, she wouldn't. Not the Diana I know. This can't be the real Cole either. It's all a dream, an illusion! It's definitely Inzaghi. I must break free from this no matter what. I'll play along until I figure it out and then I'll automatically wake up. A newfound determination washed over me, giving me a renewed will to live. Something worth living for—I must find the truth and get out of this sick dream! A cold splash of water brought me back to consciousness. I can't even explain how someone can be unconscious inside a dream. But if people died in nightmares and then in real life, anything's possible, especially in this kind of dream. With my head still aching, two maids stood above me, looking uncomfortable. "She's awake," one of the maids said. When they confirmed I was awake, they pulled me into the tub and started washing and scrubbing my body. "You should consider yourself very lucky. Many of us would do anything to get out of this pack. But we can't. You better take this seriously," the maid said with an air of arrogance. I know my fate, and I don't need reminding. I know what awaits me. My pack is sending me to my doom. Yet, I held on to the fact that I'd rather be mistreated by strangers than by my own people. And moreover, this isn't even real, just a crazy dream I need to wake up from. I felt a little gleam of hope with that revelation. "Where are the other girls?" I asked, turning my gaze toward the kinder maid. "They're in the other room," she responded. "They're all set and waiting to be presented. You'll join them once we're finished here." I glanced down at my naked body, realizing how vulnerable I must have been while unconscious. I subtly shook my head as they attempted to apply makeup to my face. I have no desire to appear attractive for a were-dragon or some old fart. All I wanted was to be left alone. Some omegas express their desire to escape the pack instead of the damnation of being treated like a slave for the rest of their lives. They'd rather be the chosen mistresses of the dragons. The dragons are said to be a very important part of my pack's history. Long before I even existed, the pact had been made. The dragons would ensure protection on our lands against all other creatures and provide resources we need from far and wide. The only thing we have to do is select girls of eligible ages for the were-dragons every two years. Never has there been a setback, and no one has ever been bold enough to break the pact. If dared, the dragons could incinerate our entire pack, turning forests to ash and melting mountains to molten rock. It is said that the dragon's flames danced with sublime grace, devouring obstacles and leaving trails of smoldering destruction. Their burning fire is everything to be feared. I felt terrified when I entered the hall, dressed in the best clothes I could acquire in my entire life, and I was met with fear written all over the other girls’ faces. If these girls, some from important families and others from not-so-important families, were afraid of the future, what would become of me? "Listen up, girls, it is a privilege that you are making the pack proud with your willing sacrifice," our pack's second-in-command announced, beaming from ear to ear, probably dreaming of what the outcome of this would be. I wouldn't call this a willing sacrifice; it's not like we had a choice in the matter. I can't say the same about his daughter, who is well above eighteen and still not in the room with us. I doubt he would've told his own daughter that it was a privilege she was in the hall with us and not with a mate she doesn't love just because she didn't want to be on the list. "Just stay seated, girls, you will be called out in no time." He finished talking and went out of the hall, followed by the rest of the maids, leaving us alone in a closed room. "I don't want to do this," the girl sitting beside me burst into tears. She was the daughter of the pack's best fighter; I wonder how hard her father tried to pull strings to make sure she didn't end up here, but notwithstanding, here she is. "Then you should have run away from here before now. Please shut up, I think it's too late for your whining," another girl answered. She seemed ready for whatever outcome today would bring. I tried to stay as calm as possible. I know there won't be any good thing coming out of putting myself in trouble with them. If it comes to being punished, I will be at the receiving end, because they have parents who probably love them and would do anything to bring them out of trouble. Not me, I have no one. "I heard there are were-dragons who know how to treat their women satisfactorily. I can't wait to meet one," she added, and that seemed to lift their spirits. "I heard that the prince will be coming to choose a bride this time. He had never shown up for any of the events in the past. I would be more than grateful because I know he would pick me. How excellent would it be to become the wife of the dragon prince!" another girl squealed happily. It was the head of the Pack council’s daughter. Up until last year, she was promised to the Alpha’s heir, Orion. No one knows what happened between the both of them, but things had turned sour with a lot of drama involved. A strong feud between both families has existed ever since. I couldn't bear her arrogance anymore. "You seem so sure he'd pick you," I snapped, breaking my promise to myself. I despised overconfident rich brats who believed they were entitled to everything because of their privilege. "Of course! A prince would only date a princess. If I'm giving up my future as Luna, I should make the most of this," she replied, confronting me. "As for you, Omega, we all saw how embarrassed you were earlier. A simple 'sorry' could've fixed it. Look around, you're the only Omega here. How could an unlucky Omega like you be chosen, even by the least of the were-dragons?" I glanced around and realized she was right. Among the girls in the hall, I was the only Omega. It struck me then. The Omegas would prefer the safety of the pack over strangers. Why did I think I'd be better off with the dragons? Would I be safer as a mere mistress? “I hope a cat has got your tongue,” the girl interrupted my thoughts, snapping me back to reality. "I don't care if you're chosen by the prince or the master. Just leave me alone," I retorted, making her to back off. She squinted her eyes and furrowed her brows, seemingly trying to understand my meaning but she slowly went back to her seat. Nervously, I wiped my sweaty hands on my white dress, relieved it hadn't stained. I wanted to stay invisible, although that might be challenging among only twenty girls in the field, where every eye could assess us. My figure complemented the dress well, but my unusual white hair and lack of makeup might make me stand out. But regardless of today's outcome, my resolve remained. Whether it is with dragons or my Pack, I'd escape this Inzaghi. The door swung open, excitement from outside flooding in. The were-dragons had arrived. The dragons were here. "Now, girls, it's time. Behave, and all will be well." Of course, things were never going to truly be fine for some of us. It might be as crazy as I think or even worse. Oh, it was pure chaos, worse than I could have imagined. The ground rumbled as the deafening noise roared from above. We all gazed up in terror to witness the dragons—ten of them, flying with flames brewing in their throats. They didn't breathe fire, but the mere sight filled us with fear. Dragon flames were the stuff of nightmares for us werewolves, capable of destroying entire regions in minutes. Fear took hold of me, My heart pounded in my chest and time seemed to stand still as an outrageously huge dragon landed right in front of me. Its icy blue eyes bore into my soul, a mixture of fierceness and something inexplicably calming. The beast's aura momentarily softened, just for an instant, before changing again to its fearsome self. For the first time that day, there was complete silence, and my heart slowed its pace. I waited to see if the dragon would devour me for being unworthy or if it would carry me away to a distant land and never return. But neither happened. Instead, the dragon moved away from me and began to assess the other girls. It seemed to be choosing a worthy candidate, and the silence was almost unbearable. As the dragon moved away from me, I felt an emptiness, as if it had taken something vital from within me. I couldn't understand what just happened, and a mix of fear and awe washed over me. It was a surreal moment, and I couldn't shake the feeling that my life had changed forever. "Freya." At first, it seemed like a whisper from another world, a figment of my imagination. But then, stronger and more urgent, it came again. "Freya." My eyes followed the sound's trail and settled on Cole, lurking behind a tangle of bushes. I couldn't help but roll my eyes – encountering him in this dream state was the last thing I wanted. Ignoring both him and Diana seemed the wisest move while trapped in this Inzaghi. “Freya, don't be stubborn. I want to help you escape.” Escape? That caught my attention. Why the sudden change of heart, especially after his behavior mere hours ago? Childish defiance took hold, and I asked, "Here?" I cast a glance towards the alpha's family, all seated with none of them missing from their places, seemingly enjoying the spectacle. "Listen, I can get you out of here. No one will even notice you're gone. You're not as important,” he said. Even though that was meant to be a kind gesture, coming from him, those words stung. Dismissing the hurt, I found my chance when everyone was focused on Nicki, the head of the pack council’s daughter. Naturally, everyone was curious to see her fate. I looked up at the dragons; I observed their disinterest in the rest of us. Their masters must be amongst the onlookers, seated at the prestigious table. I dared not glance, for fear of drawing unwarranted attention. “Move so I can hide behind the tree,” I whispered to Cole. Getting caught attempting to run away could be humiliating or even deadly. And just like that, without attracting further attention to myself, I joined Cole behind the small tree. "Now what?" I asked, my heart racing with the audacity of our plan. "Now, we run," Cole declared, a glimmer of hope lighting up his eyes. "Are you out of your mind? They'll catch us!" I retorted, anxiety coursing through me. "Not if you shift into your wolf form and bolt," he countered, logic dictating his words. Though my wolf transformation remained a new concept, I grasped the strategy's logic. If executed with finesse, this daring plan might just succeed. “Why are you helping me?” I asked, changing the subject. “You don't need to know.” “No, I don't trust you. Why are you helping me?” I asked again. “Well, if you really want to know. Diana thinks you're a threat, and you can't come back to this pack even if you weren't chosen.” Instead of asking him why and telling him I'm no threat, I said, “Why did you betray me? I trusted you.” “Freya, the dragons will be done with the viewing soon, they'll be selecting the girls they want soon. If you don't go now, you'll never be able to leave.” “I want to leave, and even though I somehow believe you're doing this for yourself, I'll choose to think of it like I'm the one using you. Lead the way.” He moved, and I ran after him. It seemed like no one saw anything, and soon we'd reach the woods where I could change out of my clothes and shift. My mind was made up, there was no turning back. “Freya! The dragon prince! Run!” Cole shouted. I almost wanted to scold him for trying to get me into trouble. Then I saw a shadow above me – the dragon from earlier, now with a rider. I looked ahead, Cole had shifted into his wolf form, leaving me all alone. He ran off. The dragon was getting closer, but I wasn't waiting. I'd rather continue what I started than give up. I took off as fast as my legs could carry me in the same direction. The dragon wasn't giving up either. It made angry sounds. I kept running until I found myself at the edge of a cliff. I had only a few minutes to decide: surrender or jump into the abyss. I looked back, the man riding the dragon was approaching me, convinced I had nowhere to go. He looked grand as he dismounted the dragon in his elegant attire. I couldn't see his face clearly from a distance, but I could tell he moved with precision and grace, like a warrior and a prince combined. As I weighed my options, this man got closer. He exuded confidence and control over his dragon and the ground he walked on. Then I saw it – a look on his face, a smirk, one of satisfaction, the kind of look I detest the most. In that instant, I knew my answer. I jumped.
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