Chapter Seven

2735 Words
IÑIGO’S POV ----- I stepped into my room, which now looked foreign to me. Some monitors and machines took up quite some stretch in my spacious bedroom, making it look more miniature. Not that it was making me feel uncomfortable, but it felt a lot different and filled with a scent. The most distinct thing was a man sleeping on my bed who was supposedly my mate. I had tons of people in my house, had pleasure with them, punished them with pleasure, but never had any person step into my blue-white-green-themed bedroom. My bedroom was my personal space. Only Nicolas, Diego and sometimes Sofia were allowed to enter except me. I didn’t like people witnessing things without my clearance. I would only show it to the ones I wanted to, so the rest of them should be kept away. I had clear boundaries between people and their limits. That was the whole reason that I got my house built the moment I was crowned as the Alpha when I was eighteen. Now, eight years into this, I was quite flexible with my Alpha duties and leading a private lifestyle. Now that I had found a mate, I didn’t know what all I had to change or sacrifice. Because of my loyalty, I had to sacrifice my lifestyle. In any case, I would have to keep everything on hold because my mate had appeared. I also can't take very decisive steps because it would harm Eliphas. I didn’t go close to him but went directly to the bathroom. Only the warm shower was a way to escape my thoughts, but even there I couldn’t help but be confined by green eyes, that I had a chance to witness only once until now. Those mesmerizing green eyes were hollering for me and, just like a forest, they were dense and serene. I wanted to get lost in them and never come out. But I only had one glimpse of those eyes and I had to endure another three days to rewatch them. After a failed attempt to take an escaping shower, I came out wrapped in a towel. I wiped my thick and soft black hair while watching my mate peacefully lay on my bed. The constant beeping of the monitor was more of a consolation than a nuisance. It kept me notified that my mate was breathing and was alive. It, in a way, helped me wrap my head around the fact that I had found my mate. I got dressed in my pyjamas and inched closer to the bed. I took a seat next to the sleeping body and slowly laid down under the covers. I turned towards my mate, resting my head on my elbow. I glanced at my mate’s face, studying his features. His eyelashes were the first thing I noticed because they were long and made him look so beautiful. His skin was so fair and soft that it was like he bathed in milk. His lips were plump and pink. He even had pretty cheekbones that made his face accentuate. I traced my finger close to his face but didn’t touch him. His external beauty was incomparable. My heart was racing just at the sight of it. I couldn’t believe there was something so exceptional, even breathing on planet Earth. He mesmerized me to no extent. The more I watched him, the more I felt drawn to him, but I couldn't stop myself from doing so. It was like he was a trance and I was inside it, not finding any escape. The Moon Goddess had made him with too much patience. I now waited for him to wake up so I would know where his allies lay. I wanted to accept him so badly and touch him as desire surged through me, just by looking at him. I let out a shaky breath before falling back on the pillow and my eyes to the ceiling. “It’s too tough, to not want you and to not want to have you,” I commented and then turned my face to look at his peacefully blank face. Eliphas - I can’t believe the Moon Goddess has blessed us with him. Eliphas expressed on the mind-link. I couldn’t deny his words so I just smiled. Me - I just hope he is a blessing and not a curse. We wouldn’t be able to have him if that was the case. I replied to him and he seemed to become silent after that. No matter how much he was trying to push away the reality, I was bringing it back to him. One of us had to think practically or we would have a hard time accepting the truth. At least from the two of us, I had only now come to terms with the truth that I now had a mate, unlike Eliphas, who had accepted him from the first moment we laid eyes on him. “Good night… mate.” I greeted him and just shut my eyes. As much as I tried to sleep, I couldn’t. Despite all the tiredness I was feeling, I couldn’t sleep. I huffed and opened my eyes. I knew the reason that was making me so restless. It was this peacefully sleeping man. I extended one hand and held his hand. I instantly felt relaxed and… warm. It was a long time since I had actually felt myself feel the warmth from someone. I smiled a bit and then closed my eyes, and fell asleep like a light being turned off. ----- A shrewd alarm interrupted my sleep. When I first opened my eyes today, I felt like staying in bed more. I usually woke up before the alarm rang, so I had forgotten how annoying it was to wake up to it. I turned to my side and saw my mate’s peaceful face and I wanted to stay with him. This pull made me not want to flee away from him. It might be because I had newly found him and there was a lingering effect on my head. I pulled my hand away and felt cold. I covered him up with a comforter so he wouldn’t feel much cold. Not thinking much about anything else, I first proceeded to exercise and then took a warm shower. The cold in January hadn’t decreased. Since I was a werewolf, I felt like the temperature was only a bit chilly, but a normal human would feel very cold, which made me glad that I covered my human mate well. It hasn't been icy since the past week but I could tell snow would fall in a week or so. The climate had a snowy feel to it but I was waiting for it to fall. It was one of my favourite things to watch and now, with my mate next to me, I was even more excited. I jerked my head from all those thoughts and regained myself. I went downstairs because I was sensing a few known scents. As I entered the living room, I saw everyone I had guessed. Nicolas, Sofia and Diego were in the living room. While Diego was watching some series on Netflix, Nicolas was putting the groceries in the refrigerator and Sofia seemed to be heating something in the oven. “Good morning, Kieran.” Sofia greeted me with a warm smile. Since Sofia had grown up with us, I could accept her calling me by my name while it was only us. Sometimes, she even rebukes me and I have to listen to her at that time. She was a bit fearless and her anger scared me at times. “Morning, Sofia. I wonder if I were to throw a party in the morning that I had forgotten about because my house is just so crowded.” I commented and she laughed, shaking her head. “Can you be a little serious?” She asked as she removed a bowl from the pinging oven. “I don’t see a smile on my face, Sofia,” I answered, blankly, and she huffed. “I can’t deal with you right in the morning. You talk to him, Nico.” She contended and took the bowl with her to the living room. “Sofia insists that since you now have a mate and he is a man, too, she should be coming here to cook every day, at least until we find a proper solution. So, we stocked up the refrigerator. And you know, Dio has always been eating what she cooks, so he will also be eating here. But he now has a mate, so…” Before he could finish, the door opened and Gabriella entered. “I brought fruit and other things.” She announced as she came in and Sofia called her into the living room. “Great, just great! Why am I giving you a monthly salary so you could loot my house?” I asked him, narrowing my eyes at him. “I understand, but you know Sof insists. I really can’t say no to her.” He defended him and I huffed. Because he knew her wrath even made me quiet sometimes. “What Beta do I even have!” I exclaimed and walked into the kitchen, picking out a bottle from the fridge and gulping it down. “Why are you so red, Alpha? You stress too much.” It was Diego who passed that comment, looking like he was enjoying his time. “Did you discuss the patrol issues? I asked you to give me a detailed report on the patrol issue. And here you are enjoying pasta.” I taunted him and he made a pouty face. “Sofia, this Alpha is eyeing my pasta and won’t let me eat.” He whined and she glared at me. “What? You can’t boss me around in my house!” I spat at her and she folded her hands. Nicolas, next to me, elbowed me and I glared at him. “This is not how you treat people in your house.” She warned me and I huffed. Diego wriggled his eyes at me and then went back to the living room. “I’m going to have to succumb to your decision to cook, isn’t it?” I asked her without wasting my time because I knew that even if we argued for the whole day, I would just have to agree to her cooking here. “If you were that smart, why did you even throw a tantrum?” She asked, with a proud smirk on her face. “You should’ve been my Beta. You are way scarier than Nico.” I commented, walking to the living room and sitting on the sofa. I pulled the bowl from Diego’s hand and he was surprised. “This is my bowl. I will eat this.” I declared and took a bite of the tangy pasta. Diego whined and I smirked. “I didn’t know the big bad scary trio was so childish in real life,” Gabriella commented, and I only gave her one look to shut her up. “Oh, that is nothing. There is a lot more to come. I am mothering three kids, that is how I feel about these three.” Sofia remarked, but we three didn’t miss the sadness in her tone. “Sof, this is not fair. I’m your mate.” Nicolas whined and arrived into the living room, pecking Sofia on her lips. “Either it’s you all or the PDA. I won’t bear both of those in my house,” I warned them. “What ‘my house’ are you playing at? Do you even know who is the one who keeps this house as a house and not some trash can that you guys make?!” Sofia yelled at me and I gasped. “We both know I’m a neat freak and would never dirty the place!” I defended myself and she smirked. “There, he said it. Give me my money.” Sofia said, extending her hands to Nicolas and Diego. “What is going on?” I asked them and they looked away. I glanced at Gabriella and she gulped down. I knew she would tell me. “They had a bet on you. Sofia said you would accept that you are a ‘neat freak’ and they said you wouldn’t.” She explained and they both handed $100 each to Sofia, who seemed very happy. “I’ll come back and cook. Gabby, let’s go and party with this money. Come on.” She declared and left with Gabriella. The three of us sighed. “Sofia is very…” I trailed off, not being able to find a word. “Scary?” Nicolas filled in and I cleared my throat, not wanting to admit that I did agree with him. “No. Adamant. Ask her not to dirty the place while doing everything.” I warned him and he gave me a blank face. “Do you desire another lecture where she’ll tell you how she takes care of two houses?” Nicolas asked and I huffed in response. This was going nowhere. “Well, what about the patrol scenario? Did you discover any other bodies?” I asked them, gaining seriousness now. With fun, we also had important things to discuss. “No, we didn’t find anybody. Since the patrol is now doubled, there is no way to sneak in.” Diego answered and I nodded. “I looked around for any clues but couldn’t discover anything. But I had a thought that whoever these people are, they didn’t know the forest belongs to the pack land. They must’ve reached here randomly and, you know, disposed of the bodies and fled.” Nicolas explained and I agreed with him. “So, in any case, they are not werewolves or rogue wolves. This is completely a work of other species than ours. At this moment, we can only keep this on hold until we locate another body or a living being.” I recited and they agreed. “But that doesn’t mean we pull back from our security. We have to keep an eye out and be prepared for everything.” I advised them and they agreed. “I will work on it. I’ll keep track and let you know about it.” Diego declared, and I nodded. He had the patrol duty and he handled it well, but with those bodies appearing, he was very distressed even if he didn’t display them to his face. “I know you will, Dio. Don’t stress too much over it. Nico and I will handle it if things go wrong.” I reassured him. He nodded with a small smile. He was still young and new to all this. “Nico, I want you to get the peace treaty papers ready. You know the renewal is this year, right?” I reminded him and he nodded. “Yes, I was already adding up a new clause. You need to verify the clause before I put them in. In the past year, a lot has changed, so I’ve kept track of things that we have to add this year.” Nicolas explained and I nodded. I was blessed with such good Beta and Gamma. They were a nuisance at times, but when it was work, no one was better than them. I may not convey it to them all the time, about how grateful I was to have them, but I was. “Send me a copy and I’ll review it. You need to change the names of the new Alphas that have taken over. Remember that, too.” I reminded him and he nodded. “I’ll get a list of it.” He responded and I hummed. “I already have the files that I have to review so I won’t be in my cabin. If you have any issues, find me here.” I worded it to them and they nodded. “Now, if you let me,” Diego muttered, pulling the bowl of pasta from my hands and digging into it. “Just get lost after you’ve done eating and washing it,” I warned him and left him with his food.
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