Chapter 24

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"Master that is a Steyr TMP a pistol like submachine gun."   "Do you know how to use it?" I asked.   "Well yeah it is pretty easy once you got used to it."   He discussed first the parts and how to hold the g*n properly. He requested for some close to mid-range targets. He showcased his skill and discussed everything like a pro even I learned something new from him.   We all tried practice shooting but in my first try I easily hit all the targets.   "Looks like someone lied to us that he didn't know how to use this g*n”? "Yeah, he made us all like chumps." "Not just chumps also fool."   The group gave me all nasty glares.   "There there I seriously don't know what I am doing." "Maybe it is just beginners’ luck" I said.   "If you think of it with master’s skills, he can easily learn how to use this g*n" the smg expert said and all seemed to agree.   Still, they gave that nasty look. I tried changing the topic to get their minds off it.   Then the smg expert grabbed another g*n and tried shooting the targets using both guns. We are all amazed and tried doing what he did. Only I matched his skills.   I then left them practice. I went to check on Draxx and his knights. Looks to me that the knights are all training hard.   "Hey Draxx, looks like your knights are in tip top shape" I said.   "Well, they all must be the event is tomorrow and I think they all want to show off”.   "Kids are always kids you know." "Who do you think would win?" I asked.   "By the looks of it that lady with the double scimitar" "She showcased a variety of moves that are well executed she even take down numerous sparring partners."   "Well, I would like to have a practice match with her if it's okay with you?"   "Don't ask me ask her" Draxx said as he shook his hands.   "Well then" we both approached the lady.   "Good day my lady my I ask your name?" I asked.   "Ohh Head Master the pleasure is all mine" she bowed down. "Well, I am Samantha Leonheart" she answers.   "You see she came from a noble family from Citadel a neighboring city."   "I am pleased to meet you Sam" I kissed her hand. "By the way may I ask you in a duel?"   "I would love too but the event is due tomorrow, and I don't want to drain myself before the event."   "Ahh okay" I gave her a frown.   She seemed to be carried away and looks like she is having double thoughts. I started to walk away acting sorry for myself. Moments after she stopped me.   "Head Master okay I accept" she said.   "My plan worked" I said in my mind.   "Well don't worry about landing any life-threatening blow because I won't either." "I will cast a damage bond and all damage will be inflicted to Titan after the match Batis will both patch us up." "We will have a point system every direct hit landed is counted a point." "First on to the five points wins."   "Why only five Headmaster can we make it ten?" She asked.   "Fine by me" "Shall we start?" "I let you make the first move."   She immediately charges me. She is one serious fighter. Her aura changes from a cute lady into a vicious monster   "Why not fight back Headmaster you can't win in that rate?"   "Everyone has his or her pacing." "Now I am studying your reactions, speed and techniques."   I saw her mood changed so I immediately strike, and my hit landed knocking her down.   The spectators are all silenced.   "That's a point for me."   She stood up and charges me once more.   "I was just warming up." "Now time to show you what I am really capable off."   She manages to match my speed and I was surprised.   "How does she keep up with my pace while her agility didn't even change?" "Could it be I am getting slower?" "No! Impossible I am still in tip top condition" thoughts that are currently running in my mind.   I got all hazed up thinking how she pulled off something like that.   "What now Headmaster am I too fast for you or you are just too slow to match me" Samantha teased   "Well, you don't have to be cocky”. "You see I am only using 5% of my speed."   I gently increase my agility and looks like I am slowly overpowering her. I landed three fast blows then fall back.   "That's four points for me now." "Care to continue?" I said while she is still on her knees.   She slowly stood up and gave me a smile.   "I haven't had this much fun back at the mansion." "Now Headmaster I will not hold back okay I will give everything I got."   "Go for its Samantha”. "I do love a great challenge."   She charges straight at me and the same thing happened she manages to keep up with me. I gently increased my agility once more, but it will not budge. Looks like something is wrong.   I started observing her and nothing changed. I tried landing two blows on her hands, and she dropped her scimitars.   Then she manages to use a sword made off ice. We are all shock upon seeing that sword. I immediately fall back but she charges straight in and landed a hit.   "Yey! That's one point for me Headmaster" she said cheerfully.   "Well done looks like we are done here" I said to call off the fight.   "But I was just getting started" she said with a frown in her face trying to woo me.   "But Samantha you land a hit with me using 7% of my agility." "That means you out shined most. Well, they barely keep up with my initial speed, but you manage to push me in increasing”. "Tell me how did you manage to do that?"   "Well, Headmaster I tried using my special ability" she shamefully said. "With this bracelet I manage to slow down anyone within its range"   "May I have a look?"   
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