Chapter 5- James

1279 Words
James I am crazy about her... I had always known from a young age, that the likelihood of me being her mate when we gain our wolves is slim.. She is the daughter of two Alpha's... She is the daughter of the Queen of Werewolves, she has been destined for greatness since birth.. and I am the son of a Beta and Omega... I was destined for nothing more than to protect Emma with my life, and that was a fate that I was more than happy to fulfill. I knew that the Moon Goddess would want her descendant to be with a strong wolf from a strong bloodline, but that did not stop me... The moment she showed any interest in me, as more than a friend, I jumped on my chance and held on for dear life. From that moment on, I spent every day fighting for her heart... I could not help myself, she had me hooked... I have loved Emma for my entire life up to this point. I had spent years chasing after her like a love-sick puppy, and still, nothing had changed after all of these years. I still loved her just as much today as I did the first day I held her in my arms. I loved her with every part of my being and did not know if I could ever love anyone as much as I love her, regardless if they were my destined mate or not... She was my everything... It had nothing to do with her power or her status... It had nothing to do with the fact that she was a descendant of the Moon Goddess, but instead had everything to do with who she is as a person. Emma is one of a kind. The light she brings into everyone's life by just being a part of it. Her humor and her laugh, it was like music to my ears.. There was something about her that lit up completely when she was telling a story or enjoying the moment she was participating in... It was completely contagious, you could not help but want to share that moment with her.. and every moment after that.. Emma has always been everything to me, but as our eighteenth birthday approaches, that fact has terrified me more than anything else has ever before.. The thought of losing her, made me cling to her that much more. I could not lose her. I have never understood how anyone could ever hate Emma or want to harm her. She was a beacon of light in a world of uncertainty... Or at least she lit up my world like no one else I have ever known... But still, there were those pack members who resented her mother and chose to take the path of hatred and harm toward their future female Alpha. Since the moment I was born, my father had trained me for one thing... To protect Emma. I knew that he had felt guilty for the death of his Alpha, Damon. I knew that it ate away at him every day, that he was not there to save his Alpha and best friend. That he was not there that dark night, fighting for his life with the rest of his pack warriors. So in a way, as an act of his own retribution, my father had devoted his life to keeping Charlie and Emma safe, in a last attempt at being there for his Alpha, and in turn, it has also become my life's devotion. However, it was not an easy task... After the attack that had killed our former Alpha Damon, the former Beta's daughter, Sarah had never been seen again...This only fueled the North Mountain Pack member's doubt, when their Alpha and the Beta's daughter did not return from a battle that was aimed towards the Burning Moon Pack and had nothing to do with The North Mountain Pack, to begin with... No one knew of Sarah's betrayal and outbursts towards Alpha Damon before the fire had occurred no one except for my father that is. Even though having Sarah return to The North Mountain Pack may have softened the blow of loss that our pack members felt after that dreadful day, my father knew that nothing good would come from her return... My father did not trust that she was gone for good, he knew Sarah all too well and exactly what her vengeance was capable of... He knew her viewpoint of Charlie would pollute the minds of our pack members, and cause them to doubt Emma and her lineage. Therefore he made it his mission to ensure that she never came back. That she stayed true to her banishment even though Alpha Damon was no longer around to inflict her rightful punishment. However, still, after all the precautions my father took to keep Charlie and Emma safe, doubt still spread like wildfire... Faster than we could stop it. There were no signs of Sarah in our pack territory, and no reports of any strange sightings according to my father's patrols... but he still had a sneaking suspicion that someone was working with Sarah to bring Emma and Charlie down. Although I loved the fact that Emma was now spending more time at The North Mountain Pack, instead of at Burning Moon, I feared for her safety any moment that I was not with her. I wanted nothing more than to spend all of my time with Emma, however, it was not possible due to my duties as a future Beta. I had a duty to my pack, and to my warriors, to train with them to make myself, as well as them, as strong as I possibly could. To prepare us all for any future attacks that could be a threat to our pack. Even though Emma wanted nothing more than to be allowed to train with the rest of the pack warriors, just as she would with her father Alpha Chad, and his pack at Burning Moon, there were too many warriors that resented Emma for her existence... They did not believe that she was truly Alpha Damon's heir.. and I knew that I would not be able to control who Emma ends up sparring with at all times, and I was not willing to risk something awful happening to her. My father and I could not risk Sarah's allies getting their hands on Emma, especially in such a physical way. Until Emma gains her wolf, she was at her highest vulnerability. I did not know how to change my pack's corrupt outlook on Emma, or who fueled the hatred that they had become so accustomed to. But I had made it my goal to find the source of their hatred and change their minds about Emma... I did not know Sarah, but I knew that I would kill her the first opportunity I had, for all that she had done to my pack, and my dear Emma. I knew that Emma would become an amazing Alpha, and my pack would grow to see that if they would only give her a chance... It was not typical for a she-wolf to become Alpha and had never been heard of in this pack's history especially... But I knew if given the opportunity to show them just how strong she is, and all that she is capable of, they would see her just as I do... And I had only hoped, that when that day comes, I would have the opportunity to stand by her side, not only as her Beta, but also as her chosen mate.
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