Chapter 6- Cassy

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Emma I just needed to wait for the perfect moment to make my move.. A moment when I was all alone, and I knew that James would not be coming to my room. A moment that he would be too distracted to check on me, but those moments always seemed few and far between.. Which, of course, I did not mind.. I had the wig ready and waiting for me, tucked under the mattress in my suite.. Along with some clothing that was not my usual chosen attire.. It was not much, but considering how little the members of my pack have spent time with me, I figured that it should be just enough to keep them from discovering who I am.. Now all I needed to do was make it out of the pack house without anyone catching me. Although my appearance would be different, I knew that I could never deceive Beta Jason or my guards from tracking my scent.. "Why, isn't it the Princess herself..." Cassy strode up to me in the main lobby of the packhouse. She was glaring at me, after making her snide comment with her pleasured smirk on her face.. She always seemed to feel that she had something over me.. Little did she know that I did not care what she had to say to me, she was the one pack member that I was fine with hating me.. Cassy and I had never met eye to eye. She was the daughter of one of my father, Damon's greatest warriors, Marcus.. After my father died during the attack, Beta Jason needed to rely more on his warriors than ever before. Marcus, especially, was one who stepped up at the first opportunity he was given. At the time, Beta Jason and my mother felt it was extremely helpful of him, and they were grateful to have him. But as time went on, it became more and more clear to my mother that not only did Marcus not trust her, but, in fact, seemed to despise her more than anything.. Marcus would go against my mother at every opportunity he was given. His defiance was unacceptable.. However, in a pack that already had to endure so much tragedy with the loss of Alpha Damon, my mother felt that it was best to just keep her head down when it came to Marcus, and allow him to act in his childish ways. She did not want to give my father's pack any more reason to hate her, by punishing Marcus for his disobedience.. Cassy, however, was a miniature version of her father in every way possible, and of course she hated my mother and I just as much as her father did.. She was the same age as James and I, and had grown up with James in the pack house.. Although I was not around The North Mountain Pack very frequently, James still preferred my company over Cassy's, which only fueled her hate for me that much more.. I had known that she was in love with James from the first moment that I had met her. We were only young pups at the time, but the way she chased James around, constantly trying to fight for his attention, made it quite obvious to me that she was smitten by him.. As time went on and we grew into teenagers, she was always one to make her feelings for James blatantly clear, wearing provocative clothing in his presence and touching him every chance she had. It used to irritate me beyond measure, but as time went on and James proved to me time and time again that he wanted me, and only me, I found Cassy's attempts more humorous than anything.. It infuriated her that he had chosen to be with me, even when I was living at Burning Moon Pack, instead of ever giving her a chance.. James was the type of guy that was kind to anyone he met, but he always made it clear to Cassy that her efforts were pointless, and she did not stand a chance with him.. That was one thing that made me only fall in love with him that much more.. However, her jealousy only fueled her hatred for me, she was quick to turn all of the girls our age in The North Mountain Pack against me as well.. She had them all convinced that I was already blessed with my powers from the Moon Goddess, and that I had in fact hypnotized James into being with me, forcing him against his will. I could not help that it annoyed me that, on top of everything else, I had to worry about Cassy's rumours spreading around the pack. But I tried to stand my ground. I knew that once I could prove myself to my pack, Cassy's torment would be nothing but a bad memory. "Hey Cassy, how are you?" I tried my best to sound polite.. Even though I did not like her, I knew that it was my duty as the future Alpha to not single out any of my pack members.. I would show my enemy the same treatment that I would show any of my other pack members. "I was great until I saw your face.. What are you doing here? Why don't you go run back to your Mommy and your real Daddy, and leave my pack alone." Her words stung, but I did not flinch. Cassy was one of many that believed that Chad was my birth father, and that I did not have any ties to The North Mountain Pack. "This is my pack Cassy, whether you like it or not.. and I am not going anywhere, so wipe that smirk off of your face." I could feel the anger build within me, and I took a deep breath to try and calm my nerves.. There was something about Cassy that always had a way of setting me off.. Even though I tried my hardest to act like her words did not bother me. "This will never be your pack Emma. I suggest you leave now before you get yourself hurt." Cassy stepped forward until she was standing over me. She was atleast six inches taller than me, and I knew that she loved to look down on me any opportunity she got.. Yet another thing she felt she had over me. "Is that a threat Cassy?" I stood my ground, raising my chin to meet her eyes with my own. "That is a promise, traitor." Her words were just louder than a whisper.. She knew as well as I did that if she was caught threatening the future Alpha that she would be severely punished.. However, that still did not stop her from coming at me every chance she could get. "Watch what promises you make, Cass, someday they are going to get you killed." No more Ms. Nice Alpha.. I was done with trying to be kind to her, she did not deserve it, and I knew the first opportunity I had to spar with this pack, Cassy would be my first challenge. I wanted nothing more than to cut her down to her rightful level.
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