The dragon prince

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Nikolai's POV I probably wouldn't have sent my Sidana away if I knew what lay ahead later today. But, knowing fully well that I'd never win against my mother's whining and my father's stern warnings, I thought it was better to get the whole day over with once and for all. "Nikolai darling, I really want to have some more of you right now. I can't seem to get enough of you," Sidana had said in a pretentious girlish voice. If ever I were to meet a woman who wouldn't jump at the opportunity to please me, I believe there would be nothing keeping me from being the single happiest man alive. Sidana was too clingy for my liking and she was more of a yes-man, besides, all women always needed something from me, something no one else would give them. Me on the other hand, I belong to no one, and I could get anything and everything I want, even without trying so hard. I guess the most annoying characteristic of all–they all tried too hard that it all started to seem like a game of charades. "You can leave. I will call on you when I'm back from the selection," I replied, although I probably won't call for her. All her whining and clinginess have somehow wearied me. Although Sidana is quite different from the rest. Her whining is usually in an affectionate manner, still, she has a habit of asking a little too many questions and never seems to want to settle for just s*x. Even though that's all I'm willing and able to give, she still speaks of my heart like she knows it. Tsk.. come to think of it, her audacity sometimes amuses me. Who knows maybe I'll keep her for a little while, just until she becomes completely unbearable like they all do at some point. "Do you have to go? You should just continue to decline the offer, dear. Your parents would understand your position soon enough," she argued. The words of endearment sounded quite defiled in her mouth. If she knew my heart as much as she claims she would know my stand on using such words with me. I looked at her for a long time without saying anything until her usually calm composition began to falter. I moved closer to the bed, picked up her dress, and used it as a blanket to cover up her nakedness. I moved to the washroom, splashed cool water on my face, dressed myself, and walked over to the door. When I looked towards the bed again she was still in the same state I had left her. "I don't want to see you here when I get back," I said before closing the door behind me. Her tears wouldn't stop me or change my mind about her; in fact, it made me even more upset. "Hey Kolai, everyone is waiting for you," Jovan said as he walked over to where I stood at the door. He was dressed in the famous all-Celtic green from head to foot. His favorite color. He has been looking towards this day, anticipating only heaven knows what. Yes, he's my cousin from my mother's side and heaven knows that he can be a real pain in my side. "You must be enjoying this very much." "Oh, man, I do not have the slightest idea. You know, they say that the best ones are the ones arranged for you. I'm sure the werewolves will arrange the best girls; they've been told the enigmatic prince will be attending." Inasmuch as Jovan was my best friend, he did know how to overdo himself each time. "Nonsense! I won't be choosing a girl myself, Drogo will do the choosing. I'll only follow her judgment," I replied as I strolled away from him. He stood there perplexed thinking about what I had just said. There is always a pleasure to be derived from stopping his tongue. That fool, haha! Still on my way downstairs and who do I see gazing up at me with unrestrained joy, my darling mother and father waiting for my arrival at the entrance like the lost prodigal son that I am. "Oh honey, I am so happy you have finally decided to honor your mother. You have to set an example for the people showing them that you can ascend the throne and lead them once the time comes. This has happened for centuries you know, and for our protection too, but you can't understand it all now. We have to accept their gift happily," My mother held my hands as we got ready to enter into our carriage, she brought them to her lips as a sign of blessing. My father on the other hand stood without a word, silently telling me a million things with just his gaze alone. I must say the man did know how to command respect and power. I remember how I used to fear getting into trouble as a little boy, all because he was going to call me into his study and stare me in the eyes until I began to confess and swear off every bad behavior. I hardly remember him ever talking loud and I had only seen him shed a tear once. On that never-forgettable day. His way became even harder ever since then. Then after a while, his health started to deteriorate. "That's what you said, and I'm doing this for you. But I have your word that this would be the very last time you will meddle in my personal matters Mother," I grabbed her hands and kissed them too. "You of all people know how much I hate the entire werewolves clan in this world. I shouldn't need to explain these things over and over again. You have milked and pressed and begged in this line for four years now and I'm only doing it because I'm much older now and tired of your incessant begging and weeping." "You are doing it for the dragons too. It is emphasized that if you find your mate this time, it will only make you stronger and maybe the dragons will be able to reproduce again. We are losing them, Kolai, and you've not really understood this yet, but you will soon." I looked into her eyes, wanting to know if that was really the reason and she was not just pushing me in the name of the royal family to settle with the very first female that entices me. “You have not given me your word” “Okay son, you have my word." “Good!” I had said to her. With that, it wouldn't be so hard to refuse whatever she has to say despite the outcome of the selection. Only about three men were going with me to the choosing, including Jovan, and they are also to pick one girl each, either as mistresses or as wives, and these girls will automatically become the soon-to-be princess’s ladies in waiting. We made sure all our dragons were present, it would not do good if it became common knowledge that the dragons are not reproducing. More reasons why they should not have decided to welcome strangers into our lands. None of it bothered me; Drogo was very picky, and if she didn't pick anyone, it would only be my luck. My mother or my father wouldn't have anything to say. The most important thing is that I am here, doing what they want for now. When we arrived, the werewolves pack was not like I had expected. People were everywhere dressed in their finest. It was almost as if they were earnestly anticipating a show of events, and we were the main characters. I have always had a deep hatred for werewolves ever since that unforgettable day, and until now I still haven't healed. But with that aside, never had it been said that the were-dragons are show stars. This was in complete disregard for our generational power and influence. There was a time when werewolves and all the likes would scamper and hide at the smell of us. No doubt that they still fear us but they think we are more approachable now. To them now, we are flying beasts. Much like a circus display. This sight greatly vexed me and my stomach burned with fury. In other words, I came with anger. "Welcome, my prince," the alpha greeted and made way for us. Every man and woman present became suddenly still but with their unwavering attention on us and probably our next move. We weren't late, and that was even more honorable. Jovan and the other guys sat down in the crowd while our dragons did the work of instilling fear in the onlookers. It was a necessary display. My belly fire had started to calm down by now. Initially, it was only Drogo making the display and then my Jovan and the rest joined in controlling their dragons from where they sat. They probably thought it would be proper that they did the same thing as me. When they brought the girls out, and it was time for our dragons to make their selection, everyone was now focusing their attention on the girls in the middle of the field. None of the girls presented looked the part in my own opinion. None of them caught my attention until... None until Drogo stopped in front of the girl at the far end of the line, close to the small and short trees across the field. My breath ceased, and I almost stood up from my seat. My heart jumped out of my body, not because of fear, but because of the calmness I got from Drogo. And instead of the fear I expected from the girl, she stood still and fearless in front of my dragon. No man or woman has been able to stand up to Drogo, not this way and definitely not in this manner. This has never happened before. Then when Drogo slowly moved away from her to check out the other girls, I felt a bit of relief. Maybe I had thought it; maybe it was my thinking that was getting the best of me. Or maybe I didn't want Drogo to choose anyone so badly that it was affecting my sense, but there was still some feeling of peace that wasn't there before. I don't know how my eyes now found their way back to the girl at the end. I had to use my sheer willpower to tear them away from her at this distance. Then I saw her. She moved away from the girls, she was hiding, why was she hiding? And from what? Is she escaping from being chosen?? I thought they all wanted this! These heaven-forsaken werewolves! Tsk! I saw the boy, there is a boy with her, and they are running away. Is she trying to run away with a lover? Not on my watch! She's not running away from her responsibilities so easily. Even if I don't want her, I would derive pleasure mainly from making her know that her fate was now in my hands. I cannot believe she's even trying to run away from what other girls would have killed for. My first thought was to follow her, without caring for much about what the others would think, I mounted Drogo and we followed her, not caring for the commotion we left behind. She didn't see me quickly but her lover did. And when she did, she should have stopped. But No she ran more, as if she could outrun my Dragon. Then she stopped in her tracks and turned to face us. I had seen the great chasm behind her from above and now landing Drogo, I walked towards her but then inched more and more towards the dark abyss and I'm sure she knew there was just nowhere else to go. But adamant as she supposedly is, in a few seconds she looked at me with a face like someone who gets the last laugh, and then in all insanity, she jumped. More than anything, I don't know what moved me fast, but it was instinctive as I dived in after her. It definitely made me furious. Drogo went in with us and hoved underneath us as I took a firm hold of her. I saw the look on her face when she turned to look at me, her fears were replaced with something I would call a challenge, and then she smirked. Heavens, is this a mentally damaged woman that has been presented to us? But I could see the intelligence that lay behind those emerald-green sets of eyes just before she passed out in my arms. She definitely wouldn't have thought I would leave her to jump to her death. What kind of life has she lived? "What the heck happened, Nikolai?" Jovan asked, finally showing up when I needed him the most. He was followed by the alpha and his Luna, looking at me and carrying the strange girl in my arms. I wouldn't have explained it even if they asked me to. The girl will have to wake up first and explain to me all that I need to know. "I have no idea. I think Drogo chose her," I said to Jovan. “Damn! She is beautiful” My cousin commented. “She sure is. . .” I murmured, And then to the rest of the people who had now gathered and were watching, I announced loudly to whoever cared to listen, "My Dragon has chosen! She is my chosen one. Prepare a warm bath."
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