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Freyja’s POV “Freya, come with me!" the woman in charge of the Omegas working in the field today called out. It's a super important day for everyone in the pack, especially because today marks the grand renewal of our alliance with the Dragon Empire. I can't mess up; none of us can! I've always tried my absolute best to avoid causing problems, and I don't expect anything crazy to happen today of all days. From where I'm standing, I can see Alpha Jareth, the super strong and fierce leader of the Crescent pack, sitting at the high table, waiting for the event to begin. Crossing his path when he's in a bad mood is a terrible idea; everyone fears his anger. Honestly, I felt so relieved when I was chosen to serve food and drinks. This single act saved me from the awful fate other poor female omegas have to face today. Can you believe it? They have to present themselves to actual Dragons, like real, fiery, and fearsome beasts! These Dragons are searching for mates or playthings, and some of these girls might even have to give up their precious virginity to them. It's a crazy and absurd tradition here in the Crescent pack, and I can't wrap my head around how it even started. But still, I feel kind of guilty for feeling relieved about my better fate. Sometimes I don't really get myself; when I was assigned this role as a waitress, I was overjoyed in my heart. It was either me or them, and I chose them without hesitation. The strange thing is, I believe I would do it all over again if given the chance. Does that make me a bad person? Somehow, I'm scared I'll never know. This is my very first time witnessing one of these events since turning eighteen a few days ago. Eighteen is the youngest age for selection, but I made sure to keep my birthday super hidden, except from two people I totally trust—my bestie and my boyfriend. It made it way easier to be overlooked. Plus, omegas hardly ever get chosen, and it's only been a week since my eighteenth birthday, so I don't think it should really count. Still, I see it as a super lucky break! Growing up as an orphan, I learned to avoid trouble the hard way, with no one to guide me; my mistakes often ended up with beatings or curses. Keeping a low profile became my ultimate survival strategy, and it has saved me countless times. So, today, I'm sticking to the same strategy I know so well—keep my head down, stay quiet, and do my absolute best to blend in with the super eager crowd waiting for the event to start. "Freyja, you'll be serving the alpha and his family," a lady whose name I had forgotten said, pointing toward the high table, which I had been desperately trying to avoid. Ugh, where did my luck vanish to? Seriously, why did she have to single me out when there was a whole crowd of waitresses? It's like she has a personal vendetta against me. I hurried as fast as I could, not wanting to keep the alpha and his family waiting. But little did I know that my haste would land me in serious trouble. I was so super focused on delivering the food quickly and just vanishing from their sight that I didn't even notice the pearl bracelet that had been left carelessly on the floor. I accidentally stepped on it and, in my crazy haste, I slipped and fell with such a heavy thud. Everything I was carrying just crashed so loudly to the floor, spilling its contents everywhere. I looked up and met the Alpha's gaze, realizing right at that very moment that I had messed up so incredibly badly. My eyes widened in terror as I watched the crazy scene unfolding before me. A piercing scream echoed so near my ear, and it finally, finally dawned on me what I had done. The entire contents of my tray had spilled right onto Alpha Jareth's outrageously expensive clothing. I couldn't even stand up; I was just frozen, unable to move a single muscle, unsure of what to do next. I immediately went on my knees right in front of the alpha, begging for his mercy with such desperation. His eyes, oh boy, they were just so full of anger, glaring right back at me like I was in some sort of major disaster. Talk about a captive audience. Literally, everyone present was just laser-focused on us like it was some twisted reality TV show. Some were probably making mental bets on what kind of crazy punishment I was about to face, while others were shooting sympathetic glances my way. Before anyone could even get a word out, in an instant, I received this blinding slap right across my face. I swear, that slap was like a lightning bolt, and it was so hard that my entire left cheek just went numb. I felt so disoriented for a bit, trying to figure out where that crazy slap even came from. I struggled to look and see who had unleashed on me, and oh boy, my eyes stung so badly with the pain. But when I finally managed to look up, all I could see was the face of my bestie, her hand raised up again, and it looked like she was ready to deliver another one of those crazy blows. But before she could land another blow, the Alpha held out a restraining hand. I was utterly confused. For the second time in my life, I felt a deep and overwhelming confusion that bordered on fear. Diana who was my bestie and also the Alpha's daughter, stood over me with eyes so menacing that they seemed unfamiliar. Just a few hours ago, we were together in the field house. I had poured my heart out to her in tears, sharing the heart-wrenching story of how Cole, my boyfriend whom I believed loved me more than anything in the world, had rejected me upon discovering I was his mate. I relived the painful experience, recounting it over and over again, trying to make sense of it all as tears streamed down. She had been there, holding my hand as I wept those bitter tears. She witnessed my vow to never shed another tear for anyone. She assured me it would be okay, that Cole was probably not thinking straight and would come back to me. She had comforted me. And now this? Was this reality, or some twisted dream? The expression on her face exuded fresh venom and bitterness. In all our years of friendship, I had never seen her like this. What had changed? We had shared such intimate moments less than two hours ago. Her voice brought me back to the present. "I said apologize right now!" she demanded, leaving me speechless, words escaping my memory. "I'm truly sorry, Alpha. I apologize," I pleaded, but my words fell on deaf ears as she slapped me again. "We have guests coming. Finish your tasks or find somewhere else. You're causing a disturbance," Alpha Jareth finally spoke. As humiliating as it was, I silently agreed. Suffering this mistreatment in a corner felt better than facing the entire pack. "She did it on purpose. She deserves to die!" Diana interjected. Wasn't this the person I believed was my friend, my best friend? Tears welled up, and I fought to hold them back as guards were summoned to drag me away. From the corner of my eye, I saw the Alpha rise from his seat to leave the hall. Naturally, he needed to change into more suitable attire. My heart felt like it was breaking in two. They tossed me into a dark room, locking the door behind them. As the door closed and the jingle of keys confirmed my isolation, the tears that I had sworn to never let escape flowed freely. In this room, there was no shame—only a liberating release. Alone, I curled up and sobbed, wondering why everything always went awry for me. I yearned for a time when I could be genuinely happy without constant worry. Cole had been my pillar of support until he discovered we were mates three days ago. The pain of his rejection was unimaginable. He had even declared to my face that I had nothing to offer him. This was the same person who used to pledge that I was his queen, that nothing else mattered as long as we were together, as long as I was his. How could it all fall apart in an instant? A few moments later, the door handle rattled as someone tried to open it. I quickly wiped away my tears, preparing myself for whoever would come through that door. It was Diana, accompanied by her brother and two other boys. One of them was Cole, and I was relieved to see a familiar face. "Cole," I called out, but he snapped his arm around Diana's shoulder. Was this the reason for today's events? Had Diana been in love with Cole all along? Was her treatment towards me driven by jealousy? "Did I ever do something to hurt you?" I asked, hoping for an explanation as to why Cole had conspired with Diana against me. Just three days ago, everything seemed fine until he said he couldn't be my mate. I didn't understand him, but I accepted it, believing that he would come back and tell me it was all a joke. I had waited for him, but nothing happened. Seeing him again and hearing him say these hurtful things was blindingly painful. "You don't need to upset me. You offended Diana, and it's only right that you're punished," he coldly replied, betraying me all over again. "Diana, what did I ever do to you to deserve this hatred?" I asked in despair. "I thought of you as the sister I never had. Please, just tell me this is a cruel joke, and let's go back to our normal lives. I swear I'll never mention this event again, for as long as I live. Please, tell me." I begged, my confusion and pain deepening. My world was collapsing into chaos. At that moment, her response felt like a lifeline. My existence hung in the balance. She had to answer me. I implored her to, but she remained silent, her silence like a knife to my soul. Filled with determination, I stood up and approached her. If only I could get my hands on her, I'd shake some sense into her. I felt violated and undeserving of such treatment, all because of a mistake. Anger burned within me, my emotions threatening to erupt, but before I could reach her, my hair was pulled so mercilessly that it felt like my scalp was being torn off. The searing pain radiated through my brain. "Where do you think you're going? Get on your knees," commanded Orion, our pack's future alpha, dragging me in front of him. Despite the burning anger, I knew better than to retaliate against the Alpha's children. "Get your hands off me, you bast…" My words trailed off as I realized how deeply my anger had consumed me. Something inside me snapped, unable to endure anymore. However, a blow to the back of my head sent my world spinning. It became clear that they would continue to strike until I complied. No one cared for me here, and I was outnumbered four to one. So, I decided to do what I did best—accept my fate. "I'll kneel," I muttered, There's no need to drag me" "Stay quiet!" Orion hissed before delivering another slap to my face. "Please, I'm doing everything you asked. I'm doing everything. Just use your words," I pleaded. "Oh, really?" Cole's strong hand gripped my jaw forcefully, forcing me to look up into Orion's cold, black eyes. I could feel Cole's breath on the back of my neck. "We should hurry up. The show is about to start. I wonder why there aren't as many girls here today," Orion–Diana's brother, impatiently remarked. "Well, I guess all the girls are busy losing their virginity since the dragons added that rule," the other guy chimed in, laughing. "What rule?" Cole asked, confused. "The girls have to be undefiled," Orion explained, his voice tinged with a mix of amusement and disdain. "The were-dragons added another rule to the already existing one. It seems they seek untouched mates. Probably because the prince himself will be attending this time." "But this is causing trouble for our father. He's really worried. What if we can't find enough girls to present? That will definitely put the pack in a very uncomfortable position. We should provide our part of the bargain when they are doing theirs diligently." "You know, Freyja here is a virgin. She just turned eighteen a week ago. She'd be a perfect match for our dragons. I could've had her if I wanted to, but I assure you, she's the perfect candidate." I blinked, tears streaming down my face. I never expected this from him. This was my personal information. It should have been my choice to share or not. "Oh, God!" I sobbed, my mind reeling with fear and uncertainty. What did this revelation mean for me now? Would I ever find happiness without constant worry? A sharp ache twisted in my stomach, radiating waves of pain that mirrored the emotional turmoil within me. How could Cole betray me like this? The ache seemed to devour my entire being, leaving me feeling hollow and broken. "So you could've had her?" Diana boomed from behind us, her lips pressed tightly together as she clenched her fists, ready to strike him. But instead, it was me who received the blow. "No, baby, of course not. Why would I ever want her when I have you? You mean more than twenty of her put together—" Cole tried to explain, his words feeble and insincere, but Diana's yelling drowned out his attempts. "Don't bring that to me, Cole. We need to ensure she's chosen, but before she goes, I need to make sure she understands. Just hold her steady, let's get this done!" Diana ordered Cole. Orion and the other guy joined in, restraining me, and giving Diana more control. They forced my head down, choking me, while gripping my hands. I struggled to swallow my tears as each blow and slap landed with a sickening thud, sending waves of excruciating pain through my body. The unrelenting assault felt like a storm of torment, blurring my vision and numbing my senses. My wolf whimpered, sharing in the agony, feeling as they shattered me. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth, a bitter reminder of the brutality inflicted upon me. "Enough!" A commanding voice cut through the chaos. Abruptly, Diana ceased her attack, surprise flickering across her face. I weakly looked up, relieved by the interruption. It was the alpha. He had changed into even more regal attire than before. Gradually, Diana lifted her gaze, locking eyes with the alpha. A charged, wordless exchange passed between them, heavy with tension and understanding. Diana's accusation pierced me like a blade, "She didn't enroll in the program," she spat, venom dripping from her words. I still couldn't believe that she was actually doing all this to me, did something happen to her? Where did all this hate come from all of a sudden? "I'll enroll now," I managed to utter amidst the pain ravaging my body. "Can I still join?" I inquired, realizing that being with the dragons might be better than enduring these cruel monsters. Whatever destiny the dragons held for me, I knew I didn't deserve any of this. They were unworthy of me. In just hours, I had become more terrified of people I thought I knew and trusted with my life than of the dragons I understood nothing about. The alpha didn't even look my way as he gave his command. "Summon the maids. Prepare her immediately!" His voice reverberated through the room, brimming with authority. "The were-dragons will arrive shortly." I felt the relief within me, momentarily eclipsing the pain and fear, as the boys finally let me be, as they adjusted their clothes. I allowed myself to take in the moment of relief —I was free, if only for just this moment —before the next chapter of the worst day of my life began. Then as if trying to drive a final point Diana kicked my head with her boot, sending me into the darkness of unconsciousness.
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