¤Chapter 11¤

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"Wow you did a great job here." Jolene stated walking into the hospital. "Its a bit small though don't you think Roman?" She asked him. "Its fine like this." Eleanor answered unlocking the door. "We don't need it big." "I was talking to Roman." "The last time I checked a statement didn't need a question." She said sassly. "Enough." Roman said in a stern tone. "Its fine as is and you two have to learn how to work together." Eleanor huffed before walking towards her office. Immediately she put on her coat over what she wore placing her bag down on the other side kf the desk. "Why does she get the bigger office?" Jolene whined. "She has more experience and she's more advanced than you are." Roman simply answered. When leaving to come the hospital Jolene had insisted that Roman should come and check it out who made Gabriel and Eleanor exchanged glances. "Yesterday there was an incident." Gabriel began to fill her in. "We meant to have this place up and running the moment you arrived but there was a bit off a situation so now they're being transferred here." "How many off them?" She asked him. "Only three of them got injured so it's just them." He nodded more to himself. "Ok." She took the files. "I'll review their files for any past injuries to see if they might have an effect on the present injuries." She said giving him a greatful smile. "Gabriel lets get going." Roman said as he began to make his way towards Jolene. Eleanor went to her office not want to hear whatever they're going to discuss. "Gabriel will pick you up later ok?" Roman assured Jolene. "I won't." Gabriel's brows narrowed. "I'm already picking up Elley." He stated. Roman glared at Gabriel only earning a blank stare in return. "I'll get one of my men to pick you up ok." He assured. "Why can't you pick me up. Plus you promised you'd stay over." She whined childishly. "Ok." He agreed making her grin. "Gabe." Eleanor called for him from her office. "I'll be right back." He stated before walking into her office. "What is it Elley?" He asked once he entered. "I forgot my lunch again so when you come over during lunch can you please bring mine." She grinned at him. He nodded with a smile. "Your patients should be here in a while so get reading." "Ok thank you." She smiled at him. "See you later." She watched him walk out before looking down at her files and began to read them. ~¤~ "Tell me if you feel this." She instructed as she run the tip of her pen along his foot. "Feel it." He responded. "Ok looks like all you need to do is heal and practice walking then you'll be good in no time." She smiled at him. "Thanks doc." He huffed falling back on the bed. "No problem no rest up." She told him. "Jolene can you please help him get comfortable." Surprisingly Jolene had been working with Eleanor the whole day but they'd been having arguments here and there. They were mainly caused by Jolene over something so small. "Elley." She heard Gabriel call out. Walking to the front she smiled at him. "Hey Gabe." She gave him a hug. "I've got lunch, mind if I join you?" He quizzed. "No, not at all. Go to my office and start without me I'll join you in just a bit." She told him. He nodded and made his way towards her office. She went into the kitchen where a cook had been hired to cook for her patients. "Hi Mark." She greeted. "Hi Dr. Elmz." He greeted pushing the trolley of food out from the back. "I see you're done." She stated. "Yes I'm about to go serve the food." "Oh no let me do it. You were rushed last minute to do this the least I could do is serve the food while you rest a little." She suggested. "Are you sure? It's my job." He asked her. "I'm in charge." She retorted cheekily making him laugh slightly before nodding. "Alright then boss." He wiped his hands on his apron. She grinned at him before taking the food out to the patients. She put the small table in front of them and adjusted the bed to sit up a bit more. They all thanked her before she went over to Jolene's office. "What is it now?" Jolene asked grudgingly. "I was going to tell you, you could have your lunch break." She rolled her eyes before walking out. She made her way towards her office to find Gabriel munching on pizza. She grinned as she sat down across from him. "So how's your first day with patients." He asked her as she took a slice of pizza from the box. "Its ok." She nodded before taking a bite. "Jolene however, she is difficult and I'm pretty sure she does it on purpose." Gabriel rolled his eyes. "She's just jealous that you're living with Roman instead of her." "I wouldn't mind living alone. I mean yeah his house is gorgeous and all but I don't want to live with someone like him." She explained. "Then tell him." "So this time I can actually die unlike the other multiple times I opened my mouth?" She arched her brow looking at him. "No thanks." Gabriel chuckled. "I thought you weren't afraid of dying or Roman." "I'm not. I just like living better than being a corps." She let out a small laugh. "And I'm still not afraid of him but I am intimidated by him." She admitted. "Why aren't afraid of Roman? Most people are." "He's only human and I know he wouldn't hurt me. I can tell he was raised right." She grinned. "I see you like judging people by their character instead of looks." Gabriel pointed out. "Is that such a bad thing?" "No its actually amazing because most woman do the exact opposite of what you do." He smiled. "Maybe that's why Roman has such a liking to you." "Ha!" She tossed her head back with a laugh. "If anything he thinks I'm a nuisance." "That's because you are everytime when you have something sassy to say." He stated making her kick him from under the table. "I'm not sassy." She rolled right. "Right..." He said unaffected by the kick. "Anyway to important matters." He said changing the subject. "Oh, and those would be?" She asked him. "There will be guards placed here which are outside right now. They trade places at the time schedule." He explained and she nodded. "This Saturday Roman is opening his new club so you'll have to get dressed and do whatever you do to get ready for these type of things." He waved carelessly. "Why do I always have to go? Can't he take Jolene? I mean they are best friends after all." She rolled her eyes. "In case something like the Andrew situation happens. Jolene may know about his lifestyle but she's not prepared to be involved. She's softer than you." He explained. "So I'm weak?" Her brow arched. "No." He shook his head. "You can handle certain things but not all things in his life." He assured her. "Ok that's a fairly good point but it doesn't mean I want to be apart of his life...I mean what does he even want with me. It's not like I fit in." She stated matter of factly. "And what's that supposed to mean?" Gabriel asked. "Gabe you know exactly what I mean. People keep staring because he's with a girl from a different world. I'm normal and he isn't." She rolled her eyes. "Bullshït." Gabriel immediately proclaimed. "Language." She glared. He rolled his eyes. "Roman doesn't care what world you're from. Quite frankly nobody does." He stated. "People stare because he's Roman Bianchi." She sighed. "If you say so. So what kind of dress am I supposed to wear?" She asked him. "I don't know." His eyes narrowed. "Don't you have Maria and Rose for that?" "Those too get excited so do my hair and make-up its actually scary sometimes. I mean how girly can you get?" Gabriel burst into a fit of laughter after her statement. "You're really something else Elley." "I've been told." As they continued on with their conversation they hadn't notice Jolene listening in on their conversation the whole time.
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