Chapter 7- Cat's Out of the Bag

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James When I heard that there was a conflict involving Emma in the pack house, I did not hesitate for a second to wonder who it could be with... There was only one person who had more guts than anyone else, to even attempt to act out against our future Alpha and the Princess of Werewolves.. and I knew that there was only one person who would be able to get away with her conquest, knowing with satisfaction that the guards on Emma's detail would not do a thing to stop her... After all, her father had trained majority of them. It was either guts or stupidity, but either way she was a pain in my a**.. Cassy had been waiting to make her move since Emma had officially moved to our pack.. It was a long time coming. She had always known what the future had in store for Emma being the leader of our pack, but Cass did not want her here.. I knew that she would do everything in her power to try and bully Emma into leaving. By threatening her and tormenting her if necessary, Cass and her father would try their best to scare my love away. However I would never let that happen... I did not care what feelings Cassy had for me, I did not share them what so ever, and never would.. I would never be hurtful towards her intentionally, but when it came down to her feelings over Emma's, I would choose Emma every time no questions asked.. When I walked through the pack house doors, I was met with a crowd of spectators, viewing the altercation between Emma and Cassy.. I could not help the edginess I felt towards my pack that no one had bothered to even try to save Emma from this situation in the first place.. No wonder she felt unwelcome and unwanted in her own pack, when so many of her pack members would just stand by and watch as she is blatantly disrespected by a fellow pack member. I stepped forward to break up the fight between Emma and Cassy when suddenly I felt a large hand grasp my shoulder, momentarily distracting me from my mission.. "Let it happen man, don't ruin the fun.. You even got to love a good chick fight." Brock had a smirk on his face as he pleaded with me to allow this to happen. However, no matter how much he wanted me to allow Emma to be put in dangers way for his own pleasure, I would never let it happen. "You should know better than to lay your hands on your future Beta so casually." I responded with a cold glare in his direction.. He submitted instantly and released me from his grasp.. Normally I had no problem joking around with the guys. I had grown up with most of them and enjoyed messing around and having fun just like the rest of them.. However, as my eighteenth birthday was approaching, I could already feel the presence of my wolf beginning to run through me.. Although I did not have my wolf yet, I could already sense the possessiveness my wolf will have towards protecting my pack and those I love. Along with my wolf's determination to command respect from those beneath him.. I proceeded to make my way through the crowd towards where Emma and Cassy stood in the center of the room. I could tell by Emma's stance as she looked up towards Cassy, her hands balled into fists, that she was ready to take Cassy down and show her what happens when you mess with your Alpha. "Emma, just the beauty I was looking for.." I forced my way in between Emma and Cassy, so that I was face to face with Emma, not even phased that I had to slightly shove Cassy in order to do so. "I need your help, if you wouldn't mind coming with me beautiful?" I looked down at Emma with pleading puppy dog eyes, I knew that Emma could never resist when I gave her that look. "Sure, why not.. It's not like I had anything better to do here." Emma glared at Cassy one last time and than turned to walk in the opposite direction. I could here Cassy gasp with disgust that I so freely ignored her in front of everyone. But I did not care enough to give her the time of day. "So what is it that you need help with?" Emma looked towards me as we walked towards the pack house elevator. "Oh nothing, I just wanted you to myself.." I gave her a cheeky smirk and she beamed a large smile back at me. I loved that smile.. There was something about it that always had a way of warming me up and brightening my day. "Well, I think that can be arranged.." As the elevator doors finally came to a close, Emma turned to face me and than leapt into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling me towards her in a passionate kiss. She tasted delicious, and I knew that once we started this charade, there was no way of stopping us.. "You better take it easy beautiful, don't start something you can't finish.." I whispered in Emma's ear as she once again pulled my head towards hers and took my mouth with her own luscious, full lips.. "Who said that I wasn't willing to finish?" The moment the words escaped her mouth, I could feel my member harden like a rock. I slipped my hand under the back of Emma's shirt, feeling every inch of her exposed soft skin. She felt amazing, and I knew that her back was one of the most sensitive areas on her body.. "Mmmmmm" Emma let out a moan which only made me that much harder, as my member begged to break free. However, to my horror, I had not realized that the elevator had made it to the Alpha floor.. The doors were now opened wide, and my father was standing in front of them, looking at us with a furious expression on his face.. "What the f*ck is going on here?!" My father, Beta Jason let out a growl that startled Emma right out of my arms.. Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag...
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