Chapter Six

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IÑIGO’S POV ----- “How will I even test you if you are so beautiful? Answer me,” I requested the unconscious man lying on the bed. He didn’t move a muscle and I chuckled. “You would be the only man to defy my orders. You sure are my mate.” I commented and smiled. I could only discern myself getting attached to this man. His scent, his touch and everything about him was already making me addicted to him. I wanted to run away from him but I didn’t have it in me to throw away all this and just go. The distance made me crave for him. I only encountered him today, but here I was like a lost puppy running back to his owner. Even just being outside the door, I was craving for him. I didn’t know this mate bond made people so clingy. Eliphas - I can hear your thoughts, Iñigo. And we had experienced and passed this same comment when Nicolas had found Sofia. He interjected his comment and I scoffed at him. Me - Could you stop sneaking into my mind and reading my thoughts? Heard of something called privacy? I taunted him on the mind-link. He dared to laugh at me. Eliphas - We share a body, for God’s sake. Also, if I can share my mate with you, have some courtesy. He taunted back and I huffed. Me - I’m telling you this. I’ll only be with him if I like him or I’ll reject him. I warned him and he raged at me and started fighting me. I knew I was harsh as I said those words out but I couldn't taken them back so I had to bear whatever was going to come next but also make Eliphas understand my point of view. I couldn't constantly fight him. Eliphas - Don’t you dare, Iñigo! Mate is not a joke. It's the Moon Goddess’s blessing for us. We have been fighting all of this all alone. Can you not accept him for who he is, Iñigo? Eliphas asked, and put me into more turmoil. Me - I know his significance in our lives, Eliphas. But can I be biased towards him and put our pack and all the other packs under my reign in trouble? Do you think I have that much freedom to be selfish? I’m a King, Eliphas. It’s my duty to live for my subjects and do everything in my power to make them happy. I can’t accept this man without confirming that he is innocent or not here to harm my people. I vented my thoughts to him out loud on the mind-link. Eliphas went quiet. Eliphas - I’m sorry that I’ve been hard on you and wanted you to accept our mate the moment we found him. He expressed and I smiled. I didn’t like to be on par with him because he was a part of me, an unavoidable part of me whom I treasured. I was incomplete without him. Me - I know you’re overwhelmed, Eliphas. I know your prayers have been answered and we have finally encountered our mate. Let me know which side he belongs to. In any case, we have to be unbiased while finding out where his true intentions lie. I illustrated to Eliphas and he only nodded before going back to my mind and shutting him off. I didn’t know how to enlighten him or even console him since I was torn between being selfish and protecting my mate from everything, and being a King and taking decisions for people’s benefit. “I pray that you are not our enemy, my beautiful mate,” I voiced and raised my hand to caress his bandaged forehead. Just before I was going to touch him, I paused. Not now. I retracted my hand back and my hand turned into fists. I wanted to touch him but I couldn’t because I was frightened that if I got too attached, I would be lenient with him. “Wake up, my mate,” I voiced softly and, as if my words were an order whereas they were a plea to him, he opened his eyes. I gazed into his green orbs that weren’t looking at me but the ceiling and already felt like I had lost the battle. He then turned to face me, gazing right into my eyes, and I was lost in his forest-like green orbs. It was like a wave of wind hit me, making me feel cold but delighted. And just like that, he shut his eyes again. I mind-linked Doctor Menzan and called him here. He came rushing inside and gave me a bow. “Check him. He had opened his eyes and then closed them again. Is he alright?” I exclaimed out and he checked my mate’s pulse and flashed a light in his eyes. He checked the machine and everything before he turned to me. “He opened his eyes but it seemed like he wasn’t holding it well. I’m not sure if he’ll make it.” Doctor Menzan informed me and I glared at him for blabbering such harsh words. Eliphas, who had buried himself in the back of my mind, came ahead and I felt my eyes turn golden. “Don’t you dare blabber such stuff about my mate, Menzan,” Eliphas warned in a hard voice. I pulled him back and my eyes went back to their normal blue. I didn't want anyone to know ahead of time but now Eliphas' rage was going to make the entire pack know about it. “Apologies, my Alpha. I didn’t know he was our Luna Queen.” Doctor Menzan kneeled while he apologized. Eliphas was satisfied by he submission and went back. I needed to control him well for a few days so it his mood swings and sensitiveness towards our mate wouldn't cause further trouble. “Doctor Menzan, I hope you know now, why it is important to save him,” I articulated and he nodded. “If this is the case, then you are the one who could help him. You can heal him with your touch.” He suggested and I gave him a blank look. “He is a human, so it won’t work,” I expressed my thoughts to him and he gave me a small smile. “It won’t work as it would've for a werewolf mate, but it will make him feel happy. There is a little comfort you could provide him by holding his hand or just having contact with him.” He explained it to me and I nodded. “I wish you would seal this matter right here until I announce it,” I professed, and he nodded. “Your words are what I abide by. Please continue, I’ll keep everyone out.” He worded and I kept a straight face not letting out any emotion. “You can only send in Nico and Dio,” I conveyed to him and he nodded before departing the room and leaving me alone with my mate. “Would my touch really help you heal?” I asked him but, as usual, I got no response. I sighed and held his hand. I didn’t know about him but I was feeling all the sparks and tingles. “I hope it won’t affect me,” I commented and rested my elbow on the bed and then rested my head on my stretched palm, only glancing at my mate. “Get well soon.” I wished him, only looking at him and basking in his beauty. ----- “Alpha,” I felt someone touch me. I opened my eyes and ahead of me was an unconscious mate. I realised that I was sleeping with my head on the bed with his hand still clasped in mine. I peeked up to see Nicolas standing there with a sympathetic look. I didn’t like the look he gave me so I let go of my mate’s hand and my face turned hard. “Nico, what’s the news?” I asked him. I was waiting for him to bring me the update with news regarding my previous orders. “Nothing. We’ve burnt the other bodies as a precaution. No other bodies have been found and the perimeters are double secured, even now in the morning.” Nicolas recited and I hummed. A silence fell in the room as both of us became quiet. Doctor Menzan strode into the room. Nicolas and I just stood there waiting for him to say something and fill the silence in the room. He checked my mate’s condition and I was waiting impatiently. He nodded to himself and I was hoping that it was all good news. Doctor Menzan stretched out his hands and I saw him heal my mate. After a few minutes, he broke the white light that travelled from his hands to my mate’s chest and huffed, taking support of the bed. “Your touch did heal him a lot. I’ve wrapped him in a healing band and he will be sleeping for another three days. After three days he will wake up, but now I’m sure that he will be alright. He is just sleeping now, not unconscious.” He informed us and I felt solace pass through me. “That’s good news,” I commented and he nodded. “If you allow me to suggest something, I have something to say,” Doctor Menzan expressed and I nodded, giving him a green signal to go ahead and tell me whatever he wanted to say. “Your touch would be helpful in his case, no matter if he is a human. Others will doubt your presence in here and it will be disturbing his peace. I suggest you take him to your home and let him rest there peacefully. Your stay also brings in a lot of attention to your mate. Your home would be more secure, too.” He expressed it and my mind was boggling with his suggestion. “Nico, what are your thoughts on this?” I asked Nicolas and he hummed, thinking about the suggestion. “I agree with Doctor Menzan. You can’t stay away from your mate and you can’t be there in the hospital all the time. I’ll make arrangements to shift him back to your place, securely and covertly. I’ll set up your guest room.” Nicolas asserted and I nodded. “We’ll do as you both have suggested. Fix him up in my room.” I mandated, and Doctor Menzan nodded with a bow, leaving the room. I took two steps towards the door but paused in between. I turned my face and my eyes fell on my now sleeping mate. “No one will be coming into my house from today. No one.” I told him, pressing on my words and he understood what I meant. “I told you things would change when you’d find your mate,” Nicolas commented, and I let out a deep breath. “I’ll be loyal to him because I respect him. But, the day I find him on the wrong side, believe me, I will kill him with my own hands.” I proclaimed to him and walked away, leaving him to deal with setting my mate in my room. I did regret saying those words, but they were the only truth that I was going to abide with. Please stay alive for me. ----- My stay in the packhouse was restless. I couldn’t concentrate on my work and all the pack duties. I was failing terribly and I couldn’t blame it on anyone but myself and Eliphas. He would keep on forcing me to go and stay close to my mate. He wouldn’t listen to me and whine in my head, making my head hurt. I wanted to strangle him but it was like strangling myself, so I couldn’t even do that. Me - Eliphas, can you behave a little mature? Didn’t you understand my point of view earlier? Or was it all a lie? I asked him on the mind-link and he rolled his eyes at me. Eliphas - I know, I know. But can we at least stay close to him before you want to slice him down? He retorted and I huffed. He was unbelievable and I was in my worst state. Me - Be quiet and we can go back soon. I can’t leave before I finish my work. I declared, trying to coax him down so he'd be quiet and I could just do some work at least. Eliphas - As if you’ve been working like you have been the whole day. It’s been six hours of you doing nothing, so please stop lying and take me back to our mate or I have to seize control! He yelled at me and I flinched. All he said was true. Me - Okay, let’s go back home. I agreed with him and sighed. I wrapped up all my open files while I noted what was pending. While keeping them in, I realised that I should take these back home so I could just stay there until things get settled or eitherways I wasn't going to get any work done. I removed the files I had kept and stacked them on top of the table. Once I took all the files I would need for the next three days, I gathered them up and walked out of the cabin. “Alpha, let me.” I recognised Steven’s voice. I handed him half of the files from the pile and Stefen; Steven’s twin took the other half. “Keep these files outside my door,” I ordered them and they both left. I decided to take a short walk in the pack lands to know if I had anything to work on. I wanted to set up the school for the kids and clean out their training grounds but it was proving quite difficult with the amounts of tasks I had to carry out. I would take time and get that work done so they could have a better place to study. For a pack to run smoothly, education and training, both were equally necesaary. All along the way, the pack members greeted me and I greeted them back. They all loved me but also feared me a little. My position and aura would make the other ranks bend down to me. There was the baby care centre, which I avoided going close to because my power could shake them. I turned around from there and made my way back home. My short walk made me happy and made me realise what my life consisted of and why it was important for me to not be selfish and support my mate blindly. I knew worrying wouldn’t bring anything, but the situation right now was like a fishbone that was stuck in my throat and which wouldn’t go up or down. I wanted the three days to just get over soon and my mate would wake up perfectly healthy so I could ask him everything and anything there was to know about him. At least in that way, I would be able to sort out my inner battle. I despised my current situation. I couldn’t believe my life had turned around just so much. Where I used to lead a happy life and come home, have s-e-x, fall asleep, and here I was, only worrying about my mate and the pack’s benefits. Oh, the turnover. All because of one person. My mate. When people used to say that when your mate arrives, your world spins upside down. I didn't think it had a literal meaning behind it. In any case, I wasn’t enjoying this. I huffed as I reached my house. I glanced at the files on the door and also the house. I gathered up the files and kept them in the living room. I didn't have to confirm with Nicolas about my mate's transfer because I could smell him. As I walked up to my room, I could hear the monitor’s loud and constant beeps, indicating my mate's beating heart. Welcome, room... mate.
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