Chapter 25

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She takes off her bracelet then gave it to me. Upon holding the bracelet my bag shook.   "Looks like an Elemental Fragment of Ice" I guessed   I look inside the bag and my assumption is right.   "I don't get it first there was Max and Samantha. It seems their fragments can't be detected unless I grabbed hold of it" I wondered why.   "Tell me Samantha where did you get this bracelet?" I asked while I return the bracelet.   "Ahh Papa gave it to me before he sent me here to study" she cheerfully answered.   "Tell me does your Papa also have one of these?"   "I think so" Samantha uncertain of her answer.   "Samantha can I ask you a question?" Draxx asked.   "Of course, Master"   "Are you going to use your powers in the event tomorrow?"   "No! That would be totally unfair for my fellow classmates." "I think my scimitars are enough to climb the top."   "Agreed" I said as I nod. "Well, then let's all get practicing so that we all come out victorious”. The event of the knights is only a few moments away. The students are all at the building's corridor waiting for the event to begin.   A loud horn marks the start if the event. The crowd went wild as the elite knight carrying their banner enters the battlefield and leads the march.   Knights with different weapons started entering by groups. Then I noticed that the second to the last group are holding different weapons compared to the rest   "Draxx what's with that last group?" "Why are they grouped up even their weapons are not the same?" I asked.   "You see Chris they all have pretty unique choices and all of them are the one only with that weapon." "Instead of heading straight to the finals why not group them and fight against each other"   "I get it" all seems clearing up now.   The last group finally entered, and they are all using two blades. Samantha then waved at us.   Draxx gave an opening speech and officially start the event. The academy's ground is now transformed into a dual arena.   "Draxx have you sent the message?" I asked.   "Yes Chris, what is written in that letter to make me rush to Citadel immediately?"   "It's an invitation for Samantha's Father."   "What you invited a Duke over to watch our event" Draxx seemed surprised.   "Did I really hear it correctly? You invited a Duke over" Sora asked.   "Yes, but I am not certain that he will come in such a short notice" I said.   The crowd is going wild as the first five groups finished their duel. Some are making a bet to see you will come out victorious.   The Strategist carefully observed the set of skills the knights have to offer. The rumor immediately spread that Samantha wields an Elemental Fragment. They all hoped to see Samantha uses her powers live.   "Headmaster someone is here to see you" a medic said.   I immediately stood off my seat and went to check my visitor. As I approach the vehicle a servant opened the door. A well-dressed man came out of the vehicle.   "Good day to you Sir" I greeted "I am Chris Sterling the Headmaster of this academy" I said as I offer my hand.   "I am Duke Aaron Leonheart IV." "Glad to meet you Chris" he shook my hand.   "I have received your invitation and I am well pleased that you have invited me in such a gathering." "Tell me did my little girl battled already?"   "No Sir you just arrived on time actually." "Follow me and I'll take you to your seat”.   We head straight to our places and have a seat. The last group started entering and Aaron is so happy upon seeing her daughter.   The duel started and we have all watched you would win. The duel is heating up I have never seen students with such great skills. The battle rages on and one by one the battle ended.   After some time, we are only down to two contenders Samantha and the Elite. After they are fully recovered, they started clashing.   "Tell me Chris is that a Water Spirit?" Aaron asked.   "You know what they are?" I was surprised.   "Of course, we have one as well."   I awfully got suspicious. I had this feeling that their city also has numerous Elemental Fragments.   The battle rages on and neither of them landed a single hit. The crowd started cheering on their bet, but the Elite seems to be the crowd favorite.   The clashed continues and both are giving all they have got. Then the Elite manages to make an opening. He then makes his move, but a wall of light blocked his attack.   My suspicion was right. They also have Elemental Fragments.   Aaron went down and checked her daughter. Samantha is totally pissed of what his father had done.   We all went down to check on them. The event was stopped due to the commotion.   "Why did you have to do that!" Samantha shouted.   "I just wanted to protect you."   "I can protect myself." "Who even invited you here?"   "I did Sam" I said   "Headmaster" "But why?"   "Well, I wanted your father to witness your improvements”. "Sorry if I messed things up."   Samantha finally calmed down.   "Sorry Papa if I shouted at you and sorry everyone for ruining the whole event" Samantha apologized.   "Sir Aaron you don't have to worry about our students they are actually in good hands" Dr Edwin said   "But I saw the other students died earlier and someone picked up their dead bodies" Aaron seems clueless.   We all giggled.   "Papa is that way you made that barrier." "You see Headmaster has this power to transfer any damage to one of his allies" Samantha said.   "That's true Aaron it is known as damage bond" I said.   "If you want to have a look, all of the students are in the infirmary recovering" a medic said.   "So that means I panicked for nothing?" Aaron shamefully said. "Can we still continue the fight?" Aaron begged.   "Don't ask us, ask the Elite he is your daughter's opponent by the way" Draxx said.   Aaron asked the Elite and he accepted. We all went back to our places and the battle continues.   
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