Chapter 4- Running Wild

1189 Words
Emma I could not convince James to allow me to come and train with him, and the rest of the male warriors.. Not that he did not think I was capable of keeping up with his stamina and strength, but due to the fact that he feared someone would intentionally harm me out of spite... He would keep me safe no matter what, but he knew that he was no match for the amount of warriors that did not trust me.. He was not willing to put me in any amount of danger, especially in a situation that he could not control the outcome.. I understood why he would not allow it, but it did not make me feel any better about the rejection.. I could not help but think about Burning Moon, and all the years I had trained with my father Alpha Chad... How he trained me as an equal to anyone of his warriors, never taking it easy on me, and never doubting my strength and abilities for a second.. He always taught me to give everything I did in life, every ounce of my strength and determination.. and as long as I gave it my all, I would never fail no matter the challenge.. I was grateful for him and everything he had taught me, and I missed him dearly when I was at The North Mountain Pack.. I only wished that he were here with me, helping me find my way in this pack that I felt like a stranger amongst... I was running through the forest with my headphones resting in my ears, listening to my favourite music while I picked up speed, jumping over branches protruding from the ground and dodging large boulders that had come free from the mountain.. The air felt fresh as I took deep breaths, absorbing every ounce that I was capable of inhaling.. The days of spring had almost passed as summer approached and the flowers began to bloom in full force.. The greenery in the trees was stunning, the trees were filling out nicely with their new leaves of the season... The mountain tops were still coated with snow, however that would remain all year long due to the altitude.. Where The North Mountain Pack remained nestled in the mountains, it was a comfortable temperature.. For a werewolf some would even say it was too warm, as we were naturally warm bodied and often running around with little clothing in our human forms.. Just thinking about it, I could not wait to shift for the first time and be able to run through the mountains as fast as my mother's wolf Aria is capable of going.. I loved running down these trails, it was my favorite place to run free without duties or obligations weighing me down.. It was only me and the wildlife among the mountains... I liked to think that my father Damon had once run along these same paths when he was my age.. Being here made me feel closer to him, I wanted nothing more than to have his guidance with how to earn his packs respect.. To know what about him made him a good Alpha, what made his pack accept him as a leader and be willing to sacrifice themselves for my mother when he asked them to come to her aid.. Why they were so willing to fight with Burning Moon once before, but now held so much anger and resentment towards my mothers pack.. I did not understand where it had all gone wrong, what made them change their mind about their alliance.. I love my father Chad dearly, and respect his lessons and guidance more than anything in this world, however Burning Moon was such a different pack... The pack members seemed more welcoming at Burning Moon, and never for once had there doubts about Chad as their Alpha... They respected my father, even though he was born a Gamma and earned his position as Alpha of Burning Moon, they seemed to respect him more for the fact that he worked that much harder to get to where he was.. They would lay their lives down on the line for him if they had to... They knew that he had their best interest at heart, and never doubted him for a second... They welcomed me as the Alpha's daughter, and treated me as family even though my blood showed differently.. They accepted my mother as The Queen of Werewolves, and her immense power that came with her wolf.. Burning Moon was home, and I wished that my father could help me now overcome my challenges.. However The North Mountain Pack was different.. They had gone so long without an Alpha, being led by Beta Jason, although he would not fully lead them as an Alpha.. He wanted his pack to know that Alpha Damon's heir would be their leader, and therefore kept his position as Beta of The North Mountain Pack.. I felt that I had been forced onto them, without earning my place in their pack, and that could be part of the problem.. I just needed to figure out a way to become accepted.. I needed to become friends with the locals.. Although James and Beta Jason had ensured my safety while at The North Mountain Pack, there were still those who made their hatred towards my mother and I well known, and refused to be silenced no matter the consequence of their actions.. Beta Jason would not allow my safety to be put at risk for any cost, and therefore would not allow me to venture into the pack town without himself or James accompanying me.. However I was chomping at the bit to have my chance to prove myself to my pack.. I wanted to earn their trust, the same way my father had once upon a time.. I wanted to earn their respect, and prove to them that I was capable of leading this pack as an Alpha.. That I was capable of keeping them safe and ensuring that The North Mountain Pack would continue to thrive and grow in numbers and strength.. However it seemed those who believed that I was only chosen due to my bloodline, and my mothers Queen status, outnumbered those who actually had faith in my abilities.. I only hoped that the day I receive my wolf, my life would change forever... With a strong wolf, my pack would have no choice but to follow me and obey my command.. I had something up my sleeve to try and sneak away from James and Beta Jason, and finally have a chance to get to know some of the pack members without them knowing who I was.. I just hoped that it would work out as I had planned.. As I rounded the corner around my favourite large pine tree back towards the pack house, I could feel the presence of my guards shadowing me.. They kept their distance, to allow me to have my time to myself. However they were close enough to protect me if necessary..
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